After finally getting Tahiniya to be full without having to spend her own money, how could Tina call a stop, so she decided to change the subject, "By the way, is the Guardian Knights so powerful?"

Carlos moved his eyes away from Tahiniyana, who never stopped eating. "That is very powerful. The strength of the Guardian Knight Commander Lufina is unfathomable. It is said that her strength has reached the Juggernaut. However, no one has ever seen her actually use her hands. Not to mention her, the eight guardian knights under her are all at the level of great swordsmen, and they also have the blessing of the goddess............ Stigmata. "

"Stigmata? What is that?" Although Tina had heard about stigmata when she met Lisana, the King of Magical Beasts, in the Magical Beasts forest last time, she still didn't understand the role of stigmata.

"In order to protect the people who believe in her, the Goddess of Order selected the eight strongest among them and left a mark on the back of their hands. That is the power of God, the power of Sacred that does not exist in this world, although the Holy The temple has always preached to me like this, but I think this is basically a force used to kill." Carlos seems to be very unfriendly to the Guardian Knights.

Tina next to him felt that it was probably Georgia's entry into the Guardian Knights that caused Carlos's emotions. "That means the stigmata is a kind of power? Is there anything special?"

Carlos thought for a while, "For example, one of the stigmata is the guardian knight of "Tracking". If you are touched by him on any part of your body, he can accurately sense your position within five kilometers. There is a guardian knight named "Clean," that you also know, is Elsa who has lived with us at the Mowu Academy for a period of time."

"Elsa!!" Tina immediately thought of the quiet girl with short blue hair holding a book every day.

"Yes, her ability is pure. When she activates her ability, everyone within a hundred meters of her can be speechless. The magician can't chant a spell if she can't speak. That's a waste. This ability makes her a terrifying wizard killer, and a guardian knight named "Sky", who can release a sword-invisible Sword Qi with a wave of her hand, killing people invisible."

Tina was stunned and heard people talk about the sky again. She already knew that someone could use the same empty cut as herself, so the girl who claimed to be a princess in the Magical Beasts forest would mistake her for the person in the temple. But she couldn't figure out why the dragon pattern on her hand could be owned by others?

Carlos continued, "I don't understand why the goddess gave such a powerful power to those guys. It seems that the goddess sometimes loses her eyes."

"No! You are not allowed to slander the Lord Goddess!" Tahiniya's energetic voice interrupted Tina's thinking.

Tahiniya ran over and pointed to Carlos’s nose and said, “The goddess is wise. The dragon patterns on those human beings are just fakes. That is the power that the goddess temporarily lent them to them. The real dragon patterns have been in Tina. Your lord."

"Hello~~ Although I am grateful that you have solved the doubts in my heart, why are you even telling me about my stigmata!"

"Dragon pattern?" Carlos turned his head and stared at Tina, "My friend Tina, do you still have a lot of things to hide from me?"

"Girls' secrets, you, a big man, don't know..." Tina slapped haha.

"That's it!" Carlos had a smile on his face, and he turned his head and said to Tasineya in dragon language, "Are you a dragon?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Tahiniya also replied in dragon language.

"Nothing, do you think Tina has grown up again?"

Tahiniya turned her head and stared at Tina, "Well~ it seems to be a bit bigger."

Tina, who was unbearable beside him, also said in the dragon clan, "Please don't use this language to say such boring things, okay!"

"My friend Tina, with a dragon all day long, and you can speak dragon language yourself, how many things are you hiding from me?" Carlos stared at Tina with his eyes.

Tina didn't dare to look directly at Carlos, so she had to look at the ceiling, "Actually, I still have some secrets, it's better not to tell you, you will know when the time is right."

Now that Tina has said so, Carlos is not good to ask any more, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest after dinner.

Tina didn't send Tahiniya back to the dragon pattern, and the two of them slept together tonight.

"Okay! Sleep!" said very vigorously, then leaned back and fell on the bed and blew bubbles.

Tahiniya seemed to fall asleep easily when she was full. As soon as she lay down, she used her own trick to fall asleep in five seconds.

