After getting on the court, Han Zhe finally knew why Mullens agreed to play with fire without hesitation, because Monroe, the Pistons center opposite him, bullied him miserably, and some balls could be scored easily, but Monroe wanted to play some tricks in front of him to play him again, Han Zhe estimated that Mullens wanted to hit someone!

The other party is obviously addicted to playing, and after the defender Knight called Han Zhe a rookie, he also played tricks in front of Han Zhe, but before he could finish the transfer, Han Zhe suddenly rushed forward and cut him away cleanly and launched a fast attack.

"Give them some color and see!" After Han Zhe shouted, he burst into the inside line in one breath and forced himself to jump in front of Monroe and looked like he wanted to shoot.

Of course, Monroe will not let Han Zhe be arrogant, he jumped up and wanted to give him a blood cap, when he saw Han Zhe throw the ball a high parabola around his head, he reacted and realized that this was not a shot, it was a pass, and when he turned his head to look, he just watched Mulens, who was beaten by him, jump high, and after receiving the ball with both hands, he "touched" and pressed the ball into the basket!

"Oh! beautiful air relay!" the fans in attendance applauded

"Well passed, Han!" Mullens excitedly ran over and bumped into Han Zhe.

Han Zhe exclaimed in surprise, almost didn't fly out of the field, where could his small physique withstand the 125-kilogram Murens collision.

“Sorry!" Mullens smiled awkwardly after holding Han Zhe, he was too excited just now to master the strength.

After Han Zhe grinned, he waved his hand to signal that it was okay and began to run back to defense.

The ball just now was very morale-boosting, and the replaced Walker and Henderson also waved their towels vigorously, and Dunlap reflexively waved his fist in celebration and was stunned, no! This doesn't seem to be his own tactical arrangement, what the hell is Han Zhe, how did he rush all the way to the inside, isn't basketball like this!

Dunlap put away his smile and squinted his eyes and began to stare at the players on the field.

The overall strength of the opponent is obviously stronger than that of the Bobcat, and the Bobcat is simply a defensive black hole, except for Han Zhe's defensive Niu Cha, the defensive ability of everyone else is simply miserable.

The other party just suffered Han Zhe's loss, learned to be obedient, and didn't fight with Han Zhe, Han Zhe passed the ball as soon as he grabbed them, and finally pulled out the empty position Knight hit a three-point shot, and looked back at Han Zhe defiantly. Walker, who was next to him, smiled when he saw it, and after dribbling the ball past half court, he passed the ball to Han Zhe and said with a smile: "He wants to compete with us for three points!"

Han Zhe also smiled, after quickly dribbling to the three-point line, Knight lowered his center of gravity to prevent him from breaking through, who knew that Han Zhe rushed over to make a stop-and-go jump shot, three-point hit, this goal was completely unreasonable, such a fast stop, such a fast shooting speed, the key is to score!

Dunlap on the sidelines took a deep breath and forcibly swallowed back the curse words, this is not a training gym, so many people are watching, and the squirting players are a bit not good.

The opponent's offense hit the iron, Mullens took off the rebound and threw it to Han Zhe for a fast break, Han Zhe and Gordon formed a two-on-one situation in the frontcourt, Han Zhe had already passed the interceptor and rushed in, but under everyone's stunned gaze, facing the empty blue Han Zhe passed the ball back to Gordon outside the three-point line, "You have one too!".

Gordon is happy, and he doesn't hesitate to make a three-point shot!


The sound of hitting iron came, and when Gordon just wanted to cover his face, he saw Han Zhe jump high, take the ball off the head of the opponent's power forward, and then throw it to him, "Come again!"


Gordon covered his face completely, and he was iron again!

The opposing player had already returned to the defense at this time, and when Gordon thought that the ball was out of play, he saw a hand stretched out in the chaos, pressing the two big forwards at a high level, and the rebound fell into Gordon's hands, "You don't go into the pit again, and I really can't grab it!"

After Han Zhe landed, he looked at him surrounded by a circle of big men and glared angrily, completely cowardly, and he was estimated to be beaten if he grabbed it again...

And before grabbing the rebound, the bounce power is still second, mainly because his Emperor's Eye judged and analyzed the approximate landing point of the ball in advance, occupying a great opportunity, and now the basket is crowded with people, it is difficult for him to grab a good position, and it is useless to know the landing point, and he has to be blown out as soon as others pout



Gordon finally lived up to expectations and hit an open three-point shot!

The benches on both sides of the court froze, and the audience also appeared cold for a moment, which is so exaggerated, it is simply an insult to the Pistons, the shortest guard has a chance to stay under the basket without shooting, to shoot a three-point play for his teammates, and then press the rebound wildly, and Gordon stands outside to output, this and this...


There was an uproar after the audience reacted, and then there was a burst of cheers and applause, and Han Zhe's wave of 6 exploded.

The Bobcat bench also laughed straight down, one was laughing at Han Zhe violently beating the opponent's big forward, I didn't see that people's faces were black and scolding and scolding Do you want to beat people, a 2.05 meter big forward was grabbed three rebounds in a row by a small guard on his head, and he lost face and lost his hair.

The second is to laugh at Gordon's empty three-point shooting and miss two consecutive shots!

"Good pitch. When Han Zhe ran back, he praised Gordon, and Gordon immediately covered his face and ran, not a bad wool!

The Pistons bench was silent, and head coach Frank didn't have any special expression, just asked curiously, "Who is that number 10?"

A teaching assistant said: "That's the 31st rookie of this year, it seems to be called Han, and he is from the Celestial Empire." "

Frank suddenly realized when he heard this, and then threw his coat in anger amid everyone's bewildered expressions.

They still thought that the coach was angry at the ball just now, how did they know that Frank was angry that he didn't listen to the scouts at the time, and used the No. 9 pick to bet on Han Zhe, and finally knew why the Wizards' Wittman lost his temper in the draft, Han Zhe's performance just now is very revealing, and the Bobcat picked up a big bargain!

Dunlap here is also throwing clothes, Dunlap, who couldn't bear it, finally scolded and took Han Zhe and Gordon down, this move made the fans and the opposing coach's seat stunned, you must know that although these two people were playing with fire just now, but since they came on the field, the situation has obviously begun to change, and the momentum of the Bobcat has risen, and there is no reason to replace them.

Then Frank seemed to figure it out, he thought that Dunlap was afraid that Han Zhe and they would expose too much strength to the opponent, so he switched to it.

"What are you two bastards doing, are you playing the first drop of blood, my team doesn't want individual heroism, we are one, you guys are just nonsense!".

"Coach, have you seen the first drop of blood? do you think Shi Tailong is handsome or I am handsome?" asked Han Zhe with a cute face.

"I guess the coach has heard of it and hasn't seen it, so don't embarrass the coach. "Gordon mends the knife.

"You... You two bastards... Get out of here, don't think about playing again today!" Dunlap almost had a heart attack!

After Han Zhe and Gordon came to the bench, they were treated like heroes, and everyone high-fived them in celebration, and the whole court was suppressed by the Pistons

Han Zhe and Walker have also been smiling, of course they know that they will have such an end when they play with fire, and they are already prepared in their hearts, so it is not surprising at all, as long as it is cool, Han Zhe is really good at learning thoroughly!

In the next game, the Bobcats were forced hard, Han Zhe and the sins they created naturally had to be carried by Mullens and the new Walker, and the angry Pistons fought fiercely more than in the playoffs, and the Bobcats were really beaten into sick cats.

The game ended with a score of 122-87.

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