As the champion last season, the Heat are also the favorites to win the championship this season, and the lineup configuration can be called luxurious, but they were deflated at the beginning against a team like Magic, which can only be called a mid-stream, which made them very unhappy.

This time, James took the ball directly in the backcourt and advanced, and it is estimated that he wants to play a game by himself to stabilize his position first.

After James took the ball to the frontcourt, Barkley first began to pick his head, and the domestic fans were also making a lot of noise, because it was Harkless who defended James, and Han Zhe ran inside and followed the pigtailed Haslem around.

As long as you know Han Zhe, before the game, it is almost certain that Han Zhe will stare at James, first of all, the two are a little bit small, and secondly, Han Zhe is the player with the strongest single defense ability in Magic, and staring at the No. 1 scoring position of the Heat is counted ~ It is Han Zhe's business.

There were a lot of boos and ridicule from the few Heat fans at the scene, they despised Han Zhe, and boo him didn't dare to face their Zhan Huang-Gang!

Han Zhe didn't seem to care about this, anyway, he followed Haslem, and the image of me sticking you to death today made everyone confused.

After James glanced at Han Zhe disdainfully, he started cutting inside with a tentative step, and as soon as Hackles stuck to it, he was squeezed and stumbled and left behind.

James then went straight to the basket, when Nicholson made up the defense, James dribbled and turned around flexibly, and cut it at once, and when Vucevic was about to block, he was firmly entangled by Bosh and could only watch James hit the basket.

Now everyone understands that James obviously wants to hit back the magic with a dragon dunk and tell them who is the king of the court!

James did the same, rushed to the basket and jumped with both hands on the ball, raising the ball behind his head with a hideous expression, ready to smash the basket violently.

It's just that the next scene made James furious, shocked the fans at the scene, and made the major commentators speechless!

Han Zhe's staring at Haslem is obviously a cover, even if he doesn't stare at James, he has to stare at Wade, how can he stare at Haslem.

He knew that James would definitely not be convinced, and the other party was also a dunk maniac, so he had been in the dark for a long time.

When James rushed to the basket, he had already given up on Haslem and touched, James jumped on the front foot, and he rushed behind him with the back foot to jump.

When James lifted the ball to the back of his head and was about to smash the basket, Han Zhe "snapped" and slapped the ball hard.

The ball hit James' head straight out of his hand and bounced off!

As soon as James landed, he squatted on the ground with the back of his head in his arms, Han Zhe was not light, and James' tears were about to hurt.

"Poof!" Durant, Wei Shao and others, who were watching the game without a game today, couldn't help but spray, and then laughed, James's ball is so embarrassing that it is on the news!

The fans at the scene also erupted in loud laughter, seeing James suffer such a big loss, they were as comfortable as eating ice cream on dog days!

Barkley also laughed and coughed, and it was difficult to ease up, "I know that Han must have a ghost idea, I didn't expect him to be so yin, this time it really made James miserable!"

Smith watched James squatting on the ground and rubbing his head, he also laughed hard, and ridiculed that the league players will offend Han Zhe less in the future, this kid has a grudge, and the key is to be in the dark!

Domestic fans are also happy:

"Full marks for this big hat, 666!"

"I hurt him through the screen!"

"If I offend Han Zhe, I know that he won't end well!"

"Just now, James's brain-dead fan also said that Han Zhe was afraid of James, so I'll do it!"

"Let's see if he pretends to be forced in the future!"

Han Zhe walked up to James and said seriously: "I said I didn't mean it just now, do you believe it?"

James raised his eyes with tears in his eyes and roared, "Hey!

"It seems that you don't believe it, but I don't believe it either, I did it on purpose, hahaha...."Han Zhe laughed three times after Han Zhe finished speaking, and even Magic fans felt that he was too sucky.

Anyway, James was really good-tempered, so he didn't make a move, he just glared at Han Zhe fiercely when he got up.

0 begging for flowers··· 0

The ball just now hit his head and popped out of bounds, and the ball was naturally magical.

"Han, you're really ruthless!" Vucevic also grinned, not to mention whether ordinary people can get James, even if they can, few people dare to deliberately smash him on the head, after all, James is now in full swing, and it is still more pressure to scare him.

Harkless, who ran to the free throw next to him, also gave Han Zhe a thumbs up, awesome.

Nicholson, who ran to the front, was sweating a little, and said in his heart that he should not offend this thing in the future, he was too careful...

"Are you alright?" Wade ran to care about James, who had a dark face.


"It's okay, give me the ball in a moment, I'm going to teach that bastard a lesson!" James gritted his teeth a little.

Wade nodded and ran away, knowing that James was now standing in a crater, ready to erupt.

When Han Zhe ran over, James motioned for Wade to go away, and he took the initiative to start following Han Zhe, he was really going crazy.

A rookie actually dares to plunder his tiger whiskers, and he wants to let the other party know what will happen to annoy him!

When Han Zhe saw James coming with him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said in his heart, aren't you so stupid, just now you despise Lao Tzu with your eyes, now you know that it is amazing!

Han Zhe then suddenly accelerated and ran inward, and Hodick passed quickly, but James reacted very quickly, and Han Zhe just received the ball and he posted it again.

Then James almost went berserk.

Han Zhe ran back again, looking ready to go to the outside to shoot a three-pointer, James just turned around, and was cut in again by Han Zhe with a dribble through the crotch, and then hit a mid-range shot.

Magic fans broke out again into a huge wave, Han Zhe has already played James for the second time, today is really enjoyable, feast your eyes!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Le Sauce] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Cloud Halo] for rewarding 100 points. _

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