
When everyone got up to discuss the focus topic of Han Zhe's return to China, CCTV suddenly announced a blockbuster news, that is, Han Zhe will participate in an interview program on their news channel today, and the time is "Face to Face" broadcast at half past nine this evening.

Everyone was shocked and excited about this sudden news, because Han Zhe has not officially appeared on a show since he joined the NBA, and everyone only knows a few words about him and his demeanor on the court.

"It's still CCTV awesome, Han Zhe invited him as soon as he returned to China!"

"Nonsense, who can be awesome if CCTV is not awesome, and participating in face-to-face is not a grievance Han Zhe, after all, this show has always been an invited heavyweight, and there is no simple one who can go face-to-face. "

"Hey, have you noticed, it's a live broadcast today!"

"It's really ha, this face-to-face column group really dares to do it, and it's not afraid to get out of the basket!"

"I also think it's bold to let Han Zhe broadcast them live, you must know that Han Zhe has a bad temper and dares to spray anything, and I've seen it face to face, the host inside often asks some sharp questions, maybe you have to go off the rails!"

"I don't care if I don't care, I can finally see Han Zhe, I must give face-to-face praise!"

Han Zhe is not idle now, and Lu Thol also came to Yoo Yeon's house with two assistants to discuss the specific details of today's participation in the show with Han Zhe.

"Han! I said are you crazy, you agreed to live broadcast the first time you appeared on a talk show!" Luthor salivated when he met, because he had said that he would record and broadcast it before, but he didn't expect the other party to suddenly want to broadcast live, and Han Zhe actually agreed.

You must know that recording and live broadcasting are not the same thing at all, recording and broadcasting have a large error tolerance rate, even if there is a mistake, it can be re-recorded or edited before broadcasting.

As for the live broadcast, the requirements are not a little bit higher, and the difficulty is too great, not to mention that Han Zhe can be said to be a rookie with no experience in the show, is it really good to be so fierce as soon as he comes?

"I don't have experience, other hosts have experience, what are you panicking about, and what if you make a mistake, I don't rely on the show to eat!" Han Zhe grinned and didn't care.

"You... It's really..."Luthor was so angry that he stammered when he spoke, but people's live broadcast propaganda came out, and it was naturally impossible to change it, so Luthor could only try to explain what Han Zhe should do.

Luthor regretted taking this show a little, and he would agree before because he also knew CCTV's status in the Celestial Empire, and "Face to Face" is a heavyweight, very authoritative program, and it is also very beneficial for Han Zhe to be on it, but he didn't expect to play live broadcast, which made Luthor feel a little hanging, he knows Han Zhe too well, if the host asks some strange questions, maybe this product will get into trouble!

At this point, it is useless to say more, Luthor can only do his best to assist, first ask the assistant to take out a set of hand-sewn suits for Han Zhe to change into, this is the image packaging.

Then Luthor and Han Zhezai passed on some experience and taught him how to answer some questions, after all, they have an outline, even if the host will not follow the outline completely, but it can't be too much!

After the preparations were almost done, Luthor solemnly emphasized: "Don't use foul language, let alone hit someone!"

Han Zhe rolled his eyes, "When I'm an idiot, how can I scold and beat people on the show!"

Han Zhe is indeed not stupid, if some low-end programs scold people and have conflicts or something, maybe the program team will be happy to see it, and it can create topics to increase ratings.

But if you don't pay attention to it in a heavyweight CCTV program, you will be dead!

CCTV is also busy with this matter, and even the director called the gold medal host Dong Qian to the office, and officially instructed: "The ratings of our channel are not as good as a year after year, this is a good opportunity, you see that now our advertising has just gone out, and it has attracted national attention and heated discussions, and this live broadcast must not go wrong." "

Dong Qian was relatively calm, pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, nodded and said, "Don't worry, director, I know in my heart, and I will definitely do a good job in this episode." "

"I definitely believe in your ability, but you also have to control your character, and Han Zhe himself is a topic, so you don't need to find a topic from him, understand?"

Dong Qian understood now, the director meant that he should not ask any sensitive topics on the show to embarrass Han Zhe, because Han Zhe has a lot of attention on the show, and there is no need to deliberately create topics, of course they have also understood Han Zhe and know that this product is a violent temper, and they are afraid that Dong Qian will not be able to get off the stage if he provokes him.

Generally, celebrities may be honored to be on their show, and they have to be carefully considered when speaking, but Han Zhe's star does not belong to this category, and the station means that it is safe.

"Got it!"

Dong Qian agreed very well, but when she left, the director did have a wry smile on his face, he knew the character of this girl, and he could only pray that nothing would go wrong when the time came.

Originally, they also considered changing to a more secure host to interview Han Zhe, but after thinking about it, they still forgot it, because Dong Qian has done a good job over the years, and her popularity is relatively high, there is no reason to change people suddenly, and some viewers will feel awkward when they change the host, which will outweigh the losses.


PS: Thank you to the boss of [Jiandang Kyushu] for rewarding 100 points.

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