In the Bobcats lounge, everyone was in a good mood because they played well in the second quarter and had already recovered the points they lost in the first quarter.

However, due to the continuous away games during this period of time, and the high-consumption running bomb today, everyone's physical fitness has bottomed out, and they are lying crookedly.

Dunlap walked up to Han Zhe, who was lying down, and said, "Han, you have to get used to it, this is the NBA. "

Dunlap was afraid that Han Zhe wouldn't be able to think about it, so he specially came to comfort him.

"Got it!" Han Zhe replied lightly.

Of course, he knows that the NBA is a commercial league, and stars are the big selling point and cash cow of the NBA, and they will certainly spare no effort to create stars.

The so-called superstar whistle is to make the stars play more comfortably and get better data per game, which is actually similar to the entertainment industry spending money to praise people.

However, Han Zhe knows that he knows, but Han Zhe is a young man after all, and he still can't stand it when he encounters such a thing, and it is not wrong to say that he is impulsive and inexperienced.

But Han Zhe's approach also has certain benefits, he is now estimated to have registered in the referee circle, so there may be a lot less trouble after making a fuss 08, after all, the referee doesn't want to cause trouble, and everyone has the heart of bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

After the start of the second half, Han Zhe had already adjusted his psychological state, and after taking a deep breath, he walked on the field again with the team.

After the Thunder kicked off and hit the inside line, Han Zhe found that Durant actually took the initiative to take the ball to his side, and he was happy, he was not convinced, he was a superstar, he was still not convinced!

Han Zhe called a change of position to Michael next to him, and took the initiative to mark Durant.

Michael breathed a sigh of relief, it was best for these two to go head-on, he and Durant were already about to be beaten and cried, and now it is better for him to stare at Wei Shao than to stare at Durant, because he has a height and weight advantage, it should be easier than defending Durant.

Durant is really unhappy, he thinks that he and Han Zhe are not the same level of players at all, but Han Zhe buttoned him and hated him, and he really lost face, and he may not be able to sleep when he goes back without teaching this rookie a lesson.

When Durant reached the free throw line, Han Zhe forced it up, but he didn't rush to reach out, because Durant protected the ball sideways and dribbled the ball far away with his long arms, and Han Zhe couldn't reach it at all.

Durant suddenly stepped forward and leaned his body against Han Zhe, this was ready to use his physical advantage to crush his back and bully Han Zhe.

Han Zhe couldn't help but take half a step back, very surprised in his heart, what a strong strength!

What Han Zhe didn't know was that Durant was even more surprised, he hit it so hard, and Han Zhe actually just took half a step back and didn't lose his position.

Durant took a few steps inside with Han Zhe on his head, and after not far from the basket, he first turned his ankle, turned left to raise the ball to shoot, and then moved half a step to the right and turned around again to make a shooting feint.

It's a long story, but it's actually a very fast and smooth action of continuous turning, and the fancy footwork movement with the turn looks gorgeous, this action is called Dream Foot, and it is one of Olajuwon's signature moves.

However, the normal situation is that the defensive ball is constantly shaken by this continuous feint throwing action, but Han Zhe just stood in front of him and calmly watched him perform, which was particularly embarrassing!

In the end, Durant still jumped from Han Zhe's side and forced a shot, but Zhe also jumped, although he didn't get the hat, he still rubbed the basketball with his fingertips.

After the ball hit the board, it bounced to the hoop and flew out, and when Durant was just about to jump and grab the board, Han Zhe was already one step faster than him and jumped twice.

After grabbing the ball, it was passed to Walker, who was not far away, and Walker rushed to Gordon in the middle court, and Gordon rushed to the front court for an easy dunk.

"Fake!" Durant threw a punch into the air with a black face.

He finally knew why Wei Shao was so bad today, Han Zhete didn't eat feints at all, and his strength was completely disproportionate to his size.

Don't look at the fact that he hit Han Zhe in the back just now, but he used all the strength to feed, and it only made Han Zhe barely move, and it didn't make him lose his balance and lose his position.

The most annoying thing is that he doesn't fly when he feints several times in a row, and he flies in seconds when he really shoots, what kind of divine consciousness is this!

Domestic fans climaxed instantly, and many of them were discussing Han Zhe's misjudgment of the block before, and they were all wronged for Han Zhe, obviously a good ball was blown for a foul, and they were all angry to death.

Just now, when I saw that Durant still didn't relent, I wanted to eat hard, and I was even more angry, but I didn't expect Han Zhe to be so powerful, and he and Durant perfectly defended the first ball in a single.

This ball is so relieving!

What about a superstar, at least in terms of defense, Han Zhe doesn't intimidate you as a superstar at all!

Next, Durant seems to be competing with Han Zhe, and as soon as he gets the ball, he will find Han Zhe to play alone.

Han Zhe actually feels that the defensive pressure is also very high, and Durant is very perfect in terms of technique and physical condition, and it is not easy to see him imprisoned.

The two fought each other for several rounds in a row, and Durant scored two against Han Zhe and was defended by two, which made Durant very dissatisfied.

He, the top player in the league, singled a rookie, and the success rate was only 50%, of course he felt aggrieved.

Han Zhe thinks the same as him, he is a man with the eye of the emperor, and he was actually beaten by Durant with a 50% success rate in front of him, and he was also very aggrieved.

For the first time, Han Zhe also found that he was a little underestimating the heroes of the world, these top players in the league are really not in vain, not to mention their perfect skills, and they are very good at using their own advantages.

It made Han Zhe feel a little unguarded.

However, Han Zhe was not discouraged, he could greatly improve his strength by continuing to complete the task anyway, and he had recently discovered that the abilities he had acquired were not fixed.

For example, his bounce power, after physical strengthening and long-term training, is definitely better than when he first got it.

The Eye of the Heavenly Emperor also has room for improvement, and his 813 observations are becoming more and more subtle.

Also, someone can be an opponent, in fact, it feels good, if they are all crushed all the way, then the fun of basketball will be reduced a lot!

Durant is not satisfied with his performance, and Han Zhe is not satisfied with his performance, but the major commentators and the audience in front of the TV are too satisfied.

The offensive and defensive confrontation between these two people is wonderful every ball, Han Zhe's defensive ability is amazing, and Durant is also rare to be full of firepower at one time, and all kinds of awesome techniques emerge one after another, which feasts the audience's eyes.

However, halfway through the third quarter, everyone looked at the score and realized that the Bobcats had actually surpassed the Thunder by five points.

It's not surprising that the Thunder now play most of the ball with Durant, who is currently shooting almost 50 percent.

The Bobcats are now sparing no effort to quickly intersperse strong shots under the basket, and the shooting rate is naturally higher, and they attack quickly, the frequency of attacks is high, and the Thunder may only play one attack in the same time, but they have already attacked two or three times.

There is also the fact that Han Zhe is not only strong in defense, but also not weak in offensive ability, and it is normal for him to hit two three-pointers again very fiercely, and he will overtake the score.


PS: The monthly pass list is about to be squeezed down, and there are brothers who have a monthly pass to top it, and I have stuck to the brothers, and I will add more drops if I resist!

Thanks to the boss of [Arbitrary Wangu Town Cangtian] for rewarding 588 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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