Heat fans haven't been excited for long, Magic's next round of offense Han Zhe rushed to the basket again, and showed a difficult back-to-back hook shot under the defense of James and Bosh.

The Heat's next shot, Bosh also showed a dreamy step under the basket, shook Vucevic and dunked.

The passion of the players on both sides was stimulated, and they all began to show their skills, and the game became exciting, and the audience was instantly energetic!

"Walker broke through with the ball, crossed Han Zhe, Han Zhe made a gesture to shoot, Wade blocked, oh! This is not a shot, it is a pass, Ibaka received the ball and sprinted just past the free throw line and flew dunk, beautiful!"

"Wade dribbled the ball to the frontcourt and suddenly accelerated, and made a wall-hitting match with Moneymos and went to the basketball!"

"Han Zhe forcibly shot the iron this time, beautiful! Vucevic made up for it!"

Driven by the mutual stimulation of the two teams, they unconsciously accelerated the pace, the offensive and defensive transitions were very fast, and the game was more fluent.

And the form of both teams has also been stimulated, the success rate of the attack is very high, and the overall feeling is very hot.

When James got the ball again, there was a funny scene, because James wanted to push Han Zhe to the basket again, but he had just burst out of power, and Han Zhe, who had already been prepared, had already predicted his movements with the Eye of the Emperor, and dodged in advance.

"Haha... James is embarrassed this time, he obviously wants to replicate the previous attack of pushing Han to the basket, but Han is very clever to dodge in advance, this time it is not light!" Barkley slapped the table and laughed, James is set to be in the top five embarrassment series!

Han Zhe ran over with a surprised look on his face, and said with concern: "Ouch, Jeffers, why are you so careless, such a big person, you still fall while walking, have you broken it, do you want to go to the hospital to check it!"

Seeing James gritting his teeth, his Heat teammates drove away the gloating Han Zhe with a black face, and then pulled James up.

The game was also paused, because the fall just now was not light, and the Heat were afraid that James would be injured, so they asked the team doctor to inquire and check it to confirm that James was not injured before starting the game again.

The ball was thrown by James himself, and the ball was naturally changed to the hands of Magic, this time Han Zhe did not waste the opportunity, and hit a three-point shot after shaking off Wade with gorgeous ball control skills on the outside!

The cheers of the few Magic fans on the scene actually suppressed the momentum of the home fans for a short time, and it is no wonder that the Magic fans were excited, because after Han Zhe hit the ball, the scoreboard on the court became 47-45, and the Magic overtook the Heat and temporarily took the lead!

In the next ball, Bosh was strong against Vucevic, turned and missed a back shot, Ibaka grabbed the rebound and launched a fast break, Han Zhe attracted the firepower and distributed it to the empty Walker, who hit a mid-range shot, and the lead was extended to four points.

When Wade and Walker were entangled at the top of the arc, Han Zhe suddenly gave up following James, quickly crossed through Wade's blind spot, reached out from the side and back to complete the break, and then drove the ball straight to the basket to score a dunk!

In less than a minute, the Heat changed from a one-point lead to six points, and Heat coach Eric finally couldn't sit still and called a timeout, it was not okay to play like this, he had to pause and rearrange to slow down the offensive momentum of the Magic!

On the contrary, Vaughn, who was a little anxious, relaxed a little now, and after praising the players for their good performance, he didn't make any more tactical arrangements, just let them replenish their water and rest, because everyone was already doing well, and it was redundant to say too much.

In fact, the tactics of the Heat have not changed much, but the offensive plan has been refined, mainly to give the players time to adjust their mentality.

After re-entering the court, Han Zhe deliberately put James a step outside the three-point line, James didn't care what Han Zhe thought when he saw this, he raised his hand and shot, however, the ball was a bit outrageous, the basket was not hit, and he smashed the rebound directly, and the rebound ball was taken by Vucevic in a good position.

In fact, the Magic interior line has a certain advantage in rebounding today, because the opponent's interior height is not as good as theirs, and the physical fitness does not have an advantage.

Walker next to him glanced at Han Zhe in surprise, and then gave a thumbs up, obviously admiring Han Zhe's judgment, he thought that Han Zhe saw that James felt a little cold before letting go!

In fact, Walker only guessed half right, today James didn't shoot a three-point shot, how can Han Zhe know how he feels, this ball Han Zhe has other ideas, and it doesn't matter if James throws it, the game is still long, just a three-pointer, the magic can afford to lose it, it's so confident!

The next shot of Ibaka was also iron, and this time the rebound bounced a little far, and was picked up by the lucky Haslem, and then passed to Wade to launch a fast break.

However, Wade was blocked by Han Zhe as soon as he got the ball, and seeing that he lost the opportunity to break quickly, Wade also slowed down and began to play a positional battle slowly.

When James took the ball from outside the three-point line again, Han Zhe let him go again, and James also ignited a fire when he saw this, how much does this look down on people?

James raised his hand without any hesitation to shoot, his three-point shot is not accurate, nor is it a rookie, if the vacant shot is still high, the ball just now is just an accident.

However, what James didn't pay attention to was that Han Zhe was fishing, and when James was just bending his legs and preparing to jump, Han Zhe had already stepped forward, and when James lifted the ball and jumped, Han Zhe was already close to the jump block.

James knew that he was fooled when he was in the air, but he had already jumped, and he couldn't stop it, so he could only throw it hard, and as a result, Han Zhe fanned the ball to their backcourt with a big hat.

Just now, Han Zhe deliberately put James a ball, and he didn't even do the jumping block action, which seemed to be provoking and despising James, but in fact, it was to make him relax his vigilance.

The reason why Han Zhe is such a cheap security machine is because the amount of exercise is a bit large today, and he has to block to recover his physical fitness, otherwise his physical fitness may not be able to keep up in the later games!

"FUCK!" James couldn't help but scold, now he doesn't know where he was pitted.

"Stupid! said that if you don't give your best today, I will blow you up!" After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned back to defense, because Harkless was already the first to rush to the front court to chase the ball and score a layup. When it comes to picking up leaks, Harkless is a professional!

Eric was so depressed that he threw the water bottle in his hand away, and just timed to stabilize them, but he didn't expect James to eat a big hat on the court, which was too demoralizing!


ps: Recommend a friend's book: "The Advent of the God of War of Great Qin".

Thanks to the boss of [Big Barrel Indra] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Qiu Zai] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Mighty] for tipping 100 points. _

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