"I didn't expect my position in your heart to be so bad, my heart... my heart hurts!" Tina said, hanging down her slightly developed chest.

Carlos suddenly smiled, "There must be a problem with you being so calm, do you know something that I don't know?"

"Is there?" Tina blinked and looked cute.

"Look at your virtue, I know it must be there. Tell me quickly!"

"Since you want to know so... well... then I'll tell you......bye..." Carlos, who was waiting seriously, turned and ran after Tina said.

In the desert of The Underworld, a young boy shouted, "You nasty double ponytail!! You dare to fool me!!"

And as Tina and the Crusaders crossed the desert of The Underworld, a major event was happening in the capital of Isis.

At this time, the palace of Isis has lived up to the magnificence and beauty of the past. Broken ornaments and lying corpses are everywhere, and the blood red has become the main color in the palace.

A knight in mythril armor drew a blood-stained spear from an Isis infantryman. He shook the blood from the spear and said coldly, "I didn't expect that so many people were sent to assassinate the queen. Fortunately, the prince sent us to protect the queen, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

There are more than one hundred other knights wearing mithril armor beside him. They all hold a long spear. The blood stains on the long spear and the countless piles of corpses around them can tell that something happened here just now. A fierce battle.

One of the knights ridiculed, "Captain, what are you talking about? This can be considered assassination? Except for the time to choose the night, this quantity, this equipment, is basically here to fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, noisy footsteps sounded outside, and the captain smiled slightly, "I'm coming again just after finishing packing, brothers, let this group of idiots know how we Orteus Gunners fought. !"

boom! ! More than a hundred green vindictiveness erupted in the quiet palace, and the entire palace hall was stained with green.

Claire sat alone on the throne in the back hall of the palace, stroking her mother's urn in her hand, and quietly looked at the door in the distance, "Mother, all the predictions you said have been fulfilled. There is nothing wrong with the Martial Arts Academy..."

The battle in the palace continued, and in a crusade camp outside the palace, Scott was listening to the narrative at hand.

"You mean the gun knight of Orteus is protecting the queen?" Scott put down his teacup and said.

"Yes, Young Master, the coup prince is mobilizing more troops to send to the palace." A guard replied respectfully.

Scott lightly tapped the desktop with his fingers, "Carlos, you are really willing to pay for it. You have left more than a hundred gun knights. After this, the Holy Capital and Isis may have diplomatic exchanges. It's easy..."

"Since you want to fatten up this sheep, I can help you add some feed." A trace of murder flashed in Scott's eyes. "Go tell the potential practitioners, take the prince's head off, and Give the queen a gift and sign it in my king’s name."

The guard was taken aback, but immediately understood, "Subordinates will do it right away."

Scott looked westward, "I'm sorry, Carlos, you can't take advantage of this bargain. I want to get a share."

Half an hour later, in the back hall of the palace, the door that Claire was looking at was opened, and a few people shrouded in black cloaks walked in. They walked to Claire and said, "Your Majesty, We are the subordinates of the second prince of the Costa Río Empire. Today we are giving you a gift for the second prince." The man passed a big box in his hand to Cleia after speaking.

Claire glanced at the big box in her hand, and was about to say something, but found that the back room was empty.

Claire slowly opened the box and took a look, then she closed her eyes and closed the big box aside, and continued to stroke the urn, "Mother, the crisis of Isis has passed, but your daughter owes two each. The favor of a future king..."

The news that Prince Isis rebelled and launched a coup, was finally suppressed and executed, and Tina and Carlos also received a letter of thanks from Crea.

Tina was very happy to be able to solve such a big event, but she found that Carlos's face was sad.

"Carlos, what's wrong with you? There seems to be something on my mind."

"No...nothing." Carlos immediately slid the letter from Cleja to him in his pocket. In fact, the letter was not written by Cleja to him at all. It was a letter from the Captain of the Gunner. They are now more than one hundred. People are being controlled by the Templars, and this time the person leading this Templar army is the guardian knight attending Georgia...Falcate.

"Aren't the letters all the same? It's weird to use it so nervously." Tina looked at Carlos strangely, then turned her head to continue reading the letter.

