"Theoretically speaking, my body is still a corpse, but because I have my soul in it, I can move around freely. At the beginning, I asked you to go to the city occupied by half-orcs to get this necklace for the convenience of me now."

After saying that, Ruiwen yawned and left a sentence "It's okay, don't bother me." It turned into a light and flew into the necklace.

"I'll go! Emotional daddy has been tossing on the west road for so long because of your old age!" Tina thought bitterly.

Tina sighed and took out the teleportation scroll that Angie had given, "I'd better go back and see my big baby Eunika and little Milina! Hee hee~~~"

Tina tore the teleportation scroll gently, and the white light gradually surrounded her, "Hehe, it's really cool to use the teleportation scroll for the first time, Eunika! Milina! I'll come too~~~"

Huh~~ A certain pair of pony tails turned into a white light and flew to the east with happiness.

At this time, the port city of Gremany............

An Ji took out the teleportation scroll after finishing the work of the mercenary group, "I'm going there next, I'm a bit busy with the recent work." A white light enveloped her.

After a while, Angie raised his head to look at the office, lowered his head to look at the torn transmission scroll, then raised his head to look at the office, and lowered his head to look at the scroll...

Suddenly there was a double ponytail holding her thigh and crying to her mother.

The face of Qing Guo Qingcheng in the silk hat unconsciously twitched, "It's...bad...take it...take it wrong..."

On the other side, a happy double ponytail also arrived at the destination.

"Yunika! Milina! I'm back! Come here to meet..." Tina's smile suddenly solidified.

The grass is so green, the big trees are so strong, the small animals are playing in the woods, and the birds are singing on the branches.

Five minutes later, Tina still maintained the expression she had just now, standing in the woods dumbfounded, except for a crow in the sky that kept shouting, "Fool~Fool~~"

Tina jumped up with her head in her arms, and said a special word for people with amnesia, "Huh!!! Why am I here!! Who am I!? Where is this! There is something wrong with me!!!"

She looked at the teleportation scroll in her hand bitterly, "What kind of teleportation scroll is this, it stopped halfway, and daddy wants to return it!!!"

Tired of shouting, Tina looked around and found that this should be an ordinary forest, she can't always stand here, right? So Tina started wandering around in the forest.

Two hours later, a certain double ponytail, who was usually taken care of and led by others, found that he was gorgeously lost...

For the next more than a week, Tina lived a life like a savage in this forest. If she hadn't summoned Tahiniya and Xiaobai to chat when she was boring, she would have guessed that she would be crazy.

After a few more days, Tina found black smoke coming out in the distance. After praying for countless times not to be strange things like wildfires, Tina finally saw the place where the black smoke came out. The chimney mouth of the village houses.

How excited Tina was at this time. She shook hands with every villager who walked by her side. She was still muttering such things as, finally found the organization, comrades have worked hard, is there a devil, and so on that made the villagers do not understand.

Of course, in order not to be recognized, Tina also put on the crusade's equipment, ate a full meal in the small restaurant in the village, and took a comfortable bath, Tina began to inquire about the news.

He patted the waiter on the shoulder, "I would like to ask how I can get here to go to Sgt. Tendinburgh."

Everyone in the restaurant stopped their movements and looked at Tina.

The waiter was the first to react, "I said Mr. Cavaliers, is it going to go to the west to see your dress?"

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm going to expedition to the west!!"

The waiter had a weird face, "Actually... we are the border of Orteus..."

"Damn! This teleportation scroll is so powerful that it sent me from the far west to the far east!!" Tina twitched her mouth, "It turns out to be the border of the sacred capital. Actually, I am a bit road-blind. Where can I go to reach Sergeant Stantinople the fastest?"

"The Western Expedition is almost over, you are still wandering here, where is this just road blind!!" The waiter calmly wiped the cold sweat from his head, suddenly he seemed to think of something, and his face was moved. Smile.

"Mr. Cavalier, it depends on where you are going. This is the northwest corner of Orteus. The west and south of this village are surrounded by Magical Beasts forest. If you want to take the road, you must make a big circle. but…………"

The waiter coughed twice and glanced at the other people in the restaurant, "But there is a shortcut, that is, let a person familiar with the terrain take you directly through the Magical Beasts forest to your destination."

Tina frowned. "But this kind of person is hard to find..."

The waiter patted Tina on the shoulder, "In fact, there is a person familiar with the nearby terrain in our village who can set off with you."

"Oh? So good?" Tina looked at the waiter with a cold sweat on her head, "Hey! What is the expression of excitement in your eyes and the expression that I have been waiting for you for a long time? What's going on!!!"

The waiter secretly wiped the tears from his eyes, and then grasped Tina's little hand, "You will stay here for a few days, and I will contact him for you. Please be sure to take him away, thank you!!!"

Tina nodded awkwardly. The waiter was very efficient. Early the next morning, he brought a teenager over.

This boy was about eighteen years old, with short blue hair, british eyebrows, tiger eyes, and a long piece of... Well, Tina commented that it belonged to the face of a hero.

"Master Knight, I will introduce you. This is what I call the guide, and his name is Pierce."

Pierce interrupted the waiter, "Don't talk nonsense, what leads the way, I am a brave man, I am a brave man who will defeat the devil in the future, I must use a honorific title!"

The waiter immediately turned his face and said, "Shut up! What kind of brave you are, you will make trouble. Our village is almost destroyed by you, the devil. As the village chief, I now order you to take this knight to Sergeant Tendinburg. ."

Tina twitched her lips, "You are the village head? The village head of this village actually works as a waiter in a restaurant?"

The waiter looked sad, "The waiter in the restaurant suffered minor injuries due to a minor accident, so I had to replace him temporarily..." At this point, the village head turned his face and glared at Pierce. At a glance.

"This guide... is there really no problem?" Tina asked with a dry smile.

"You can rest assured that Pierce was born to a couple in our village. I grew up watching him. Later that couple was killed by Magical Beasts while collecting medicine in the Magical Beasts forest, so I started to take care of him. Now," the village chief said with a sigh.

"Although he was a little weird when he was a child, it was normal, but since he was 8 years old, he was a bit too much. Every day he shouted that he was a brave man and wanted to kill the demon king. There were strange things like the protagonist's halo and brought them back to the village. A lot of trouble has come."

The village chief’s words surprised Tina. She was 8 years old, and the time she got her detection ability and attribute column was also when she was 8 years old.

Probe! ! Pierce, professional brave, level 1.

Brave? Is there such a powerful profession? Tina touched her chin and thought, "If this young man is really a traverser, maybe he might become a big helper for Own in the future. If he is not a traverser, he can also be used as a guide."

Tina nodded, "I'm willing to take this guide named Pierce, let's go officially tomorrow morning!"

After a long time, every time Tina recalled this incident, she would always shout, "Is there anyone who can teach me, who was obsessed with ghosts!!!"

Early the next morning, Tina and Pierce set off, and the villagers spontaneously organized a farewell team. They stood at the entrance of the village and waved and wiped their tears.

But Tina feels how they look at it, why are their expressions so detached from the Sea of ​​Bitterness style, and why do you have to bring forks, sticks and so on when you come to send them?

The village chief looked at Tina with a puzzled face and Pierce, who was forced away with cold sweat on her head, and said lightly, "Finally, this bastard kid is sent away. The village can be peaceful for a few days..." His eyes Tears of excitement flowed out slowly.

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