After the game, Han Zhe and Xibodeau shook hands and said goodbye, Xibodeau patted Han Zhe's arm very graciously and said: "Han, congratulations on reaching the Eastern Conference Finals, and I also wish you Magic can defend the championship, you are a great team and deserve honor." "

"Thank you, you're a great team too, you're a great coach, and I'm looking forward to seeing each other next season." "

Then the two smiled and nodded in greeting and waved goodbye.

The reporter certainly didn't want to let Thibodeau go, but Thibodeau just coped with a casual couple of words and led the team back to the locker room, no matter what, the Bulls have been eliminated from the tournament, and their overall mood will not be too good.

Han Zhe didn't want to deal with reporters either, but they made it to the Eastern Conference Finals, and with this being the Magic's home court, he definitely couldn't leave.

At the request of the media, the Magic players stood together and asked them to take a family photo, and the faces of each player were smiling like a flower, which was very festive.

Even Hannigan came to the stadium to join in the fun, and he was very happy to be interviewed by the media.

"Mr. Hannigan, what prompted the Magic management to decide to appoint Han Zhe as a part-time coach? This is a bold decision, after all, this is the first time that a player has been a part-time coach. "

Hannigan said: "Han is a very smart and hard-working young man, although he has no coaching experience, but he has been involved in the team's tactical discussions in the past, he is very familiar with coaching, and no one knows and is familiar with our team better than him, so why not let him give it a try? It turns out that he has done a great job, hasn't he? Han won both games in charge and we reached the Eastern Conference Finals!"

The reporters knew that his words were not very detailed, but they still gave applause, and they couldn't let Hannigan say that the magic coach was actually an ornament, and only Han Zhe could deal with the locker room problem efficiently and peacefully, so he was on!

A reporter asked, "Manager Hannigan, can you tell us about the Magic's next trade and reinforcement plans?"

Other reporters are also very interested in this issue, Han Zhe can definitely coordinate the locker room issue well, but there is still some trouble within the Magic, now that there are so many stars, the Magic salary cap will definitely explode, and the Magic executives will take the initiative to send away some high-paid players to reduce the burden.

Also, Leonard and Olapodi are difficult to get ahead, do they have any plans to cast another name?

The depth of the Magic bench is also poor, and whether there are cost-effective reinforcements.

Hannigan smiled: "Thank you for your concern and attention, but our focus is all on the playoffs at the moment, we don't have time to think about these issues at the moment, and if we have a trade plan, Han will also be involved, and he obviously doesn't have time to deal with that right now, so we won't plan it at this time." "

After Hannigan finished speaking, the reporter was in an uproar, and the surprise was not that Magic said that there was no trading plan, but that Hannigan said that Han Zhe was eligible to participate in the trading plan.

This shocked the reporters, they thought that Han Zhe was just a coach, and he had no real power at all, but now it seems that it is not, you must know that even the previous coaches of the Magic are not qualified to participate in player transactions, and almost all of these things were handled by Hannigan in the past!

"Manager Hannigan, do you mean that Han will be involved in the decision-making level of the magic in the future?" a reporter asked uncertainly.

Hannigan nodded, "Yes, as the coach of the team, we will solicit or even directly adopt his opinions and suggestions in some of our decisions, and it is not limited to player trades. "

Hearing Hannigan's confirmation, the reporters all took a breath of cool air, and then had to admire the courage of Magic, and they could all see that Magic was trying its best to get closer to Han Zhe, but it really took courage to do this.

Han Zhe is still so young, he is already a core player of the Magic, the captain, and the coach, and now he can still participate in high-level decision-making, it can be said that the magic has put all the treasures on him.

The reporter looked at Hannigan differently, this is a crazy guy!

In fact, from the original Hannigan decision to use the controversial Han Zhe as the cornerstone of the team, we know that he has a crazy factor in his blood, of course, now people mention Hannigan and no one will say that he is crazy, they have to praise him for his unique vision and amazing courage!

Then Hannigan also took a photo with all the players, he and Han Zhe stood side by side in the middle, both of them laughed happily, but the reporters had a strange feeling, NBA players and senior management rarely have this kind of harmonious and harmonious picture, can only say that the magic is an outlier.

After dealing with the reporters, the magic players returned to the lounge, and as soon as Han Zhe entered the door, he was poured a bucket of cold water on his heart, so cold that he screamed and jumped, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Han Zhe pounced and pressed Walker, who was laughing the most, to the blaster, which made everyone laugh even louder.

Jones and the members of the coaching staff in the back looked at each other with a wry smile, this is really a player is not like a player, and a coach is not like a coach.

However, then everyone laughed, which is good, and it is a blessing to be able to work in this atmosphere!_

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