The Magic's championship heat has not passed, and then they are on the cusp again, because the league has finally announced the results of the investigation and handling plan of the group brawl at Oracle Stadium.

First of all, the Magic side can be said to have received a shocking punch, and Vucevic was fined $3 million and banned for 20 games.

Han Zhe was fined $600,000 and banned for five games.

Serge Ibaka and Walker were fined $300,000 and banned for two games.

Hackles, along with Nurkic and Oladipo each with a $100,000 one-game suspension.

Of course, the Warriors at home were also beaten hard by the league, and the Oracle Arena riot and various racist behaviors of fans made them also given a big fine of $5 million by the league.

As soon as this punishment was announced, it naturally caused an uproar, and all parties were watching the reactions of both sides, but the official responses of the Warriors and Magic were surprisingly unanimous, and both said that they respected the results of the alliance and would not appeal.

But this is just the official statement, the Internet has been noisy, Warriors fans think that the treatment of the Magic is too light, especially Vucevich, who was only banned for 20 games, you must know that the Auburn Hills palace incident Atay was banned for a whole season, and Vucevic is more serious than Atay, so he was banned for 20 games?

Magic fans naturally think that their team was punished too harshly, and the main players were served in a pot, especially Vucevic's suspension for so long will definitely have a great adverse impact on the team, the most important thing is that from the perspective of Magic, this matter is completely caused by Warriors fans, of course, the Warriors should pay the main responsibility, Vucevic They are heroes and should not be punished.

The media's attention is a little different, they think that the league has already reached a private agreement with the Magic and the Warriors, and the Finals have been dragging on, and now the Finals have just ended and the punishment results are out, isn't it a coincidence?

Han Zhe also accepted a telephone interview with ESPN, on the punishment, Han Zhe bluntly said: "I don't have much opinion on the punishment result of the league, but I hope that the problem of discrimination can be taken seriously and resolved, since the league believes that it is the personal behavior of the fans and does not make a specific statement, then I have to go through the legal process, and now we have formally filed a lawsuit against those racists, let me see how democratic this country that advocates freedom and democracy is." "

Han Zhe's remarks soon became a hot topic of discussion on major TV stations, and the issue of racial discrimination also became the center of discussion among the whole people.

Li Tingting asked Han Zhe curiously, is it useful to make things big like this?

Han Zhe said that the effect will definitely not be too big, this is not a problem that he can solve by himself, some people's discriminatory thinking has been deeply rooted, it is impossible to eradicate it, and the law does not have clear punishment provisions.

Han Zhe then explained, he just temporarily diverted everyone's attention, and it seems that the effect is good at present, at least there is a lot less discussion about their punishment, especially the pressure on Vucevic will be reduced a lot, Li Tingting suddenly realized.

Han Zhe then talked to Vucevic again, in fact, he wanted to help him bear the fine, after all, he remembered Vucevic very much about this matter, otherwise he should be the one who was suspended for 20 games.

As a result, Vucevic directly refused, saying that he understood it, the money was a lot less, but it was not too much, he could still bear it, and then Vucevic also smiled and told Han Zhe that he was a blessing in disguise, because the last brawl made him swipe a wave of favorability in the Celestial Empire, and many Celestial Empire brands are currently looking for him to talk about endorsements, and the prices offered are not low!

Han Zhe is very pleased with this, it seems that the Chinese people are still very powerful, he originally thought that the ban for so long would not affect Vucevic's personal economic benefits, but he didn't expect that now the endorsements have increased, and everyone is happy.

Of course, Vucevic is still a little worried, that is, the lawsuit, those fans who were beaten are now unwilling to let go at all, and they make nonsense to the media every day, saying in a big tone that they want to sue Vucevic to bankruptcy, but the funny thing is that they are now both the plaintiff and the defendant, and Han Zhe also filed a lawsuit against them, asking them to compensate for a sky-high amount of mental damages!

Since the First Amendment protects the so-called freedom of speech, it is difficult to actually sanction racial discrimination by legal means, but Han Zhe, a person with a kind of super lawyer team, is different, and all kinds of rules and regulations can always be turned out to make you trouble, so this matter is estimated to be so deadlocked.


The next day, Orlando was empty, the main roads were overcrowded, and most of them were wearing magic jerseys and laughing and following the flow of people.

Today, the Magic held a championship parade, and most of Orlando's residents who were free went out of their homes to join the carnival, and many tourists from other places came to experience the atmosphere of the Magic Victory Parade.

The audience who watched the live broadcast also intuitively felt the popularity of magic in Orlando, especially Han Zhe, whose name has always resounded in the sky, it can be said that he is the god of Orlando, which has become the belief of many people.

The parade starts at 9 a.m. and stops until 4 p.m., and if you are not hungry, you may be able to wave it into the evening.

According to later statistics, the number of participants in the victory parade exceeded 1 million, which is very exaggerated, because Orlando has a permanent population of only more than 200,000, and the metropolitan area is only 780,000, which means that almost all the people around Orlando set off to participate in the parade, and the number of foreign tourists is also very large.

It can be said that the rise of the Magic has completely driven the basketball atmosphere in the region, and with it various economic benefits.

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