No one is surprised that the Magic easily qualified, the hardware strength of the two teams is here, and it will be an accident if it is difficult to play the Hornets.

It can only be said that the Wasps were really unlucky and took the lead in the thunder.

The Magic players got together again after the game, because the game between the Bulls and Raptors is about to start, and the winner of these two teams will be their next opponent, so it is natural to take a good look.

"The Bulls are in such good shape, maybe they might as well sweep the Raptors. "

"Sweep or not, our next opponent should be the Bulls. "

"Needless to say, unless the Raptors work a miracle, they will definitely be eliminated, it's just a matter of how many games they play. "

The reason why the Magic players said yes is very simple, the Bulls have a 3-0 lead in the overall score and have already got the match point, and if they win today, the Raptors will be directly out.

Even if the Bulls lose today, the Raptors' hopes of a comeback are extremely slim.

Sure enough, the Bulls had a lot of momentum, and they played a big advantage at the beginning, especially Butler, who was very active, and his consecutive dunks and shots were very eye-catching.

Pau Gasol is also young, and he is very active in basket planning and rebounding, and he can't be seen as a 35-year-old veteran at all.

In the first quarter, the Bulls did a very good job offensively and defensively, playing a five-point lead.

The Magic players were discussing that the Raptors were probably cold again, and as a result, the Raptors immediately slapped their faces in the second quarter.

They launched a crazy counterattack, especially the feel came up, the mid-range shooting was very accurate, and they scored 33 points in a single quarter, reversing the game and overtaking the Bulls by one point, which made the game exciting.

The Bulls naturally wanted to advance to the next round in one go, and the Raptors didn't want to be swept like the Hornets, so the game officially entered the white heat in the third quarter, and the two sides fought very fiercely.

The quarter was a tiebreaker, and the Raptors still maintained a one-point lead heading into the final quarter.

The final quarter can be called tragic, the two sides did not give in to each other, the score alternated and the score went up, although the players were tired, but still fought fiercely.

Han Zhe and the others were a little enthusiastic when they saw it, this is the real playoffs.

With 6 seconds left in the game, 88-90 trailing mid-range shots to tie the score at 90, which completely brought the atmosphere to a climax, and fans on both sides began to cheer for their teams.

The Raptors called a final timeout, and everyone began to talk about whether the game would go into overtime, or who would be the winner.

The results came out quickly, withstood the pressure, and managed to make a successful shot in the last two seconds and score the ball, and the score became 92-90.

The Bulls, despite having two seconds left, didn't pull off a miracle as the long pass was cut off and the game was over.

The Raptors pulled back a game, and the total score of the two teams was 3-1, which left a trace of suspense.

The Magic don't care who wins or loses, in fact, it's more beneficial for them to play two more games, just to wait for work.


The next day, there were four games, with two highlights, one for the Cavaliers vs. Wizards and one for the Warriors vs. Pelicans.

The Cavaliers and Wizards took the lead.

The overall score of the two teams is 3-0 Cavaliers lead, which many people did not expect before the game, after all, the Cavaliers did not perform very well in the regular season, and they did not expect that they would burst out with amazing energy and courage as soon as they entered the playoffs.

There is not much suspense in this game, the Cavaliers have crushed the Wizards from the first quarter, Irving and James have both played very well, it seems that the relationship between the two is not as bad as the outside world speculated, and they already have some tacit understanding.

After the game, many media ridiculed James and Irving if they felt the pressure from the Magic, so they decided to join hands to fight the enemy!

This also makes sense, the Magic's performance this season is too invincible, and it seems that only the Cavaliers can be worthy of a battle in the East, and if the Cavaliers can't unite internally, it will be even more difficult to stop the Magic from moving forward.

Of course, fans on both sides will not accept this statement, and Magic fans think that the Cavaliers are not united and are not their magic opponents anyway.

Cavaliers fans are also full of confidence that they have James and Irving, and they can beat the Magic if they play randomly!

Next up is the Warriors vs. Pelicans.

I thought that the Pelicans might bottom out, but I didn't know that there was still nothing I could do in the face of the Warriors' small ball, 109-98, and the Warriors swept cleanly to advance.

After the end of the day's games, the football world was lively, and many professional commentators jumped out to express their concerns about the NBA scene, and some even scolded the league's money worship policy.

The Magic swept the promotion, the Cavaliers swept the promotion, the Warriors followed by a sweep and the Bulls almost swept the promotion before.

What does this mean, it means that being rich is a big brother, and it also represents that the overall strength of the teams in the league is very differentiated, and it is likely that the stronger the weak team will be in the future, and the polarization will be serious.

Of course, there are also many people who support the status quo, is it wrong for other teams to have money, if a team pulls out all big-name players to look at him, isn't it fragrant, and the team with poor strength doesn't know how to throw money in?

What's more, this is the trend of the times, now it's about star effect, rich is big brother, and the alliance will never let go of the big fat piece of luxury tax.

All in all, natural selection, survival of the fittest. _

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