The God Of All Gods: Choose Azure Dragon For The Start

Chapter 290 Everyone is all grown up!

Snap~~ The Grand Duke weakly sat on the chair. It's over. This time is really over. The Toucan cavalry is definitely not something that these miscellaneous troops can deal with. Just last night the army of thousands of people at the gate of the city was killed by 41 soldiers. The toucan without a knight on the butt rushes away, and you know how big the gap is.

Romeo's eyes flashed with killing intent, "Father, why don't we tell Dean about the toucan cavalry, so that we can use other countries to attack Falls County."

The Grand Duke widened his eyes and looked at Romeo, "Son, don't lose your eyes by hatred. If other countries unite to break down Falls County, then the next thing they want to do may be to divide Gremani."

In order to prevent his own country from being divided, the Grand Duke had to implement the second set of plans. He issued a statement to the whole country, saying that Lilim was only accepting the invitation of Dean, Lord of Falls County, to be a guest, and there was absolutely no other improper reason.

And Falls County immediately stated that the matter said by the Grand Duke was indeed true and reliable.

Toucan's feet were fast, and Dean returned to Falls County after more than a week.

He was also very surprised when he saw Tina, "Tina, why are you here?"

"Little Sister got lost in the Magical Beasts forest. I met her when I was looking for Toucan Eggs, and I brought her back." Barto spoke out about Tina unscrupulously.

"Well, you a muscular man! Didn't you say you didn't tell Big Brother? Also, don't call me Little Sister, I'm not young anymore!!" Tina jumped.

But before she jumped a few times, she fell into a warm embrace, Dean quietly hugged Tina, "Just come back, this will be your home in the future, don't go to work in the Holy See, and don't help Angie Miss. If you have any tasks, let Big Brother protect you."

Tina's heart was warm, but it might be impossible for her to stay by the Big Brother, because there are still many people waiting for her in Sgt.

Tina broke free of Dean's embrace, "That won't work, I'm not your wife, I can't keep you up forever. Lilim will be jealous of hearing those words you just heard."

Lilim behind Dean heard Tina say such a thing, and immediately got a red glow on her face. To hide her embarrassment, she ran up to Tina and said, "Tina, there are so many people here, so you don’t want to talk a lot. Sentence."

When Lilim walked to Tina, she realized that she was more than half of her head taller than Tina, "Tina, why are you not growing up at all? And I looked at it, and you seem to be exactly the same as three years ago. no change."

Lilim, the former girl, has grown into a beautiful girl in the past few years, and Tina has not changed at all because of the power of the soul gem.

Dean naturally knew the reason, but Lilim obviously didn't know about the soul gem.

Tina twitched the corners of her mouth, "It hasn't changed much, it's always so young and cute!" In order to cover up, she put her index fingers on both sides of her face to make a cute gesture.

"Hasn't it changed at all?" Lilim frowned, her aqua-blue eyes scanning Tina back and forth.

She said in surprise, "Although your face has not changed, your body has grown a lot!"

Tina's cute movements stopped, and her body staggered and almost fell, "Lilim... I... don't seem to be so exaggerated..."

"Little Sister, you are indeed a little older than when Dean and I just married our brother before." Honest Barto said boldly.

Tina felt like an arrow in own knee.

Even Dean, who has always been very serious, touched his chin and said, "Tina has always been a small body, but I haven't seen each other in the past few years. I also found that she has grown up a lot."

Tina felt that Own Chrysanthemum was shot again, and a certain double ponytail finally went crazy, "Hey!! It was a warm reunion just now!! What is going on with this strange unfolding! Soul pale!!"

Tina had dinner with Dean and the others that night. During the meal, in order to make the atmosphere warmer, she also summoned Xiaobai and Tahiniya, but Tina soon regretted it.

"Xiaobai!! That's my drumstick!!"

"Hmm~~ My uncle saw that you haven't eaten, so he decided to sacrifice himself and help you get rid of it!"

"I'm going! You really eat it! You stinky dog, spit it out to me."

"You dare to call the future King of Magical Beasts a stinky dog, don't you want to live? Ouch! I was wrong! Don't squeeze your mouth, how disgusting the chicken thigh comes out!"

Tina and Xiao Bai were arguing beside each other, while Tahiniya yelled for cheer while eating chicken legs.

Dean can only shake their heads, "These three guys are so lively everywhere."

After dinner, everyone went to bed, and Dean returned to the own room. He began to review the incidents of Falls County during his absence at the desk.

In fact, Falls County is not in chaos now. The goblin countries in the north have become a subject country of Falls. A large amount of cheap goblin labor can save Falls a lot of money. What Dean needs now is just enough money. The shocking army of the entire continent, what such an army needs most is equipment.

The forging technology of the goblins is very poor, and the Fowles are only good at fighting. It is a big challenge for Dean to cultivate an own team of blacksmiths.

咚咚咚~ Dean's door was knocked, "Who will come to find me so late?" Dean walked over and opened the door, and found that Lilim was standing in front of his room.

But when he took a closer look, he was surprised to find that Lilim was wearing a nightdress that was transparent enough to see everything inside tonight.

Lilim looked at Dean's surprised look. She blushed and said, "Di...sir Dean... won't you invite me in?"

Dean was relieved at this time, "I'm sorry, please come in."

Lilim walked to the window and took a deep breath, as if she had gathered a lot of courage and said, "Master Dean, we have known each other for four years. Tonight...I will give myself to you..." Lily Mu said here that he slowly took off the pajamas.

With long golden hair, aqua-blue eyes, and a bumpy figure so charming in the moonlight, Dean had already watched.

Although everything in front of him is Dean's dream, as long as he stretches out his hand, he can get everything, but he has been very rigorous. He obviously hasn't gotten to that level. He shook his head and walked to Lilim's side. The coat was taken off and put on Lilim.

Lilim said in surprise, "Master Dean, don't you like Lilim!!"

Dean shook his head and stopped Lilim in his arms, and said softly, "On the contrary, Lilim, I love you very much, love you more than anyone else, so I don’t want to get you out of nowhere, you need A status as a nobleman."

Dean looked at Lilim seriously, "I want everyone on the mainland to know, you! Lilim...Gremani, is the wife of the great hero Dean, I want all women to envy you, I Let those who are going to marry you to an unknown person know that they were wrong, so... Lilim, would you like to wait until then?"

Lilim's face was already full of tears of happiness, she threw herself into Dean's arms and said with a cry, "Master Dean, I do, I do."

The two of them hugged each other and did nothing, but since the day Dean brought Lilim, everyone in Falls County has respected Lilim as the lord's wife.

Tina is leaving the next day. She is going to Sergeant Tendinburg to visit Yunika and the others, and the Imperial Capital is still waiting for her to report back. Can't a bishop disappear for so long, right?

As for a certain brave man with second-degree illness, Tina gave it to Dean. She just left a sentence with a wretched smile, "The guy with second-degree illness will leave it to Big Brother for your, Tweaked, wow hahaha~~"

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