In the evening, the official announced the urine test results of this game, and all the test data of the four players who were sampled were very normal, which means that they did not take illegal drugs.

Many Warriors fans are very disappointed with this, this is not the result they want to see, many of them have been hyping up the Internet before, the Magic players must be using the ban, otherwise their Warriors will not lose.

Of course, conspiracy theorists will never shut up, and some people still express disbelief, believing that the magic side has bribed the officials in charge of drug testing, and questioning why they didn't spot Han Zhe, who cut down a 41+20 super-sized double-double.

This is purely vexatious, and there are not many supporters, but there are more scoldings.

On the same day, the Celestial Empire simulcast also made a special broadcast of this game for two minutes and 30 seconds.

"There was an unexpected situation in the G3 game between the Magic and the Warriors, and the Magic players were splashed with alcohol and drinks and debris by the Warriors fans when they entered the court, which almost caused a conflict, and then some Warriors fans played insulting slogans with racial discrimination to provoke, and my country's basketball player Han Zhe and some Magic players rushed to the fan stands to break out large-scale clashes and chaos."

"Magic Vucevic was the most conspicuous, knocking down four Warriors fans before being sent off the court and disqualified from the game."

"Then there was a clash among Warriors fans, and the whole court was very chaotic, but fortunately it did not cause much consequence, according to statistics, this chaos caused more than 20 fans and a number of on-site security personnel to be injured, and the NBA league has not yet made an official response."

"The game was delayed for more than an hour before it continued, and the game was a one-sided situation at the beginning, and the Magic took a big lead at the beginning, and maintained the advantage until the end of the game, defeating the Warriors 137-75, which also created a record for the largest point difference in the NBA Finals, in which Chinese player Han Zhe won the MVP of the game with 41+20 super data."

"Later, our foreign affairs spokesman also expressed his views on the incident in an interview, and he severely condemned the racist behavior of Warriors fans, and hoped that the NBA could give a reasonable explanation and apologize for the incident."

"Thank you for the news sent back by the reporter in front, and our station will continue to pay attention to and report on the follow-up progress of this matter."


Many domestic fans were indignant and scolded the Warriors fans, which made the Warriors also greatly implicated and lost countless fans.

Even many companies that have business dealings with the Warriors have begun to post on Weibo that they may end all business cooperation and sponsorship with the Warriors.

Of course, at present, it is still a wait-and-see period, businessmen are profit-seeking, and they will not take action until things are clear, and now they are just afraid that the fire will burn on themselves, so they will make a statement first.

The public also has a problem that is more confused, that is, although the simulcast mentioned Han Zhe, he did not evaluate his behavior, did not praise or criticize.

In fact, smart people already know that everyone's hearts are redundant, since the simulcast has no criticism, it is a clear attitude, at least I don't think Han Zhe has done anything wrong.

Come to think of it, Han Zhe was impulsive in order to maintain the dignity of the nation, Han Zhe did not cause any major consequences, why criticize him!

Of course, the media in the United States is more lively, and newspapers and TV stations are talking about this matter everywhere, and it has become the focus of news.

The Oracle tragedy was instantly known.

After all, this game is too topical, first the conflict between players and fans, then the conflict between fans and fans, and then the Magic on the court carried out a tragic stunner, as well as a post-game urine test and so on.

There is even a lot of lace, such as Anthony who spoke out for Han Zhe and Magic for the first time, criticizing the behavior of Warriors fans, and many stars stood up and praised it.

When James encountered an accident with Magic, he was happy, and he also stood up and began to comment on Magic or Han Zhe from the perspective of fans, and there were a lot of likes!

Many people noticed that Irving, who was on the same team as James, gave Little Melon a thumbs up, but didn't say anything about James' Twitter.

In addition, Curry and other Warriors players criticized the Magic but ignored their own fan behavior, which also caused widespread discussion.

What everyone is most concerned about is, what is the attitude of the alliance and what kind of punishment will be given to the two parties involved?


Xiao Hua held a press conference to publicly respond to the incident.

However, after the press conference, the media was not satisfied, and even many media pointed the finger at the alliance for a while.

The reason is simple, Xiao Hua said at the press conference that the alliance has sent a temporary task force to collect evidence and investigate the incident, which will take some time, but he will urge the results of the investigation to be announced as soon as possible.

The media scolded Xiao Hua for being shameless, because this is obviously delaying time, now that technology is so advanced, there are cameras everywhere, what is going on can be concluded quickly, and the task force will investigate?

Investigate the hell!

The Celestial Empire media were also very dissatisfied with Xiao Hua, because they protested against the racial issue and hoped that Xiao Hua would let the warriors come out and apologize.

But Xiao Hua directly played haha, saying that everything is still under investigation and cannot be easily concluded, and even if it is confirmed that there is racial discrimination, it is the personal behavior of a small number of fans, which is not the responsibility of the league.

Han Zhe, who was watching TV, frowned when he heard it, Han Zhe really wanted to try to scold the NBA member Bai Pi Pig for watching him Xiao Hua care.

But Han Zhe doesn't have time to do this kind of shit now, because his ass is not clean yet.

He was waiting for Luther to call, Luthor was now in the hospital communicating with the injured security guard and some fans who were beaten by the players, in short, Luthor was trying to find a way to deal with the aftermath privately, after all, if he was sued, although the magic was not afraid of lawsuits, it was also very troublesome, how could Han Zhe and the other players have the time to go to the court to drink tea.

In fact, Han Zhe was the first to oppose it, not to communicate with the security, this matter was originally considered unauthentic, he admitted.

But he didn't want to have sex with the guys who were beaten by Vucevic, because he felt that these guys deserved it, and he wanted to sue them.

When Luthor heard this, he almost fell to his knees and begged him to stop making trouble.

Han Zhe thought that he was still playing in the finals and was about to win the championship, so he hesitated for a while, but agreed to Luther's handling method.

Not long after, a call came from Luther.

After the call, Han Zhe's face darkened suddenly, and he was so angry that he dropped the phone, startling Vucevich, who was sitting next to him, and hurriedly asked what happened. _

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