Han Zhe didn't hide this time, and took the initiative to put down the window to signal that the reporter could ask questions, it's not easy for people to get up early in the morning and block the door in the dark, well, the key is that Han Zhe is in a good mood

A lot of honors are still secondary, and it's really cool to draw Qingfeng in the lottery

"Han, congratulations on your big regular season gains, but what do you think about not being selected for the first team?"

"What can I think, don't choose me to prove that they are blind"


The reporter was in an uproar, but immediately became excited, Han Zhe really dared to say anything, good, they had a big news to write

"We saw you post on Weibo, you seem to be very unhappy with James winning this MVP?" "Six-zero-seven"

"Look at my stats, look at James' stats, do you think I'm wrong to be dissatisfied?"

The reporter climaxed again, Han Zhe is really not a hit, a blockbuster, but in fact, if you think about it, Han Zhe is really right, Han Zhe's data is actually better than James, although James's rebounding data is full of Han Zhe, but Han Zhe's assists and scores are all out of James

"Han: You said you will get the MVP back from James next season, is it a joke or is it serious?"

"If you think it's a joke, it's a joke, and if you think it's serious, I'm serious."

Han Zhe played Tai Chi, but Han Zhe knew that no matter whether he was joking or not, when it came to the reporter's mouth, he would definitely become serious, and they were determined to fan the flames

"You won the scoring title in your rookie season, you were the first, how do you feel now?"

"It feels... Well... I look like I'm pretty good."


These words amused the reporters, but Han Zhe really has the confidence to say this, who dares to say that Han Zhe is not good now?

"Last question, are you aiming to sweep the Pacers?"

This time, Han Zhe didn't speak, just stretched out four fingers, and then closed the window and drove to the parking lot

"Haha... Big harvest, Han Ke gave us a lot of fierce material"

"Yes, Han usually doesn't like to talk, but he really dares to say it with one mouth"

"Oops, is it important to write that Han is dissatisfied with winning the MVP or Han threatens to sweep the Pacers..."

The reporters soon began to sort out the manuscripts, and they were all secretly waiting, Han Zhe was interesting enough

As soon as Han Zhe entered the stadium, his teammates whistled:

"Wow, look at our scoring champion"

"Han, you are really amazing, Xinran is the scoring champion, and he was selected for the second team"

"The scoring champion is the best defensive player, haha"

Not only did his teammates ridicule Han Zhe, but after the NBA data was announced, there was naturally a discussion everywhere on the Internet, Han Zhe's name appeared at a high rate, and the key Han Zhe's performance was too eye-catching.

What is the integration of offense and defense, Han Zhe is the representative, he is not only the NBA king, but also the best defensive player, this is really awesome

The Magic executives also smiled crookedly, there were many people who used to sarcastically spend money on them, but now, who dares to say that they are spending money on Han Zhe, Han Zhe can be said to be one of the most cost-effective players in the NBA

Another happy thing is the agent Luther, Han Zhe's wave is fame and fortune again, this time it is not only popular, Han Zhe's various endorsement bonuses are a lot, the previous contract can be indicated, such as scoring champion, best rookie, best defensive player, and there are bonuses for the honor of being selected for the second team

Anyway, Han Zhe can make a lot of money again, and for Han Zhe, it's really not too easy to make money now

Seeing that it was not yet time for formal training, Han Zhe called Walker and Afflaro over and said, "You guys do your best to prevent me from a ball."

Walker didn't know why, and wondered: "Han, have you learned any tricks and plan to show off?"

"Hey, hey... This is not a flower job, you can try it and you will know" Han Zhe actually didn't know the effect, and after obtaining Qingfeng's ability, he also tried 0...

After Walker and Afflaro glanced at each other, they still took a defensive stance, and they were also curious about what tricks Han Zhe was going to play.

When Han Zhe began to control the ball, the two of them were ready to wrap one front and one left, and when Walker, who was standing in front, just moved and was about to press, Han Zhe also moved


Han Zhe moved, and the jaws of the players watching the excitement next to him almost didn't fall to the ground, and Vaughn, who was in the distance, also stumbled after catching a glimpse of the situation here, and almost didn't roll to the ground

Walker and Afflalo, who were defending face-to-face, maintained the appearance of reaching out to intercept, completely dumbfounded

Everyone originally thought that Han Zhe had some new tricks, but they didn't expect this result at all

If you play it back in slow motion, you can see that at the moment when the two stretched out their hands, Han Zhe started with the first step, and his body passed out between the two in a flash, and Walker and Afflaro didn't react at all

Where is this flowery work, this is especially to eat hard with the explosive power of absolute superiority

The original 5.3 reason why everyone was stunned was that although Han Zhe was better at the first step to break out before, it definitely did not reach the current level, you must know that Walker and Afflaro couldn't react, you can imagine how exaggerated Han Zhe's outbreak was just now

Everyone knows that the technique can be trained and improved, and the burst can also be slightly increased under the strengthening of the physique, but Han Zhe is not a little increased.

"Han... You... This..."

Vucevic next to him stammered a little when he spoke, and he didn't understand what the hell Han Zhe was

The other players also looked at Han Zhe with a stunned expression, can it be said that the explosiveness will skyrocket?

They can only shout in their hearts, this is so unscientific_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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