After the start of the final quarter, the Magic was taken aback, because the Pacers players were obviously ruthless, and they were very aggressive in the scramble, and they actually started with a steal layup and hit a three-pointer, scoring five points in a row.

Next, Magic Walker hit an iron, and the opponent seized the opportunity to score another one, narrowing the difference to ten points in an instant.

"Beautiful should be played like this" Vogel jumped up instantly, he was a little desperate, he didn't expect the last quarter to start with a wave of 7-0 climax

The fans at the scene were also quiet, and they were all frightened by the Pacers' counterattack at the beginning

"Hehe... It's really a bit of a underestimation of the Pacers," Han Zhe muttered a "three-two-seven" sentence, but his expression was still very relaxed.

Just as Smith was saying that the Pacers might soon be able to close the score, and maybe even turn the game, he was immediately slapped in the face by Han Zhe

I saw Han Zhe take the ball from the backcourt, start to shake off Hill, and then turn around quickly and bypass West, who was supplementing, and easily pulled out a three-point shot

After Han Zhe scored, the audience gently patted his chest, and Su Qun immediately dubbed Han Zhe here, "Han Zhe said that with me, the Pacers can't make any waves."

"Poof... Su Qun is so funny that he can look at the picture and speak."

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm really hanging, this three points will extinguish the opponent's strength at once"

"Today, Han Zhe is so amazing, do you have a statistical score for the data emperor?"

"Sorry, I didn't count the game when I was patronizing, but Han Zhe's score today should break his playoff scoring record"

"I didn't count, I just knew that I got a lot of points..."

Han Zhe did mean almost that, and the fans responded enthusiastically with face, and began to cheer for the home team frantically again, and Han Zhe's name also resounded in the stadium.

Seeing this, Kolo next to him pouted and said, "Stinky and beautiful guy"

Vaughn also breathed a sigh of relief, Han Zhe's three points are indeed very important, not only opened up the difference again, but also hit the opponent's morale very much, Vaughn doesn't want to capsize the boat today, and there is no need to drag on the long night to win it in one go.

Vaughn originally wanted to let Han Zhe rest after playing for two minutes, but now it seems that he can only let Han Zhe hold on for a while, and Vaughn doesn't want to go wrong at the last moment

In fact, Han Zhe gave Vaughn their surprise strength, as well as physical strength.

In the past, Vaughn and the others had observed Han Zhe's performance in the Bobcats, and his physical fitness was good, but Vaughn actually didn't agree with the team's selection of Han Zhe as the core.

The core players must not only have a technical foundation, but also have sufficient physical fitness, otherwise they will stop eating after a few minutes, which is hairy

It's just that what everyone didn't expect was that Han Zhe had good physical fitness, especially in some games, which was even more physical than the physical monster, and Vaughn could only sigh and make a lot of money

Of course, the Pacers will not give up because of Han Zhe's three-pointer and continue to start attacking.

Hill shook off Walker with the ball a few times, and then went straight to the bottom, just when he was about to distribute the ball to George, Han Zhe had already cut off his passing route, Hill's vision was also good, and he instantly chose to give the ball to West.

West was not far from the basket, a European step shook off O'Quinn and was about to make a layup, when he just threw the ball, Han Zhe had already come behind him and jumped, and directly grabbed a hat and landed, making West stunned on the spot

Not only did West yell in his heart that it was impossible, but Barkley was also yelling incredibly, not because it was difficult for Han Zhe to grab his hat, but because Han Zhe was too fast just now.

Han Zhe was originally following George, but as soon as West got the ball, Han Zhe immediately rushed back to the basket with a stop, and he was far away from West, but he chased West in three steps after the explosion speed

"Han Zhe not only seems to have made a breakthrough in the way of scoring today, but the speed is also a little scary, and the ball can still catch up just now" Zhang Weiping was also surprised0...

Han Zhecai didn't care so much, after taking the ball, a long pass went out, Walker and Harkless, who followed up, launched a fast break to score the ball, and the difference widened again to 15 points.

Next, the Pacers accelerated the pace of the offense and shortened the offensive time, although they were in good shape in the final quarter and had a relatively high success rate, but Han Zhe's success rate was not lower than theirs, and he maintained an absolute lead.

Seeing that there were still 16 points in the second half of the game, Vaughn finally replaced Han Zhe, and the Pacers did not make any waves at this time, and finally lost 102-88

As soon as the whistle sounded, the whole stadium was thunderous, and many fans were so excited that they roared and screamed, and the team not only broke the curse of the first round of elimination, but also swept the promotion, and they couldn't help but be unhappy

The Pacers players were all depressed, and some even sat directly on the court floor, and they were barely acceptable to go out, but the 4-0 result was really too hard to accept

The atmosphere on the Magic side was diametrically opposite, the substitutes and players all cheered and rushed into the field to hug each other, and Han Zhe was even more taken care of, surrounded by a bunch of muscle monsters.

Of course, the person who remembered 0.1 would not let go of this opportunity, and all rushed in and began to interview around the two teams, but at this time, the discordant person appeared, and it was the alliance that asked Han Zhe for a urine test

Before Han Zhe could speak, Vaughn and the other players suddenly stopped, what does this mean, if you play well, you will use medicine?

The reporter was also instantly excited, and everyone gathered around, if Han Zhe was tested for medication, it would definitely be big news, which was more interesting than sweeping the walkers.

And not only is the alliance suspicious, but many reporters actually think that Han Zhe may be doping, after all, Han Zhe's performance today is a bit different from usual


PS: Thanks to [Harriet] boss for tipping 588 points. _

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