I thought that the alliance punishment would come down the day after the incident, but under the reporter's questioning, the alliance's senior management said that because there were too many people involved, they still needed time to carefully review the video.

Everyone knows this is.,At that time, N multi-camera cameras were captured from all angles.,It didn't take much time to sort it out.,The people involved in the brawl were sorted out on the same day.,The emotional alliance task force is not as good as a water friend?

Everyone knows that this is just an excuse, and it is estimated that the alliance is just delaying time to discuss and deal with the bill, of course, it would be best if it could be delayed until the heat of this matter has passed.

It wasn't until the third day of the incident, the day before the Pacers vs. Magic third round was about to begin, that the NBA finally announced the penalty results on "August 13" under strong pressure on the fishing wheel.

As soon as the results came out, the world was shocked, and the league issued the first largest fine in NBA history, with the Pacers and Magic each fined $3.8 million, which is only the team fine, and then the people involved also have personal fines.

In the past, the biggest fine given by the league to the team was that the Timberwolves signed a yin-yang contract with a player to evade taxes, and were fined $3.5 million

The top of the list of individual fines for both teams is Han Zhe, and the league gave a sky-high fine of $280,000.

Seeing this ticket, everyone was a little crying and laughing, because strictly speaking, Han Zhe was actually the first victim, but the reasons given by the alliance were sufficient.

Han Zhe must have been a victim if he didn't make a move, but he not only shot, but also thief, the four players of the Pacers were KO by Han Zhe, three of them were in a coma for a day, and now although they have woken up, Hibbert's teeth flew two, and West was even more miserable, with a fracture in his face, and it is estimated that he has been injured for a long time.

The second highest personal fine is also obtained by Magic, and everyone can't help but want to laugh when they see this person, this $250,000 fine is for Magic coach Vaughn, although Vaughn is definitely not as ruthless as Han Zhe when he beats people, but he is a coach, and the nature is different, in the words of the Celestial Empire, the circumstances are particularly serious, the impact is particularly bad, and he has to be heavily punished

Next up was the Pacers, the highest fine went to West, who was still in his hospital bed, because the brawl could be said to have been triggered by his inappropriate foul, and he didn't do it less at the time, even though he was beaten badly, he also had to be heavily fined to set an example

Almost all of the Magic and Pacers players were then spared, and both received fines, but the amount was different, and the fines alone set a record in the NBA anyway.

This is the largest amount of money in history, and the largest number of people have been fined, and they can be regarded as famous in history

There is absolutely nothing to say about the severity of the alliance's fines, and neither the media nor the public can find fault with it

However, as everyone knows, this time the actual fine is secondary, and the ban is the focus of everyone's attention, and when everyone sees the additional ban punishment, they are all dumbfounded


"666, Stern t, league t"

"I'm convinced, I'm still having fun."

"Now I finally know what a business alliance is."

"Stern's old face is red, indicating that the network is delaying..."

"It's good to say this, I was scared to pee before, thinking that Han Zhe was already GOGO"

Not only domestically, but also in the league, the whole world has fried the pot, some people applauded, and some people scolded, saying that Stern is shameless and the NBA league is shameless.

To give a ban or not to give a penalty?

It must have been given, and there were quite a few bans

For example, Han Zhe was banned for as many as 12 games, which is not a light punishment, and the other main people involved are also eight out of ten, which is not light.

However, the league notes that this ban penalty has been postponed directly to next season

Most fans actually expressed understanding and were happy to accept the penalty decision, because they still want to see both teams play the playoffs, and if they are both banned now, then look at the wool

Only a small number of media and some people with a strong sense of justice expressed their unacceptability to accept this result, saying that the alliance's resolution was disgusting and should not encourage such unhealthy tendencies

The league's top brass doesn't dare to show their heads now, the media has blocked the door, and some people hold up banners against court violence, Stern eating and the like to protest, anyway, the whole NBA is too lively

Han Zhe and the others breathed a sigh of relief, the matter was finally settled, although Han Zhe was punished a little harshly, but as long as he could play in the playoffs, he would be thankful 0........

Devos and Hannigan were also discussing the follow-up in the office, and he asked the official website to express his support for all the league's penalty decisions at the time, and the Magic and Pacers also publicly apologized on the official website.

Of course, they didn't wait for the league to announce these things to know, in the past two days, Devos and the Pacers boss have contacted Stern, and the result of this punishment was originally negotiated by them, and even the presidents of other teams have long known, and the last thing to know is of course the media and the public.

Anyway, this matter is currently the hottest topic in the world, and after the alliance punishment came out, many TV stations invited guests to start analyzing and discussing.

Some of them said they supported the NBA league after scoring 0.4, so the punishment was very appropriate, and some directly sprayed, sprayed the Pacers, sprayed the Magic, sprayed Stern, and the ratings of these programs exploded, and everyone made a wave.

Of course, regardless of whether or not anyone questions this penalty decision, the league will definitely not change the punishment because of the attitude of others, and this matter has already been settled

Han Zhe and the others knew that although the punishment had come down, the heat was still there, and they all didn't dare to come forward, and they didn't say a word on social networks, and after another day, the Magic ushered in the third game with the Pacers at home

This game has not yet been played, and it has become the focus, after all, the affairs of the two teams are in an uproar, and they met again so quickly, of course, they have attracted the attention of countless people.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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