Han Zhe is not pretending, he really thinks that this buckle is very ordinary, the only highlight is that in his opinion, he just jumps a little high, that's all, he can play this kind of action with his eyes closed!

"Han! What kind of moves are you preparing, and you are sneaky, we haven't seen you practice before!" Vucevic asked curiously.

The other players also pricked up their ears, and they were also curious about what kind of awesome action design Han Zhe had.

Han Zhe turned his head with a puzzled expression, "What sneaking? I haven't practiced at all, okay, I still had a little headache just now and I was thinking about what action to use, but now I can feel relieved to see that Green's street action can also get full marks, I can play casually!"

"What! you're just thinking about the move now?" Ibaka's eyes widened, and the other players had hellish expressions on their faces!

Even Vaughn couldn't help but ask if Han Zhe was joking, and after seeing Han Zhe confirm that he wasn't joking, he looked sluggish!

"Han, you bastard doesn't take the slam dunk contest too seriously, I'm mad at me when I bet with my friends that you could win the championship!"

Next, the Magic teammates began to think of ideas for Han Zhe in a hurry, and even Vaughn gave Han Zhe ideas, this product is too worry-free, and the game is about to be played.

The Magic players who were originally noisy were suddenly silent, and then countless whistles and cheers suddenly came to mind, and Han Zhe was also a little dumbfounded.

It turned out that a large group of blonde girls in flight attendant uniforms had entered, and then they were lined up to form a passage on both sides.

"Damn, this bastard is quite good at playing!" Han Zhe swallowed his saliva and complained, not to mention how well he dunked the ball, this group of beauties is eye-catching enough!

When they saw White step back to the baseline, everyone knew White was ready to perform his famous free-throw line dunk.

Han Zhe also became interested, and some people said that White successfully jumped from behind the free throw line during practice, but no one knows whether it is true or not.

At present, there seems to be no real jumping dunk from the free throw line in the slam dunk contest, and the old hooligan Jordan, Barry and Pippen are doing better, but half of them are stepping on the line.

The closest thing to perfection is actually Han Zhe's teammate Ibaka and White in front of him, and the best button in front of them is only a little tiptoe stepping on the line!

But most people's limits are already doomed, and a small toe is an insurmountable moat!

White took the ball on the bottom line and began to sprint, passing by the stewardess passage like a gust of wind, and jumped when he came to the free throw line, Han Zhe saw it very clearly, this time he did not step on the line, however, although White's fingers hung on the basket, it was obviously a little bit away, and the ball directly smashed the basket and bounced away, and the audience resounded with a sigh.

Yes, it's just a little bit of two or three centimeters, and if you fly two or three centimeters more, you will definitely be able to get in, but it's just this point, White can't take a step!

White obviously knows his limit, only tried once, and jumped up after obviously giving up the free throw line on the second dunk, and crossed the free throw line with one foot to complete the two-handed dunk!

However, after the final score of this ball came out, it was only 45 points, and the reason is very simple, this kind of free throw line dunk can be done by many players in the league, it is not rare, and it is not very difficult.

"Cut! This level is embarrassing to brag about B?is it the first dunk in the history of the alliance?" Han Zhe looked disdainful.

In fact, when it comes to dunks, Han Zhe thinks that Karte is more than White's dick, Kate's dunk is very stretchy and beautiful, and at the same time there is a sense of strength and beauty, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Next, Han Zhe and his teammates high-fived, and they came on the field in their worried eyes.

Seeing Han Zhe on the court, there were still many viewers who applauded warmly, after all, Han Zhe is a frequent visitor to the top ten balls, he basically has wonderful dunks in every game, and the most impressive thing is, of course, flying across Davis and smashing rebounds, and there are not a few people looking forward to his dunk performance!

Han Zhe is very relaxed now, he didn't prepare before naturally because he felt that it was unnecessary, especially after reading the previous scoring criteria, he was even more confident.

Take the ball and retreat a little past the halfway, everyone knows that Han Zhe should also perform a flying dunk!

Su Qun said: "Han Zhe's dunk strength is undoubted, and his bounce power is also the strongest among the current registered players in the league, and now Han Zhe obviously wants to perform long-distance flying dunks, is it a riposte to White's previous arrogant remarks?

White also frowned when he saw Han Zhe preparing to sprint, he spoke arrogantly just now, but don't forget that Han Zhe was just as arrogant, he didn't take them in his eyes, he was also very unhappy with Han Zhe, but after seeing that he was also ready to challenge the free throw line jump, he was already ready to watch the joke.

Han Zhe threw the ball, and after smiling, he quickly rushed to the free throw line and jumped cleanly, it was not too late, I saw Han Zhe suddenly turn 180 degrees in the air and turn his back to the basket!


After Han Zhe flew to the basket with his back, he blew up the basket with both hands, and it was a one-time success!

"Mygod!" both Barkley and O'Neal buried their heads on the table!

Jordan and Kobe Bryant on the sidelines had almost the same expression captured by the camera, both of them had "O" shaped mouths, and then leaned back with their heads in their hands, obviously shocked by the transition!


At this time, the fans at the scene also broke out into a huge wave, all of them raised their heads and screamed very loudly, which simply frightened countless people!

Vaughn's performance was the funniest, looking excited and angry, tangled, excited that Han Zhe's ball was too beautiful, which made him adrenaline rush, and of course he was angry that this ball was too dangerous.

Nima, free throw line back dunk, this will be if you fall to the ground!

Su Qun and Zhang Weiping were also out of shape, shouting excitedly with red necks, but no one blamed them at this time, because the audience was all crazy with excitement now, not only Han Zhe was from the Celestial Empire, but this ball was too awesome, no matter who deducted it, it should receive applause and shouts!

Han Zhe swung twice on the basket before landing, and then glanced at the stunned White with a smile, sample, you can't dunk after the free throw line, how does it feel to show you the back dunk at the free throw line now?

Isn't it exciting?

Isn't the sting irritating?

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