
Han Zhe went out for breakfast and bought a few newspapers by the way, and found that their Bobcats were stealing the spotlight again, because they lost to the Bucks 108-93 yesterday and are now on a three-game losing streak.

If it was before, a team like the Bobcats, let alone three consecutive defeats, ten consecutive defeats, everyone would think it was normal and wouldn't care, but this year's Bobcat started really well, and now it suddenly capsizes, naturally there is a certain degree of topicality.

The key is that Han Zhe is being hyped very hot now, and the lynx has also gained a certain amount of attention.

Of course, Han Zhe is still on camera today, and topics such as his beating, transfer, and status are enough for these media to write hard for a few days.

When he opened the sports pictorial and looked at it, Han Zhe was a little shocked, and the front page on it was "Hannigan and Ferry will meet Jordan, Han Zhe's next home or has it been confirmed?".

The newspaper also had an image of Hannigan and Ferry leaving the Bobcats club, which, from the camera angle, was taken secretly at the squatting point.

Han Zhe was indeed taken aback, Jordan was really ready to sell himself?

Han Zhe was a little distracted, Bobcat manager Richie called, Han Zhe thought he was talking to him about the transfer, but as soon as 737 Richie opened his mouth, he realized that he was just informing him that the BR side team had helped him settle it.

Han Zhe casually asked how much he would lose, he wouldn't pay for this money, but he couldn't make the fat pig feel better, and he was going to sue him for racial discrimination and disgusting him.

Yes, this kind of thing can only disgust the other side, and since the First Amendment protects free speech, most speech is not a violation of the law as long as it does not cause special harm to others.

In other words, even if Simmons is confirmed to have racist remarks, it is just a condemnation and protest by the fishing boat, which is actually useless.

But it's disgusting to think that the other party is behind BR. This kind of thing is disgusting, this is a scandal after all, they are the media for the public, and if this kind of thing happens, the impact will definitely not be good.

Han Zhe thought about it, but still told Richie.

When Rich heard this, he hurriedly denied it: "Han! I was about to tell you that this matter is over, and the other party has not asked for compensation, but the condition is that you and your journalist friends will not sue Simmons (ADDI), otherwise they will not agree to go private, and don't make a big deal about it." "

Rich didn't lie, the other party was very tough at first, threatening Jordan Han Zhe to pay a large amount of compensation and apologize publicly, otherwise they would sue Han Zhe to sit down.

Jordan is not scared, and the anger has also come up, so you will sue him, you sue him today, Uncle Qiao promised that Han Zhe would come out after going in for a cup of coffee.

Jordan immediately counter-threatened, just as my side was preparing to act, Simmons publicly insulted and discriminated against our Bobcats players, and also insulted and beat a female reporter of the Celestial Empire, and we immediately held a press conference to say that we wanted justice.

Both sides are afraid of hemp rods and snakes, usually, Jordan doesn't care, he is too lazy to wipe the butts of the players who cause trouble, he is the boss not the nanny.

But now is the critical period for trading Han Zhe, and he doesn't want Han Zhe to be riddled with trouble and scandals.

BR egg hurts, racial discrimination is not most of the time, discrimination is discrimination, what can you do, but if it is big, it is also very annoying, and the public media like them will be pointed out by thousands of people, affecting sales, making money is the last word.

In the end, after a long time, Jordan, who was provoked, even said that he would not accompany the medical expenses, and he just faced it if he was not satisfied, and he could only admit that he was unlucky, but he also warned the lynx not to make trouble, otherwise they would break up and everyone would not be able to get off the stage.

After Richie explained it clearly to Han Zhe, Han Zhe also sighed, it can only be like this, it's boring to bite and not let go, and as soon as he enters the game, he will definitely be hacked out again, he is not a psychopath, and he will not look for black when he is fine.

Thinking about it from another angle, it seems that the fat pig has been very profitable!

Han Zhe was about to hang up the phone, but Rich suddenly said, "Magic intends to trade you over, are you willing to go?"

After Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, he smiled bitterly, the contract was pinched in the hands of the lynx, what was he willing to do, even if he said that he was unwilling, would it be useful!

He was not stupid, and when he heard it, he understood that Richie was not asking for his opinion, but officially informed him that he was ready to trade, and it seems that the news of the previous pictorial is indeed true!

After hanging up the phone, Han Zhe was a little distracted, he had not been in contact with him since the top management of the Bobcat, he knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Han Zhe's mood is a little complicated, there is actually no harm to him in leaving the Bobcats, the configuration of the Bobcats is indeed too poor, and there is no pursuit, this is not a place where there are ideal players who want to stay.

But after all, this is his first NBA team, he still has a certain amount of feelings, and he gets along well with the players, he is a friend, and the fans are very supportive of him.

But listening to Richie's meaning, it is to go to Magic, and he is quite satisfied with this result, because Magic has always been very determined to win him, and the greater the determination, the more importance the proof will be, and it will definitely be good for him.

After making a phone call to Luthor to inform him, Han Zhe walked to the stadium with a heavy heart, and he was going to resume training today.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Han Zhe was startled, because there were a lot of people blocked here, at least hundreds, most of them were fans, and it was estimated that there were twenty or thirty reporters with long guns and short cannons.

When he saw the banners held by some fans, Han Zhe finally knew what was going on.

Some banners read "Protest", some read "Han Zhe don't go, we love you, we need you", and some read "Jordan get out of the Bobcat", anyway, the meaning is obvious, this is triggered by the Sports Pictorial's report.

Although these fans didn't know whether it was true or not, they still came to inquire, protest and retain it for the first time.

Han Zhe's eyes were a little sour, after all, it was the first time he had experienced such a scene, and he already knew that this was not a rumor chasing after the wind, it was a fact!

Thinking of the support and love of Bobcat fans, and the fact that many fans have regarded him as the cornerstone and hope of Bobcats' rise, however, the reality is so cruel, Han Zhe will soon leave them. _

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