Han Zhe took out his notebook and looked at it, and couldn't help but sigh, buddy is so awesome!

Han Zhe first looked at the messages, most of them were greetings and encouragement and support, and some expressed their willingness to have monkeys with him at any time, of course, there were also some black powder sprays.

Han Zhe then sent a message, "Thank you for your support and concern, I am currently in very good shape, and I get along well with my teammates, as for the fight you asked about, it is not at all, anyway, I don't believe it myself!"

As soon as Han Zhe's Weibo was updated, it became lively:

"Wife, come and get up and see God, Han Zhe has appeared, alive!"

"With Han Zhe's level of talking nonsense with his eyes open, he must be powdered!"

"Han Zhe, I am twenty-eight years old, waiting for the word boudoir, Wangjun will come to talk about it, and the grove will not be gone!"

"Han Zhe, is Orlando fun?"

"Han Zhe, are Orlando's chicks fun?"


Han Zhe's Weibo message exploded instantly, there were all kinds of everything, Han Zhe saw that he cared more about his life, so he found a few photos of himself in Orlando and uploaded them.

As soon as the photo came out, he was naturally amazed, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, because the environment here of Han Zhe is really good, with blue sky and white clouds, green trees, the key is... There are all kinds of blonde girls in the background...

Han Zhe then began to reply to the messages of some celebrities in turn, first of course, it was Liu Yan's, no one knows about their relationship so far, and the two have not revealed it, everyone thinks they are passers-by.

After Han Zhe also clicked Liu Yan's attention, he @她道: "The young lady is so beautiful, what a day!"

As soon as Han Zhe's news came out, everyone reacted differently!

"Don't let my goddess be a brute!"

"Han Zhe is not that goblin, come on, I'll wait for you in vain!"

"Men really don't have a good thing, the first thing to pay attention to is the big murder girl!"

"Liu Yan was the first to pay attention to Han Zhe, and she used to often speak out in support of Han Zhe, and now Han Zhe is also the first to pay attention to her, tsk... I think I've discovered some amazing secret!"

"I'm thinking too much upstairs! The age gap between the two is too big, Han Zhe and her have no play!"

Liu Yan quickly replied with a "Mo Mo Da", which made the melon-eating crowd even more lively.

But everyone just followed the heat and thought it was two strangers playing around, and they didn't think that the two were acquaintances.

Han Zhe didn't care about the comments, but clicked on the stars he sent greetings in turn.

For example, Jay, Little Pig, Black and others are free to teach them to play basketball, and Han Zhe also replied after paying attention to it, the entertainment industry knows that these guys like to play and play well.

Many fans are also looking forward to a few people, but most of them know that Han Zhe is just kind words, first of all, Han Zhe and a few people have no comparable skills, that is, they abuse vegetables, and secondly, people are not idlers, and it is very difficult to get together.

Next, Han Zhe paid attention to some of his favorite and more pleasing stars, and they all left messages in turn.

Han Zhe's performance quickly won unanimous praise, many people thought that Han Zhe would be a big name, but he didn't expect that in addition to making a joke with Liu Yan, he was very polite when talking to first-line or third-tier stars, and he basically regarded himself as a junior, and many of them directly called his seniors or brother or sister.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, after all, Han Zhe is much smaller than most celebrities, and his debut is much later, and it is appropriate to respect others, but there are not many big-name stars who can really do this.

Han Zhe then saw an interesting person leaving a message to challenge him, and many of his fans also came to call for the battle, and most of them were very arrogant.

Before Han Zhe could speak, his fans scolded:

"Stupid, don't come to recruit black, just like you, you still come to me to rub the heat?"

"Believe it or not, kill your sticker, what's that?"

"You don't care about your skills or temperament, you are not at the same level as Han Zhe, you and Han Zhe dare to play as usual, you don't need us to do it, Han Zhe has to beat you to death believe it or not?"

This person Han Zhe knows, his name is Wu You, he has been more famous in recent years, and he has also proclaimed himself the king of street ball in the Heavenly Dynasty, but Han Zhe has seen his playing video, authentic flashy, a lot of fancy moves, and it is okay to abuse vegetables, but if he is in the NBA, he will be abused as a dog.

The reason why it is popular is because he will be asked to participate in some basketball activities in the past two years, and he has played against many stars at home and abroad.

Ball skills are not the point, the key is that there is a problem with his character, Han Zhe used to watch videos and wanted to beat him, this so-called passing person often opens the way with elbows, all kinds of rough fouls, all of which are used to domestic event sponsors, and he never blows him in exhibition matches, so that he thinks he is very awesome.

Han Zhe replied directly, "Do you want to play with me, learn the basic rules of basketball first, or I'm afraid I'll kill you!"

Netizens blew up:

"666, I'm domineering!"

"Haha... Laughing to death, slapping his face!But Wu You and Han Zhe may really be ruthless by Han Zhe when they play!"

"It's not a level of people at all, a clown who jumps off the beam, an NBA player, there's no comparison!"

"Street Ball King?

"Who is this Wu You? I don't seem to want to see him!"

"If you go and search the video of him playing, you will know that it is no longer dirty, it is disgusting! It's an insult to basketball!"

Wu You is also a little brainless, but as soon as they started scolding, they were immediately drowned in saliva, and Wu You's post bar was also immediately hacked by Han Zhe's fans, it is not a level at all, and the other party will be wiped out without even saying that the other party will start a war!

Han Zhe answered some netizens' questions again, and when he was about to sleep, Luthor called, it turned out that Li Ning saw that Han Zhe was so popular, and asked him to preview the sneaker advertisement on Weibo, which was promoted in advance.

This is a trivial matter, of course Han Zhe will not refuse, he posted a picture of a promotional poster made by Li Ning in advance on his Weibo, and told everyone that he had finished filming the first Li Ning advertisement, so that everyone could support the Li Ning sonic shoes he endorsed!

Everyone is very curious about how Han Zhe's first endorsement advertisement was filmed, because Han Zhe was very appetizing and said that this advertisement is very hanging, but I won't say anything specific, the thief is bad!

However, they can only wait slowly, because the commercial is still in post-production, and it will take some time before it will be released. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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