After Han Zhe left the court, the Raptors also withdrew all their main players and announced their surrender, and finally the game ended with a 118-98 Bobcat victory.

As soon as the game ended, Han Zhe was surrounded by a bunch of reporters, both at home and abroad, after all, Han Zhe set a new record today, and it will definitely shake the NBA tomorrow!

At this time, the coaching staff and on-site security came over to relieve him, saying that Han Zhe would participate in the post-game press conference for a while, so that everyone should not be in a hurry, and ask questions later.

As soon as Han Zhe entered the lounge, his teammates, who had already arrived first, immediately joked:

"Wow! Look at our big hero!"

"Welcome to the league's youngest triple-double!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Sanshuang, is there anything you want to say to everyone?"

Seeing the funny appearance of his teammates, Han Zhe's middle finger represents a thousand words!

At this time, Dunlap came over and said: "Don't make trouble, let Han go to the shower and change clothes first, and I have to attend the press conference in a while, everyone is waiting for him, don't be idle, go and change your clothes, the boss has already set up a hotel for everyone to celebrate together for a while!"

After Dunlap finished speaking, everyone cheered, but they didn't expect Jordan to be ready for a treat.

But it's normal to think about it, the history of the Bobcat is short, and there has been no honor, and now Han Zhe is a record broken when he fought on behalf of the Bobcat, and the Bobcat has also been stained, this honor Bobcat has a share, and the boss will of course be happy.

What's more, they all know that Han Zhe's worth must have skyrocketed, whether it is staying in the team or trading, the team has made a lot of money, and the senior management must be happy!

Han Zhe took a shower and changed his clothes, and attended the press conference with Dunlap.

In the past, Han Zhe was very annoying to socialize, and Dunlap didn't go when he called him several times, but if he didn't come today, he would definitely not be able to!

As soon as Han Zhe arrived at the venue, the scene erupted in warm applause, which is to give Han Zhe the respect he deserves!

Seeing Han Zhe become a well-deserved protagonist, the domestic reporters on the scene all felt a deep sense of pride, and they really never thought that after Da Yao left, there would be Chinese players who could reach this level!

And Da Yao doesn't have Han Zhe's terrifying rise speed, to be fair, as long as Han Zhe doesn't have an accident, his potential is obviously much greater than Da Yao!

After Han Zhe took his seat, reporters began to raise their hands to ask questions, and according to the usual practice, the first right to ask questions was handed over to the local sports newspaper reporters.

A blonde female reporter from the Sports Daily first politely congratulated the Bobcats on their victory in the game, and also congratulated Dunlap on the team's good start to the game.

Dunlap smiled and nodded, knowing that others were polite, it was really stupid, and he knew that he was running with him today, and Han Zhe was the protagonist.

After complimenting each other, Charlotte Sports News finally set its eyes on Han Zhe.

"Congratulations to Mr. Han Zhe for becoming the league's young triple-double, and he is also a large triple-double with a score of more than 30, how does Mr. Han Zhe feel now?"

This is also the reason why the first right to ask questions is handed over to the local media, the family is a place to eat, and the relationship will not be too bad.

Second, the local media will naturally think about the local team, and the questions they ask are generally relatively mild.

Han Zhe first said politely: "Of course it feels great, no player will refuse such an honor!"

The next question should have been asked by a big name like TNT or ESPN, but the press officer named a reporter from another media.

The big-name media was not very happy with a frown, but when they saw that it was the Celestial Empire media, they could only smile bitterly.

Today's protagonist is Han Zhe, Han Zhe is a native of the Celestial Empire, of course, he has to give face to the media of the Celestial Empire, which is a matter of course.

Han Zhe also nodded to the press officer with a smile to express his gratitude, Han Zhe's personality is quite stunned, if he doesn't give him face to the motherland today, maybe he will turn around and leave, he doesn't care what other people think, if others make him unhappy, he will also make others unhappy.

Shen Xuefei, who was named, was broken, and her foreign spirit was broken, in the past, they were basically the last few to get the right to ask questions, or they didn't have the opportunity to speak at all, but I didn't expect to have this kind of treatment today, and my heart exploded!

The press officer will point out that Shen Xuefei is also familiar to her, and she interviewed Han Zhe the most times after the game, knowing that they have a good relationship.

Shen Xuefei also congratulated Han Zhe, and then said excitedly: "Now we are also broadcasting the press conference live, and now countless domestic viewers must be watching this historic moment, is there anything you want to say to everyone?"

After Shen Xuefei finished speaking, she pointed to the camera lens behind her.

Han Zhe waved at the camera, and then said with a smile: "Thank you for your support, to be honest, I really didn't know what a young triple-double record there was before, and I only knew it when the coach changed me to the court, which was a sudden surprise, of course I was very happy." "

TNT then asked: "We all know that you haven't played a few games in the main game, but your strength has been recognized by many people, and even Barkley has publicly stated that you are a quasi-fan."

Now it's setting a new record, but we all know that the Bobcats roster is not perfect, and it is impossible to do anything this season, have you considered another team to develop?"

As soon as this question came out, the whole audience was silent, the meaning of TNT is obvious, you have initially proved your strength, and now you have won such a big honor, you are about to become popular, it is too condescending to stay in a bad team like Bobcats, it's time to change teams!

Dunlap's face turned black all of a sudden, why are you here to smash the field, the press officer also frowned, if it weren't for the other party's big name, they would be ready to pull them into the blacklist, what kind of problem is this!

Han Zhe coughed, "I'm doing well in Bobcat, there's no need to leave, and the contract expires early, so I won't consider these issues for the time being." "

Dunlap was more satisfied after hearing this, Han Zhe replied that he was still more sophisticated, he was afraid that Han Zhe would not cover his mouth!

The reporter scoffed at Han Zhe's panacea answer, but Han Zhe didn't want to say that they didn't have a problem, of course, many people had already picked up the pen and made up for it on their own.

ESPN then asked a malicious question, "We all know that the record you broke was previously held by James, is there anything you would like to say to James?"

The reporters on the scene pricked up their ears, this is obviously doing something, this is instigating Han Zhe and James to call out!

This trick is not superficial, but it works well among players, some players have well-developed limbs, and they can be hit at the slightest provocation.

Others know that it is a trap and are willing to jump into it, the reason is very simple, James is now a superstar, and a player like Han Zhe, if he has some entanglement with James, he can follow Emperor Zhan to gain fame.

If James responds, it's a bonus!

So many players seem to be brainless, and they are fooled by the slightest instigation of reporters, otherwise, this is actually the same as the entertainment industry, it is hype.

Players can boost their fame, and the media can increase sales, which is mutually beneficial.

Han Zhe pouted and said, "I don't have anything to say to James, I do want to say something to you, you are a reporter who is really bad!"

Han Zhe laughed at the scene after speaking, but he admired Han Zhe for using humor to avoid this thorny problem.

Of course, Han Zhe knew their purpose, but he had confidence in himself, and it was not uncommon to rely on anyone to hype himself, if James provoked him, he would definitely go back, but it wouldn't be this way!


PS: There will be a chapter at 22 o'clock in a while!_

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