Tina could only shake her head with a bitter smile, and slowly helped her take off her hat, and then took off her shoes.

Tina dismissed her plan to undress Tahiniya, changed her pajamas and lay down next to Tahiniya, turned her head and looked at the cute face that was close at hand, Tina stretched out her hand to hug Tahiniya. Arms.

The girl’s soft body and constantly emitting body scent kept stimulating Tina’s nerves. Watching Tahiniya’s sleeping face carefully, Tina thought to herself, “This energetic foodie is asleep all day long. It’s still cute when it’s time."

Tina quietly observed Tahiniya's sleeping face, and the more I watched it like this, the more Tina had an urge to kiss Tahiniya.

"Why... why do I want to kiss her? She is a lizard with wings!"

"Calm down! Tina calm down! Don't be fooled by the appearance of this lizard... But it doesn't matter if you kiss..."

"She will be angry when she wakes up soon? No, what did she do when she was angry? It's me who suffers. It won't be great to kiss the two girls..."

Thinking of this, Tina kissed Tahiniya on her mouth, tender and fragrant. This is how Tina feels. Once the kiss is divided, she dare not enjoy it any more.

Leaning her face lightly on Tahinia's forehead, Tina fell asleep with a contented smile.

That night, Tina came to the room full of clocks. This time the ancestor could see clearly, but she looked like Ruiwen.

"Tina, welcome to this room." Ruiwen seemed very happy.

"Now that you have a physical body, you should be able to explain to me about this room? And you didn't mean to give me the right to use this room?" Tina clearly remembered what happened last time.

Ruiwen smiled slightly, "You kid is too greedy. You remember this kind of thing very clearly. Forget it, since I have a body, I don't have to stay here all year round to recover energy."

Ruiwen walked to the gate with the dragon painted, "This is the gate of time. Its function is to let you know what happened before, but this room was destroyed once, so now it can only play the memory segment. That's it."

"It was ruined once? Why didn't I know?"

Riwen smiled and touched Tina's head, "You are ashamed to ask, did you fight the Demon King Andumari when you were in the Demon Martial Academy?"

Tina nodded, "Yes, but I have defeated him."

"You kid is almost died. Fortunately, I used own energy to send a message to Pluto Caroline so that she sent the undead priest Suno to save you, but it took so much energy directly. As a result, this room was almost ruined." Ruiwen frowned and said.

At this time, Tina thought about why the dead priest Suno would appear. It turned out that this cheap ancestor saved herself.

"Then how do you use this room?" Tina asked her own question.

"It's simple, you just have to walk to the door and shout out the name of the person you want to know, so that you can know some of her clips, such as those I showed you the previous few times."

"Whose memory do you want to look at?" Tina suddenly remembered a name that appeared when she was chatting with Carlos today. She walked to the gate of time and shouted, "Guardian Knight Chief Knight Commander...Lufina!"

The gate of time was slowly opened, and the golden light enveloped Tina. The moment Tina disappeared, she did not realize that Ruiwen in the distance was frowning and muttering, "Lufina..."

The golden light dissipated, and Tina found herself standing on the street of the Holy Capital at this time, with snow in the sky, and the whole Holy Capital was stained white.

Tina frowned, "What? It's the guardian knight commander. Why did you run to the main road to see the passerby? That room is really unreliable."

When Tina was defamating, she found two young girls walking by. One of the young girls said, "Luffina Big sis, we bought so many delicious foods today, and the boys at home will be happy. dead."

"Lufina!!" Tina turned her head to look. The girl called Lufina was wearing an inconspicuous skirt. Her long black hair fell down to her waist, and her long bangs covered one of her eyes. , And in the other purple eyes, Tina saw gentle, kind, and murderous eyes.

"This is the chief knight of the Guardian Knights? The murderer? The boss of the executioner? No?" Tina grabbed the back of her head in a daze.

Rufina turned her head and smiled and nodded, "Yes, but Big sis, I also bought other gifts for our lovely Elsa."

Elsa! ! Tina lowered her head and glanced at the girl with short blue hair. She was indeed a bit like Elsa. That means this was at least ten years ago?

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