After Wade hit a three-point shot, although Vaughn knew that no matter how much he said, he still sprayed saliva around the referee, and the audience was also very cooperative, scolding the referee for rubbish, shit or something, and the rest of the speech started with F.

The home fans are really angry, the team has always been in good shape, but this goal turned the advantage into a disadvantage, of course I am not happy!

Domestic fans are also spraying:

"Black whistles are everywhere!"

"I really want to punch this referee in the face twice!"

"Your little emperor is really awesome, the aura protector!"

"It was a great game, but it was ruined by the last whistle!"

"It's good to get used to it, the NBA is this urine, with Han Zhe's trend, there will definitely be a whistle to protect the body in the future. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mood gradually calmed down, indeed, the NBA has always been like this, and Han Zhe has such a strong momentum, it won't be too long to be bullied by the whistle, and it is estimated that he will use the whistle to bully others in the future, so there is nothing to say, and it is also a skill to have a whistle to protect the body.

This is the case in real society, privilege is everywhere, rather than complaining, it is better to strive for yourself to enter the privileged class as soon as possible, and it is very naïve to think that you want absolute fairness.

Vaughn called a timeout after spraying the referee, this should be the last ball, it must be arranged, try to reverse the game again, the ball is in their hands, and there is still a chance to turn the tables.

After Vaughn glanced at the players, his eyes were finally fixed on Han Zhe, the team's technique and shooting stability are the best Han Zhe, and Han Zhe has had several kills, proving that he has a big heart and a strong ability to resist pressure, and Han Zhe is of course the first choice for the final shot.

"Han, are there any problems with you being in charge of the last shot?" Vaughn asked directly.

Han Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ten seconds is enough to kill them!"

Vaughn nodded in satisfaction, Han Zhe's momentum and confidence were very high, which was very important.

The other players have no opinion, Han Zhe is the absolute core, and it is natural for him to give him the key ball, and they are also convinced of Han Zhe's scoring ability, many players don't dare to ask for this kind of ball even if they give him, the pressure is too great.

Of course, it's good to score the goal, it's definitely a hero, but if you miss it, you may be pointed at!

Although the shooting selection was confirmed, Vaughn held the tactical board twice and still frowned.

The opponent is not an idiot, he will definitely focus on Han Zhe, it is not easy to rush over to score, the opponent must be pressing and defending all over the court now, Han Zhe estimates that it will be difficult to get the ball, if there is a slight mistake, the game will be declared over.

Now that it has reached this level, if you fail, it will be difficult to accept and it will also affect morale!

Vaughn's eyes lit up at the thought of something, and he began to point to the tactical board and quickly arrange.

When Vaughn finished speaking, Hodick swallowed and said, "Coach, this is too risky, isn't it?"

The other players also frowned, obviously feeling unreliable.

Only Han Zhe grinned and said, "It's good, exciting!"

"Alright, it's time, let's play!" Vaughn snapped his face.

Han Zhe stretched out his palm, and after the others came up, he shouted in unison to cheer, and then played again.

Nicholson was ready to stand on the baseline, and Civic rushed to the opponent's basket as soon as possible, and Bosh followed in Vucevic's footsteps, and it was impossible for them to play a long pass and fast attack.

Harkless ran to midfield to wait for the ball to be received, and Haslem followed him closely.

Han Zhe and Hodick stayed in the backcourt to prepare to receive the ball, Chanmos was close to Hodick, and James was close to Han Zhe, constantly going around to block Han Zhe's receiving route.

Wade was not idle, standing in front of Nicholson and waving his hands to interfere with his view and harass the serve, which is certainly better if he can make a steal or let Nicholson serve for a violation.

Han Zhe pulled back and ran, James thought they were going to pass behind him, so he hurriedly reflexively chased back, but at this time, Han Zhe stopped and ran back again, and passed James back to the position just now.

At this time, Nicholson had already hit the ball and passed it to the ground, just bounced back into Han Zhe's hand.

Han Zhe was just about to turn around against James, but the corner of his clothes was hidden by James, Han Zhe would not be forced to argue about the foul at this time, and forcibly turned around again, and his clothes were almost torn, and he finally got rid of James.

However, Qian Moss next to him had instantly given up on Hodick and ran over to block Han Zhe, and James was forced to grab one after the other.

As soon as Chanmos squeezed Han Zhe, the ball had already bounced off his leg and landed accurately in the hands of Hodick, who was responding.

Wade, who was defending Hodick over there, was still a few steps away from being in place, so he could only follow Hodick to rush forward desperately.

Hodick was noticeably slower than Wade, and by the time he got to midfield, Wade had already caught up with him.

Instead of fighting hard with Wade, Hodick distributed the ball to Hackles, who received the ball next to him, and the opponent squeezed Haslem to the front court when he received the ball.

Next, the two teams fought for speed, the Heat desperately returned to defense, and the Magic players also approached with a few arrows.

Harklesss ran to the three-point line and made a long pass to Han Zhe, who had already taken a step away from James on the right wing.

Han Zhe received the ball and burst inside, and Wade had already made up for the defense and squeezed him to scramble, desperately squeezing him to the bottom line.

Han Zhe's route has been a little crooked, there is Bosh interception in front, and other players on the inside line have no good passing route under the Heat's active running joint defense.

The audience watched the time decrease by second, and the inside line was also blocked, and it was difficult to pass and throw, all of them had a sense of suffocating tension, and even the commentators of each station closed their mouths with bated breath, all waiting for the result of this ball.

Let's see if it's the Heat's perfect defense or the Magic's Jedi!

After Han Zhe cut to the bottom corner, he made a strong pass to the basket and Vucevic, and when Wade reached out to intercept, he found that Han Zhe turned his wrist and the ball flew directly into the hands of Hakless, who was on the outside.

"Watch out for three points!" Wade couldn't help but yell, as they mainly followed Han Zhe on the inside of the joint defense, and Harkless, who was standing on the outside, was two steps empty.

Although they know that Harkless's three-point is a big hole, if he throws it in if he is lucky, he will want to cry without tears!

Haslem took a step forward and flew to block, but Hackles had already shot the ball, because Hackles shot too fast and the action was also very strange, and he smashed it out with one hand!

"Be careful of Han Zhe!" Eric, the Heat coach on the sidelines, widened his eyes in horror, because the time was almost up just now, and Harkless's shot should be the last chance to make a shot, so everyone's eyes were on him.

And Han Zhe had already taken advantage of the moment when James and Wade were distracted, and rushed to the basket at zero angle.

When the Harkless ball smashed out, he had already jumped first, flying directly to the top of Bosh's head, who had not reacted at all, and blocked the basket with the palm of his hand, and the ball was refracted into the basket after a "pop"!

At this time, Eric's voice reached the players' ears, and the timer on the sidelines also made a "beep", and the game was over!


After a short silence, the home fans jumped up and screamed and cheered, although they still had shock on their faces, but this did not affect their celebration, this goal was not only a stunner, but also a bombardment!

They pulled off a beautiful comeback!!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Muzi's Little Dad] for rewarding 100 points. _

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