Carlos sighed and clenched his fists. "The temple really participated in this coup, but fortunately it acted in a timely manner, otherwise it would be...but...Georgia...what are you doing here again..."

Tina and the expeditionary army walked in the desert for two full months before they saw an endless oasis.

But everyone didn't have any joy, because what awaited them in the oasis was a fierce battle.

The Arathi Basin is a very large basin. The outer plateau of the basin also has vast forests and habitable plains. The center of the basin is the tribe of the Orc Chieftain, which is also the main target of this expedition.

The arrival of the Crusaders was obviously unexpected by the half-orcs. The 200,000 army walked on the plains outside the Arathi Basin for two days without encountering any half-orcs.

It was not until the third day that the scout in front of the investigation reported that the tribe of half-orcs had been found.

The intellect of the half-orcs is not high, so the construction level is correspondingly low. The so-called houses are just some houses piled up like a cave with stones, even the place where they live is so bad, let alone the walls, towers, etc. Yes, those are not there at all.

William immediately led the troops to surround the tribe, and absolutely could not let any half-orcs leave, otherwise the whereabouts of the entire troop would be exposed.

Two hundred thousand crusaders surrounded the entire tribe inside and out. When the half-orcs found out, the roaring crusaders had already launched a charge, and suddenly wailing and screaming sounded everywhere.

The battle lasted only half an hour before it was over, and Tina, who was at the back of the troop, soon came to this tribe.

She was walking in a tribe full of blood. The Crusaders were cleaning up the corpses of half-orcs. Tina was surprised to find that this tribe was full of female half-orcs and some little half-orcs.

The female half-orcs also have long pointed fangs and are strong. The only way to distinguish between men and women is the extra meat on the chest.

"General William, why are there all female orcs and little orcs here?" Tina was wondering if there were no orcs infantry.

William touched the beard on his chin, "Yeah...I'm also very surprised. It is reasonable to say that every tribe of half-orcs should have some warriors for defense."

Tina glanced at the dead little orc corpses piled higher than her, just wanted to say something and swallowed it, she was not a very pedantic person, since the orcs can kill humans in human cities without leaving a living. , Then why can't human beings do the same thing to them?

And let these little orcs grow up, maybe more human compatriots will die in their hands in the future.

"This is war..." Tina sighed, turned and left.

In the battle to attack this tribe, the Crusaders basically did not lose, so William did not stop, he wanted to use the current strong morale to increase the speed of advancement.

But things are not as good as he thought. The more you go to the center of the Arathi Basin, the denser the tribes on the road. Although the tribes are full of female orcs and little orcs, and the battle is a unilateral slaughter, William frowned. Is getting higher and higher.

Because if it's not that half-orcs naturally like to choose the location of the tribe this way, then someone deliberately chooses the location of the tribe to be such a way to guard against the army's sneak attack.

William's worries finally became a reality. The scout's report gave him an unusual headache. There were three tribes in front of them. They were not far from each other. It was difficult to surround them with a large army. If you randomly attack one, the other two tribes will know the whereabouts of the Crusaders.

In the end, the result of everyone's deliberation was to bypass the tribes. For this reason, the Crusaders wasted four days to detour, but the detour caused problems.

Four days later, the expeditionary army discovered that another tribe stood in front of them, but this time they did not attack directly, because this tribe not only has a large number of half-orcs infantry, but also high wooden walls.

The Crusaders set up a camp in the distance of the tribe, and the combat meeting was held again. In order to grab the merits of the war, William did not call Tina to participate.

"You mean the Crusaders are going to attack the city tomorrow? Why don't I know." Tina looked at Carlos suspiciously.

Carlos looked helpless, "Because that General William didn't want you to know, will you tomorrow..."

Before Carlos finished speaking, Tina interrupted, "Don't! I'm not going to help, let William go to the trouble."

"But tomorrow the Crusaders will die many people?" Carlos said sadly.

Tina looked disgusted, "Don’t use the truth to touch me, we’re not stupid. There are trees all around here, and the siege equipment is absolutely sufficient. Moreover, the Crusaders are only 200,000, and they have to attack the warchief’s tribe, William That guy will definitely return if he can't do it, and he won't die a lot of people."

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