During the training in the team, both the coach and the players were speechless, in addition to the normal tactical training, Han Zhe took the initiative to strengthen the strength training, because Han Zhe swore that his strength had not yet been developed!

Everyone wants to cut open his head to see if he's crazy, his strength is now very perverted, okay, generally a small forward in his early 2 meters can play with his back, this hasn't been developed yet?

Han Zhe wasn't playing around, because he had gradually discovered some of the hidden attributes of the system.

When there was no system before, his physical fitness, ball control skills, bounce, strength, etc., in fact, most of them have been fixed, and even if the training can be strengthened, it is very limited.

But after acquiring various abilities, he seems to have liberated some genetic locks, although the abilities obtained are fixed, but after training, he can also improve some hidden attributes

For example, his physique and strength, he has increased a little more than he just obtained the ability of Atsushi Shihara, if when he first obtained the ability, his physique increased by 30%, and his strength increased by 50%, now his physique is estimated to have increased to about 33%, and his strength has increased to 52%.

Of course, these are difficult to measure, but the body is his own, and Han Zhe can clearly feel his growth.

There is also the fact that many abilities in the body are interrelated, and after Han Zhe's physique and strength increase, the most intuitive impact is bouncing.

Han Zhe's initial maximum jump height was almost 125cm, and now he estimates that he can jump at least 130cm, which can be said to be very perverted.

For example, Akaji not only gave him the Eye of the Emperor, but since he got Akaji's ability, Han Zhe's ball sense, ball skills, and passing awareness have gradually improved.

Another example is the three-point three-point in the green room, which not only gives him three-point ability, but also helps him to shoot normally, after he has the feeling of hitting 100% of the three-point shots, no matter what position he is, he has strengthened his shooting accuracy, and his mid-range shooting is now much more accurate than before.

Therefore, every character ability given by the system is a big treasure, which will not only give Han Zhe a direct ability enhancement, but also unlimited potential, but the potential has to be tapped by himself, and hard work and understanding are indispensable.

Han Zhe first used training equipment to exercise strength, and then confronted Harkless and others in low-post singles, they practiced low-post singles not to see technique and score, but pure strength competition, that is, to push each other hard.

Harkless used to be able to withstand Han Zhe for a while, but now he was quickly defeated, so Han Zhe set his eyes on the weak Vucevic again.

However, Vucevic's weak body is only for his C, but he is not weak at all in the face of Han Zhe, Han Zhe tried a few times, although he couldn't push Vucevic, but he still tried very hard to let him continue to accompany him, and used Vucevic as a wall.

Vucevic also has his own separate training subjects, and it is impossible to play blindly with Han Zhe all the time, and at the last wave, he called the big black O'Quinn to stand under the basket, and let Han Zhe slowly push and play...

In fact, Han Zhe's crazy training has touched the entire player a lot, Han Zhe is now a well-known genius, only twenty years old, he can thrive in the league, and he often does not fall behind when playing against superstars, and his talent is undoubted.

With Han Zhe's talent, he may be much stronger than them when he lies down, but Han Zhe is the hardest working one of them, which makes them embarrassed.

Especially a rookie like Vucevic used to feel that his talent and hard work were very strong, but compared with Han Zheyi, he was a little ashamed.

Vaughn was also the most satisfied with Han Zhe's training attitude, and at first he was afraid that a young player like Han Zhe would be lazy and slack off on training, but the result was that he was wrong.

Now Vaughn often uses Han Zhe to scare other players.

Too much training intensity?

Didn't you see Han Zhe practice again after training?

Think you're talented and strong?

Do you think your talent and strength are stronger than Han Zhe's?

In fact, at first, the players were a little annoyed with Han Zhe, thinking that he was putting on a show, a bit of grandstanding, and even they were trained ruthlessly.

But after being together for a long time, I admire it, because Han Zhe doesn't behave like this occasionally, but every day, what else can they say?

When Ibaka first came, he may not have the idea of fighting for a brother in his heart, but after staying in Magic for half a month, he knew that as long as Han Zhe didn't leave, he could only be the second or third brother.

The more Ibaka knows Han Zhe, the more he knows how comprehensive and terrifying Han Zhe is!

Now the physical fitness coach also pays attention to Han Zhe at any time, if Han Zhe exceeds the load, he will stop, everything must be stopped in moderation, and now Han Zhe has just adjusted his physical fitness, but he can't let him play himself bad again.

The regular season is coming soon, and Han Zhe's playing time must be guaranteed now, and Han Zhe is an important bargaining chip for them to hit the playoffs!


PS: Recommend a friend's new book "The Flood of the Wilderness is the Beginning of the Qilin".

Thanks to the boss of [Yellowstone] for tipping 2000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [zbg1] for tipping 588 points. _

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