After the start of the third quarter of the game, James was still sitting on the bench as a spectator, and his expression was not sad or happy, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"Haha... It seems that the last game was worth it, and it was directly abolished James!" "When Han Zhe and his teammates came on the court, they were in a very happy mood, although James couldn't see anything in his expression, he didn't have to think about it to know that he must be extremely unhappy in his heart.

In fact, this is an exception, it's all because the league arranges the schedule is too tight, the interval between each game in the last round is basically more than three days, and it suddenly becomes only one day off, and it's normal for James to not recover, if he has two more days to rest, James won't be so bad even if his state is not perfect.

After the start of the third quarter, Walker started to play point guard full-time, Han Zhe was active in the front court again, if it was Wade's single defense, he would break through by himself or maybe shoot against Wade, if the opponent assisted in the defense, Han Zhe would share the ball, so that the Heat, which was missing an offensive core, played very hard.

Originally, I used to feel very difficult to face Wade, but I was afraid of comparison in everything, and it was James who opened the zone to defend himself, but now after Wade stared at himself again, Han Zhe felt a lot easier.

Of course, this ease is also relative, Wade is extremely rich in defensive skills and experience, and Han Zhe has to spend a lot of effort every time he breaks through, at least it is a test of physical fitness, which is also the reason why Han Zhe fought not too fiercely in the first two quarters.

He is no longer a stunned young man who has just entered the NBA, he wants to do it himself as soon as he gets the ball, and he will already allocate his physical strength more reasonably.

Han Zhe now feels that the time is almost right, and their lead is not small, and they strive to win the game in the third quarter.

About halfway through the third quarter, the difference was already 13 points, when Walker hit the iron, a group of people were squeezing under the basket and grabbing the board, Han Zhe suddenly rushed from behind Battier who was just about to catch the ball, and jumped up to press the ball into the basket first.

"Han Zhe once again showed his accurate judgment and super bounce, dunked the ball into the basket, and saw a small man dunk from the top of a bunch of strong men, the visual impact is really strong!"

"We can see that Han Zhe played relatively steadily in the first two quarters, but it broke out at the beginning of the third quarter, and the number of breakthroughs and shots began to increase significantly, and Wade looked difficult to defend Han Zhe!"

"Oh! Han is really a monster! Not only is he very good at organizing offenses and singles, but he can often grab boards and blocks, which is really unique among small people!"

As the game progressed, the cheers of the Heat fans on the scene gradually became quieter, because they didn't know what the situation was at all, even if James didn't play, they still had Wade and Bosh, how could they be pressed by the Magic all the time.

It can be said that the Heat in the third quarter was pressed to the ground by the Magic, you must know that they are one of the best teams in the league!

The reasons are actually many, the Heat will definitely have a big reduction in combat effectiveness without James, and secondly, Wade on the offensive end of the Heat was very dead by Han Zhefang, they actually have one less powerful firepower point, and the remaining two giants have become Bosh's one-man show.

In other words, Bosh did perform well, and the main scoring point of the Heat today is here, and it is only in the third quarter that Bosh has already cut more than 20 points, otherwise the Heat is estimated to be even worse.

Another factor is that Walker is liberated, in the last game James defended Han Zhe, Wade was free to defend Walker, Walker really couldn't take advantage of Wade at all, and today he was replaced by Qian Moss to guard him, Walker also had a feeling of amnesty, and the state came out all of a sudden.

So far, the Magic has scored the highest score not Han Zhe, but Walker, because Walker is the main attacker of the Magic in the first two quarters, and with Han Zhe helping him attract firepower, he plays relatively easily, and the shooting rate is naturally not bad.

"Coach, replace me!" When the score was 16 points behind, James on the bench couldn't sit still and began to ask for a fight, he couldn't see the Magic so arrogant in front of them.

Eric is a more direct person, and after taking a look at James, he said bluntly: "The magic are already out of shape, do you think you are useful now?"

James opened his mouth and didn't say anything, indeed, he is tired now, and his hand is also very cold, what's the use of playing, if he is in a winning state, of course, he can go up and fight to press the field, but the sequelae of Zone are not cleared so quickly, and he is powerless today.

After the third quarter, many people were discussing that the game had ended early, because now the score has become 89-68, and the Magic is 22 points ahead of the Heat, which almost makes Heat fans desperate, and it is almost impossible to chase 22 points back in a single quarter of the playoffs!

James didn't play in the last quarter of this game, because he didn't play a big role, not to mention this state, and there were no accidents in the end, the Magic defeated the Heat 116-95, and the score of the two teams became 1-1!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [pipi1012] for tipping 100 points. _

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