Han Zhe hated Horford once, and his physical strength recovered again, and he originally considered slowing down first, but now it seems that he doesn't need to, and he will continue to play according to his previous style.

It's rare to have a chance to press the opponent to the ground and rub it, and Han Zhe will definitely not let it go, after all, since joining the Bobcats, the game has been very aggrieved!

In fact, today's situation is like this, Han Zhe's hard defense must have a certain effect, but the biggest reason is that the overall state of the Eagles is sluggish.

Today, the Eagles' hit rate is very low, but the turnover rate is very high, and it is not surprising that they will be bullied like this when they encounter the Bobcats and the crazy Han Zhe who are in good shape.

When before the end of the second quarter, after Han Zhe ate Teague and hit a three-point whistle, the Hawks players were already like eggplants that were beaten one by one, and they were very disappointed.


It's miserable!

Now the score of the two teams is 58-30, and the Hawks only scored a total of 30 points in the two quarters!

The difference between the two teams is already 28 points!

The Bobcat scene has exploded, the fans have never been so excited, and they actually took the opponent down directly in the half game, which is rare in 10,000 years!

When the Bobcats came off the court, the cheers were endless, especially Han Zhe, who scored 32 points in two quarters, which made the court resound with a shout of "No. 10".

Smith said: "Just looking at the atmosphere, I thought this was the home of the Celtics!"

Barkley also smiled and nodded, a bad team like the Bobcats used to be often booed by their own fans, but now they not only have a high attendance, but also a warm atmosphere.

Barkley said: "It is already difficult for the Eagles to turn the tables, falling behind by so many points at halftime is fatal to the players' hearts, and the overall state of the Eagles today is relatively sluggish, it is very difficult to chase points, not to mention such a big point difference." "

Smith said: "I don't know if the last defeat to the Thunder suffocated Han Zhe, today Han Zhe's performance is too crazy, he actually led the Bobcats to beat the Hawks so badly, he scored 32 points in two quarters!"

Barkley said: "Han Zhe is really crazy today, not only is his offense and single defense great, but he also scored 6 rebounds and two blocks!"

Smith couldn't help laughing when he heard this and the audience in front of the TV set, thinking of Han Zhe's size, he actually grabbed so many rebounds and blocks, everyone felt a little sorry for the eagle!

In the third quarter, as most people expected, Han Zhe went out to rest, because his scrambling and running in the first two quarters were obvious to everyone, and now that he was leading by a big score, it was definitely time for him to rest.

Han Zhe actually felt okay, not as tired as he imagined, he originally thought that he would definitely be tired and become a dead dog after playing two quarters like this, but no, of course, it must be a very important reason for the previous cap to recover two percent of his physical strength.

Under normal circumstances, the Eagles should now change their hands and let the main team take a breath, but it is obvious that they have not given up the game yet, and they will leave the main force on the court for the time being to see if they can score.

The Bobcats made personnel adjustments, with Sen and Han Zhe resting, and Walker and Gordon.

The impact of the Bobcat's substitution is not too big, Walker is actually a little stronger than Hum Dessen, as for Gordon, he must be much worse than Han Zhe, but if he is in a hot state, it is still very powerful.

And Gordon seems to have behaved a lot lately, and I don't know if Han Zhe's words last time played a role, he basically didn't go to nightclubs, his training was a lot more serious, his competitive state was a lot more stable, and he was specially praised by Dunlap once.

After the start of the third quarter of the two teams, without Han Zhe's-stirring stick, the Eagles played a little easier, at least they were much more calm when attacking, and they didn't have to guard against his "sneak attack", Gordon's defensive ability and Han Zhe were incomparable, and it was difficult to put much pressure on the opposing players.

However, as the game progressed, although the Bobcat was slightly weaker, the gap was not too big, and the score was not too close, and it has maintained an advantage of more than 20 points.

In the seventh minute, seeing that the difference between the two teams was still 23 points, the Eagles began to change the main team to go to rest, and it is estimated that they chose to give up.

Seeing this, Dunlap finally replaced the somewhat tired Michael and Mulens.

At the end of the third quarter, the two teams were separated by 21 points.

Halfway through the final quarter, the Eagles narrowed the deficit to 15 points.

Drew probably saw that he seemed to have some hope, and replaced all the main forces, and Dunlap didn't want to capsize in the gutter, so he also pushed Han Zhe and Michael up.

When Han Zhe threw another three-point shot on the first shot, and grabbed a backcourt rebound while defending, Drew returned to his seat in a daze, and he didn't know if he was scolding MMP in his heart!

Han Zhe and Michael quickly stabilized the situation as soon as they came on the court, did not give the Hawks any chance, and the final score was fixed at 109-88.

The eagle was killed by the bobcat, home and away!

Before the game, I estimated that I thought of this ending, even if I thought that the Bobcats had a chance to win, I thought it was a hard battle, where would I think that the Bobcats won very easily and comfortably, and beat the Eagles from the beginning to the end, and there was no chance of winning at all.

It can be said that this ball is won by the Eagles being crushed by the Bobcats!

Lynx can also crush people?

That's big news!

However, those who have watched this game from beginning to end know that the Eagles are indeed not in good shape, and today Han Zhe is like taking medicine, very crazy!

Just look at Han Zhe's last data to know how useful he is.

Score: 41 points

Steals: 4

Caps: 2 times

Assists: 10

Rebounds: 8

Han Zhe actually won a 40+ large double, or quasi-triple double!

Han Zhe's defense and scoring ability are no longer surprising to everyone, but when they saw 8 rebounds, everyone couldn't help but complain about the perversion.

Most interior players can't get 8 rebounds in a game, Han Zhe grabbed 8 rebounds to make the interior players embarrassed!

This is smashing other people's jobs!

Anyway, everyone who watched this game knows that Han Zhe, who is already very popular, will add fuel to the fire after this game!

The rookie who has cut a double-double of 40+ in two consecutive games is difficult to think of, and this data was also taken by Iverson that year.

That's right, Han Zhe broke another record, he became the youngest rookie in the league to win 40+10 in two consecutive games!_

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