But the next moment, he realized that he was wrong.

Ye Ting's turn was just a fake.

His left turn was only halfway through, and then, he turned in the opposite direction contrary to human common sense, forcibly changing direction in a short period of time, and the broom turned from left to right.

But in the face of this action, Roger did not react, or in other words, his reflex nerves and physical abilities did not allow him to react.

So, he was deceived by this fake action, and he could only watch his opponent and himself pass by.

By the time he was able to turn around and chase after him, it was too late.

With ease, Ye Ting threw the ball into the goal again.


Screams immediately resounded throughout the audience.

Everyone felt that their three views were completely subverted by Ye Ting this morning.

Ye Ting, this man, the male god recognized by Hogwarts girls, challenged their common sense again and again.

Everyone's impression of him has changed from a rookie who is not optimistic, to a genius with a speed beyond ordinary people, and then to a player with strong physical fitness, and now he has defeated the Ravenclaw Quidditch team on a technical level. Captain - Roger.

Can a person's talent really be so strong?

But no matter what, whether it was a girl or a boy, whether it was an ordinary audience or a Quidditch player, everyone was cheering for Ye Ting.

They felt that they had witnessed the rise of legends.

These little Ravenclaw wizards are already looking forward to the next Quidditch Cup.

Ravenclaw has not won the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup for several years in a row, and they believe that after the team gets Ye Ting, all this will be changed.

As for Roger, he has already been beaten by Ye Ting to the point where he has no confidence.

Originally, he just wanted to educate the newcomer well, but instead, he was educated by the newcomer in all aspects. He fell behind in terms of speed, physical fitness and technique, which made him have to wonder if he was dreaming now.

He wanted to be woken up by his roommate immediately, but unfortunately, this is the reality.

But Roger is worthy of being the captain of the team. He quickly boosted his confidence and prepared to use his skills to score a point in the next game to save his face.

After all, defense requires more experience than offense.

Obviously, Ye Ting is a complete newcomer in this regard, which gives him an opportunity.

However, although his ideas are good, the reality is cruel.

In the next round, in the face of Roger's attack, Ye Ting was quite mature and sophisticated. He was not in a hurry to intercept Roger head-on, or pursued and intercepted him.

Roger was quite calm as he skillfully broke through his defenses from his dead end. When Roger passed behind him, he quickly turned the broom around a 180-degree turn, and then used his speed advantage to forcibly catch up with Roger from behind. While catching up and overtaking him, he relaxed his arms. Steal the Quaffle into your hands.

Such an operation once again aroused constant applause and cheers at the scene, but this was not as enthusiastic as the last time - it was not that his performance was bad, but that everyone was numb to his extraordinary performance.

Chapter 0035 Harry of Victory and Night Tour

In the fifth game, it was Ye Ting's turn to attack.

This time, he changed another routine.

In the face of Roger's strict defense, he simply didn't even think about breaking through, and pitched the ball from a distance.

Under his powerful arm, the Quaffle was like an arrow from the string, and Roger could only watch the ball fly over his head, draw a beautiful arc, and then enter the goal with precision.

This time, Ye Ting didn't even enter the scoring zone!

Such pitching skills really amaze these little wizards.

The referee announced the score at the right time.


Roger fell sadly to the grass and had to face his failure.

He stepped forward and shook hands with Ye Ting.

"As expected of our Ravenclaw genius, it will be your time in the future."

He left the court dejectedly, leaving a sad back to everyone.

It seems that he will take some time to calm down his mood.

As for Ye Ting, now he has been surrounded by female players and Ravenclaw girls.

Zhang Qiu was the closest to him, she jumped and jumped excitedly hugging him, and couldn't help leaving a soft kiss on his face.

All the Kitty Hawks present believed that the era of Ravenclaw's domination of the Quidditch Cup was coming.

In this way, Ye Ting became Ravenclaw's Chaser - the team originally planned to recruit a Chaser among the third-year students to replace the senior students who left the team, but this spot was given to Ye Ting. .

And after Ye Ting promised to help Zhang Qiu well and train her flying skills, another senior Seeker left the team with confidence and concentrated on reviewing o.w.l...

Zhang Qiu became the official Seeker, which was a year earlier than the original plot.


On the day of Ye Ting and Roger's duel, he defeated Roger with a score of 3-0, and the news of becoming a Chaser for the Ravenclaw team quickly spread throughout Hogwarts.

When hearing the news, most people's first reaction was disbelief.

However, there were not a few Kitty Hawks watching the game during the game. They described the situation at that time with noses and eyes, so others could not believe it.

This time, Ye Ting's fame was not limited to the original image of a genius and handsome guy.

Students are most concerned about their achievements in study, appearance and sports. If a person can do well in one of them, he will be welcomed and loved by his classmates.

But Ye Ting is more than that. He is unrivaled in these three aspects, which makes him the object that most of the students look up to.

His fans were no longer limited to girls, and many boys also expressed their admiration and admiration for him.

Of course, Ye Ting is not Jin Jialong, so he can't make everyone like him.

There are still some boys and some young wizards who believe in pure bloodism who don't like him very much, and most of these people are mainly from Slytherin Academy.

Draco Malfoy is a typical example of these people. He has repeatedly made outrageous remarks in front of others, saying that Ye Ting is just a dirty "mudblood" who can't do anything but pretend.

This time, when I heard that Ye Ting defeated Roger and became the team's Chaser in the first year, Malfoy's jealousy was almost oozing out, even Harry Potter The news of the Seeker didn't make him feel so jealous.

He said that Ye Tingbu must have bribed Roger and deceived everyone in Ravenclaw, and said that this was completely partiality.

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