After chatting with his teammates for a few words, Han Zhe turned his head to see that the field staff was moving the spring bed over, and asked, "What are you doing with this thing?"

"For your dunk performance, ouch, my uncle, you shouldn't have practiced, didn't we remind you before!"

After the assistant director saw Han Zhe nodding very affirmatively, he was a little crazy, they had already told Han Zhe the content of the advertisement before, and the technical actions they designed needed to be assisted by a spring bed, and they also made a special trip to let Han Zhe have time to practice the spring bed, and now it seems that this advertisement can't be filmed...

He Juan also frowned when she saw this, if this matter was not done, then it would be troublesome, either they would have to redesign the advertising action, or Han Zhe would have to find time to practice.

In either case, it will delay time, and it will definitely not be filmed today, and their budget will be greatly increased, for example, the Amway Arena that they spent money to rent today was wasted, and some of the props they rented also cost money, and this director is also a well-known big name in the advertising industry, and the cost of delaying people is also very high.

He Juan also thought that Han Zhe was a little too much, this was obviously a big name and didn't take their advertisement seriously, but He Juan still suppressed her anger, and when she wanted to make another appointment with Han Zhe, Han Zhe spoke. "I really didn't practice the spring bed, because I didn't need it, I could just do the movements you set. "

He Juan frowned and said, "Mr. Han, don't be kidding, it's okay, you can take the time to practice in the past two days, and we can shoot in two days." "

The director also laughed, thinking that Han Zhe's joke was a bit big, of course he also knew their advertising actions, knew how difficult it was, and couldn't play without borrowing auxiliary tools, and the players were prone to injury.

"No kidding, you're busy, I don't have much free time, okay, let's try it, don't you think?"

Han Zhe's expression was very serious, he knew that others would lose a lot of time by delaying time, and he himself didn't have time to shoot advertisements for three days, so he had to do this today.

"But..."He Juan is also a little confused, and she is more worried, the failure of the advertisement is a trivial matter, Han Zhe is now a national treasure, if she is injured in shooting an advertisement for them, she can't afford this pot, and Li Ning can't afford it.

Vucevic They couldn't understand Chinese, but they also found that the atmosphere was not right, and asked Han Zhe curiously what was going on, and when Han Zhe told them about the advertising action he was going to do, his teammates opened their mouths wide!

"Han, don't mess around, you have to borrow a spring bed for this action, if you get injured while filming an advertisement now, the coach will kill you!" Vucevic shook his head violently when he heard this.

Avlalo also spoke, "Vucevic is right, you can shoot this advertisement with a spring bed in a few days, the spring bed is not difficult, I can play, at most a day or two can get familiar with it." "

Ibaka is also very affirmative: "I think I have a good jump, but this movement is impossible to do, you need auxiliary tools. "

Han Zhe didn't say anything, and ran to a basketball, He Juan and Han Zhe's teammates just wanted to stop it, but Han Zhe had already run to the middle line to help run and sprint.

Han Zhe rushed to the air in the eyes of everyone who was worried or surprised, just half a step past the free throw line, and then took off, the person first turned around in the air, and then changed hands under the crotch in the air, and then smashed the ball into the basket with one hand!

"I'm sorry... Just took an extra half a step!" Han Zhe smiled a little awkwardly, because the advertisement requirement was not to jump from the free throw line, and he didn't have a palm just now

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he saw that no one responded, and when he looked up, everyone looked at him with a stunned expression, and some girls even covered their mouths, looking frightened.

"Oh my God, it's incredible! Damn, it didn't turn on just now!" the director looked crazy with remorse.

"Director He, do you think this is okay, I didn't adjust it just now, I can still increase the starting distance, it should be able to meet your requirements. Han Zhe said a little embarrassed, he felt a little embarrassed that he didn't meet the requirements for that jump just now.

"That's... That's it..."He Juan, who has always been calm, stammered a little when she spoke.

Ibaka was stunned for a while, and then said to Vucevic next to him in shock: "Hell, I won't participate in this year's slam dunk contest, even if the league invites me!"

Hodick on the side also nodded, "I'm not going either!"

Han Zhe's ball really scared them, and the more expert they were, the more their hearts were shaken.

For example, Ibaka, he can also buckle Han Zhe's jumping position just now, but he can't play tricks, just add an air turn, he has to kneel, add a crotch to change hands, and add two actions together, he has to kneel even more steadily.

Direct dunking and playing in the air are not a concept at all, the height of the jump and the time in the air are not the same, the difficulty is not a matter of one plus one, this action is estimated not to be done, others dare not think about it.

"Can you shoot it?" asked Han Zhe.

He Juan nodded dumbly, and the other filming crew hadn't recovered from the shock and didn't move.

However, the director was the first to react, and hurriedly ran over and excitedly asked Han Zhe if he could still make the action just now, of course he was excited, Han Zhe didn't use tools to jump and shoot, of course, it was more realistic and the effect was better, and there was also less special effects editing in the later stage.

For example, with a spring bed, you have to take off the spring bed and the anti-fall air cushion under the basket in the later stage, which is not only troublesome, but also has some traces, and the effect will be weakened a lot.

The point is that they never thought that anyone could do this set of actions directly, and this Nima slam dunk contest is an action that can score 11 points, which is already beyond the limit of 10 points!

Seeing that Han Zhe was still dissatisfied, the director hurriedly said that as long as Han Zhe could copy the action just now, it would already be perfect.

He Juan, who came back to her senses, also said that there was no need to increase the starting distance, and the half-step jump at the free throw line had exploded, which had greatly exceeded their expectations, and now it was already a surprise.

And being able to do this set of actions is already very rebellious, and they are afraid that it will be worth the loss if they make it more difficult to injure Han Zhe.

Don't underestimate this half-step distance, there is a world of difference, there are a small number of players in the league with top bounce who can do what is called a free-throw line dunk.

Ibaka in front of him is fine, but their so-called free-throw line jumping dunk is actually half a step or one step above the free-throw line.

Let them really all stand on the line and jump back, almost no one can do it, such as Ibaka, let him not cross the line, and kill him, not to mention playing two difficult flower job combinations.

Therefore, no matter the director, He Juan, or magic teammates, they all persuaded Han Zhe not to make it difficult, it is difficult to succeed, as long as he can copy the action just now, he is a classic among the classics, and he is already considered non-human!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [black_rosevi1] for tipping 588 points. _

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