Han Zhe roughly turned around, and found that the venue and training facilities had been almost prepared, and he was very satisfied with Jones's ability to do things, and he was in charge of the assistant coach Jones, who was also the director of the training camp, after all, Han Zhe was very busy, and it was impossible to stay here all the time.

Of course, Jones and the entire coaching team will be paid, and their work is considered a private business given by Han Zhe, and they must be paid.

Seeing Han Zhe coming, Jones immediately came over with a register, and said with a bitter face when they met: "Han, your job is really not easy to do, I thought that few people signed up, but it turned out to be obviously wrong, you see how many people have signed up!"

Han Zhe took a look at the roster curiously, and the number of people who have signed up for the competition has exceeded forty, in addition to the second generation of NBA stars, there are also some current students, after all, Han Zhe's training camp has no threshold, and the cost is not high.

Han Zhe couldn't be surprised by this, after all, with his and Magic's fame and the parity fee standard, there would definitely be no fewer people who signed up, but when Han Zhe saw one of the names, he asked Jones in surprise: "Bronney James?"

Jones laughed when he heard this, "That's right, it's not a duplicate name, it's Brunny, the son of Le Brand James." "

Of course, Jones knew Han Zhe's surprise and doubts, because the whole world knew that James and Han Zhe were not on the right path, but wouldn't it be funny that his son came to participate in Han Zhe's academy?

With Jones's narration, Han Zhe also understood what was going on, it turned out that Bronny was actually a fan of Han Zhe, and he also found that many friends of the same age had joined the training camp, so he naturally clamored to sign up, it is estimated that James can't resist his son, and he is embarrassed to bring his son in person, so he finally asked a friend to bring Bronny over to report his name.

Han Zhe could imagine that James's expression must have been as disgusted as eating a fly at that time, and he almost didn't laugh out loud.

"I saw that this kid had a good foundation, so I took it first, are you okay?" Jones asked.

Han Zhe said: "Since the affairs of the training camp are fully responsible for you, you don't need to ask me if you accept people, and my relationship with James is not good, but what does this have to do with Bronny, I definitely have no opinion, you have done a good job, let's set the list in the next two days, we have to go to the Celestial Empire to play the invitational tournament tomorrow, you know, so the matter here is hard for you." "

Jones nodded at first, but immediately thought of something and asked, "If you and the Magic players are gone, who will support the camp when it starts?"

Han Zhe smiled: "I've already arranged this, don't worry, you just try to get it up as soon as possible, and notify me in advance when the specific time is set." "



Han Zhe boarded the plane to China with the magic group, and Walker and the others were very excited, asking various questions to Han Zhe from time to time.

For them, the reward for this visit is secondary, mainly because they want to take the opportunity to travel, the Celestial Empire is quite mysterious in the eyes of these foreigners, they really want to experience the humanistic customs, not to mention that everyone is also curious about what the place where Han Zhe lives is like.

"Boss, I heard that everyone in your Celestial Empire knows kung fu, is it really fake?" Ibaka said as the ghost screamed and gestured a few times.

Han Zhe nodded and said: "Of course this is true, I'm quite capable of fighting, right?" But I'm not enough to see at all, I have to be well-behaved when I go out, otherwise it is estimated that I will be cleaned up in minutes, especially when I see the elderly, beggars, nuns and monks and the like all hide away, these people are the most ruthless!"

Everyone took a breath of cool air, they don't know if Han Zhe will do kung fu or not, but all his combat power magic skills are deeply understood, and he has to be careful when he goes out, so Ibaka They have no bottom in their hearts, and the old man monk that Han Zhe specially mentioned seems to be very powerful, it seems that he will have to go out in a low-key manner in the future, and everyone has this idea.

Yao Ming, who was on the same plane, had already laughed badly, and said to Han Zhe in Chinese: "You are not afraid of scaring them out of the way, and the old man is a beggar monk, you should be making a martial arts film!"

Han Zhe turned his head and said: "These are all a group of problem children, if you don't scare them, I don't know if they will stab Lou Zi, and I'm not talking nonsense, if they cause trouble, the police uncle won't teach them how to behave in minutes!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he chatted with the magic players again, often bluffing everyone with half-truths and half-truths, even Paul, who was sitting next to Han Zhe, listened to it funny, he had been to the Celestial Empire with Han Zhe, and knew that Han Zhe was messing around!


The next morning, the plane arrived at the capital airport, which was also the first stop of their trip.

As soon as they got off the plane, Han Zhe, Yao Ming and others were surrounded by the inner and outer three layers, and there were representatives of the Basketball Association and the CBA team who came to pick up the plane, and there were also countless media reporters who received the news.

Han Zhe was accustomed to this kind of scene, so he naturally led the team to say hello to the pick-up crowd, and then briefly accepted the interview.

When they walked out of the airport, the Magic players were really surprised, there were crowds of people everywhere, holding Han Zhe and their posters shaking and cheering all around.

"Hey, see, I'm very popular in the Celestial Empire, and a lot of people are holding up my posters!" Walker looked very happy.

Ibaka immediately said: "Mine is no less than you, you have the ability to compare with the leader, hey! Nikolai actually has so many Celestial Dynasty fans?"

After Ibaka finished speaking, everyone found out that in addition to Han Zhe's avatar and jersey number, the second is Vucevic!

It stands to reason that this is not quite right, Vucevic is more like a blue-collar worker in the Magic, and his style of play is not flashy, why does he have more fans than Walker and Ibaka?

Of course they don't know that this is the last Oracle group fight, and Vucevic's pure masters have attracted countless fans in the Celestial Empire, and it is normal for them to be popular!

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