The rest of the little wizards were also a little uneasy. As the flying lesson approached, more and more little wizards began to talk about taking off and Quidditch.

Among the freshmen, students from wizarding families would talk about how they used their broomsticks to play games during the holidays, and the Muggle-born students could only envy them.

Chapter 0025 Flight! flight!

Finally, Ye Ting's first flying lesson began.

In this flying class, Ravenclaw took Hufflepuff together, and there were about thirty or forty students from the two colleges combined.

The place where the class is held is a flat lawn with a forest at the end of the lawn. In the distance, black trees swayed in the wind.

Before they arrived, about forty brooms were already neatly lined up in the field.

Ye Ting once heard Zhang Qiu complain that these brooms at Hogwarts are so old that they have some problems more or less: some brooms shiver when they fly too high, and some have a biased flight direction. Bad habits left or right.

Soon, their teacher Mrs. Hooch came.

She has short grey hair and yellow eyes like those of an eagle.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Hurry, hurry, hurry up."

In the middle of the team, Ye Ting picked up an old crooked broom with disgust, and the wooden branches on it poked out in a mess.

Hermione stood beside him, holding a broom that was almost bare, looking at it curiously.

"Put your right hand over the broom handle," Mrs. Hooch called from the front, "and said: 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Ye Ting didn't shout, but just recited it in his heart, but the broom was obediently put into his hand.

Silently issuing such a simple command that doesn't even count as a spell is not difficult for him.

But for the little wizards, only a very few can do it.

Hermione Granger's broom just rolled on the ground, and other people's brooms didn't move at all.

All three of his roommates also failed, with Terry Boot entangled with Anthony Goldstein's broom, and Michael Corner's broom slapped the owner's face with a handle.

After a long time of arguing, everyone went to the next step.

Mrs Hooch showed them how to get on a broom without slipping off her head. She walked up and down the line, correcting their grip.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground. Push hard." Mrs. Hooch said, and he also took Neville as a counter-example: his movements were not standard enough, and he kicked the ground too impatiently. After flying, he couldn't control it, flew into the forbidden forest, and broke his wrist.

"Stand on the broom, go up a few feet, then lean forward slightly and drop back down vertically. Listen to my whistle—three—two—one—”

What followed was another mess. Many fell to the ground before they flew half a meter, and Hermione barely steadied her broom, and it took a minute to stay in the air.

Perhaps because Padma Patil was of Indian descent, her broom took her to perform acrobatics in the air, and many little wizards looked up at her with admiration.

But Ye Ting clearly saw that her face was pale, and she was holding on to the broom with both hands - this acrobatics was probably not what she wanted.

Justin Finlay's broom kept spinning around until Justin fell dizzy.

Ye Ting was the best flying among them, and he flew into the air with ease.

How does that feel? The air whizzed through his hair, the robes fluttered behind him, everyone seemed smaller and smaller in his eyes, and Hogwarts gradually seemed to disappear.

He could hear the sounds from the ground - the screams of the girls, the envious shouts of Terry Boot, and as he continued to lift and accelerate, eventually even the sounds seemed to be left behind behind the head.

In fact, his body has been steadily evolving and getting stronger as he keeps working out day in and day out.

Today, his physical fitness, balance and reflexes have long exceeded the limits of a human being, making him more than anyone capable of flying a broomstick and capable of performing many difficult maneuvers.

He just rode his broom through the Hogwarts skies, swooping through bridges, circling the towers several times, and even doing a few rolls as he swooped.

The rapid flight deeply stimulated his nerves, and the adrenaline made his blood boil.

In the past, he had always been calm and calm, and even in his last life, he had never done anything out of the ordinary. But now, this kind of flying has made him discover another side of himself - the desire to stimulate, to challenge the limits, and the feeling of conquering life and death in the intertwining of life and death makes him unable to stop.

"Maybe, I'm not a self-disciplined person by nature."

Thinking of this, he flew more and more boldly.

He thought of the aerobatic performance he had seen at the air show.

Those pilots fly the plane indirectly through the handle and the instrument panel in the cab, but they can complete so many dazzling and exaggerated technical movements. Now he controls the broom with his own hands, and the operability and flexibility are several times more than that of the pilots. He may not do those movements. not.

He rode his broom back over the lawn.

there's plenty of space there

Get him to practice aerobatics - with a show off, of course - and he starts trying.

Chapter 0026 Aerobatics and Accidental Risk

First, he starts by trying the easiest front and back flips, followed by side-to-side rolls.

Although the rapidly changing gravity made his brain a little bloody, he still managed to complete these movements smoothly.

Next comes the more difficult maneuvers, first the bell maneuver, then the half-roll reversal, the hammerhead maneuver, the cobra maneuver... These are the most difficult and most famous maneuvers in aerobatics.

Bumpy and bumpy, Ye Ting completed these thrilling and fancy moves. If the super pilots saw this scene, they would definitely shout "impossible", and then doubt life.

After all, anyone who sees an action that he may not be able to learn after learning for several years will doubt life if he learns it the first time he does it.

Of course, this is not only because of his strong athletic ability and learning ability, but also because of the better handling and flexibility of broomsticks than fighter jets.

Seeing this scene, the little wizards on the lawn let out a scream of admiration. Although they could not see the difficulty of these actions, the gorgeous flight still made them cry out incredulously.

And Mrs. Hooch saw more. She used to be a professional Quidditch player, and she truly recognized Ye Ting's amazing flying ability - a talent far surpassing all Quidditch players she had ever seen.

Finally, Ye Ting's speed slowed down, ending his fancy aerobatics.

It wasn't that he didn't want to continue enjoying flying, but the "crunch" whine of the broom told him that it was already overwhelmed.

Just now, he was equivalent to forcibly spraying the agricultural machine to perform a stunt that can only be performed by a fighter jet. He had no doubt that if he flew like this for a while, the broom would fall apart immediately.

Ye Ting slowly descended amid the praises of his classmates, ready to land just like that.

Suddenly, a familiar scream caught his attention.

"Help! I... can't control it!"

The female voice with a crying voice immediately attracted Ye Ting.

He easily recognized the owner of the voice: Hermione.

Looking at the sound, I saw that in the sky a little farther away, Hermione was holding a broom nervously, flying randomly in the sky, and she was about to fall out of her grasp.

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