Li Tingting, who had been smiling all the time, also blackened her face in an instant, because many words on the screen were unsightly, and these sprays everywhere were naturally fans of Tianwu.

Seeing that Tianwu herself also came in, although Li Tingting was angry, she still hugged her to Mai Xu and gave her the permission to speak, which is also an unspoken rule, although some anchors are in the same situation, but the surface work still has to be maintained.

Tianwu, who came to smash the field, didn't tear his face directly every time, but as long as he had eyes, he knew that the two almost didn't fight.

"Yo, little eared sister, why didn't it start the broadcast two afternoons ago, and my sister still wants to play with you!" Tianwu's voice revealed smugness, I have to say that there is still a certain reason for her popularity, such as the sound is very good.

"Sister Tianwu, your popularity is so high, I can't climb high, and I can't control your eldest brother's hand, if anyone can't help but give me a gift, Sister Tianwu, you will probably be jealous!" Li Tingting is not a good-tempered person, and her words are sarcastic.

"Look at what you said, sister is not so stingy, I wish someone would brush you more, otherwise this contribution in your room Sister Du will feel distressed when she looks at it!" Tian Wu said with a concern, but she knew that she was sarcastic about the small ear room, and the contribution value was directly proportional to the gift income, and the low contribution proved that the anchor did not have many gifts and the income was not high.

The two of them hid knives in their laughter, and the two fans in the room did not stop, and they were already spraying.

"Sky Dance smash the house and get out, Sky Dance Dog people are not welcome here!"

"Little ears and hooves hurry up and take off your clothes, that's how you seduced Haidong's traitor, and you came to seduce and seduce us!"

"The popularity of the Sky Dance Wave is good, how many men do you have to sleep with to get to this point!"

"Tsk... Little ears are wearing, ugly!"

"My eldest sister came to your room to look up to you, and she didn't kneel down and lick it!"

"What do you do when you say so much, come and open PK, do you dare to accept the little ear slut!"

"She dares to be a wool, she is afraid of being abused and crying, hasn't she avoided my boss for two days?"

"Let's not bully other little anchors, just let her kneel and admit her mistakes. "

The number of fans of Tianwu is indeed not comparable to Li Tingting, at the beginning it was still in a state of mutual spraying, but soon the screen became one-sided, not that Li Tingting's fans did not dare to speak, but that there were many more people on the other side than here, and this side was often brushed over!

Han Zhe also raised his eyebrows when he saw it, because many of the words of Tianwu fans were very excessive and dirty, he was very angry when he saw it, there was no big contradiction, could he bite like this?

"I'll jam the microphone! Brother Tiandan, don't make trouble, I came to this room to play by myself, and it's not about other people's little ears. This person's vest is called "Haidong", which is the fuse of the contradiction between the two. Before Tianwu spoke, her fans stopped doing it:

"Brother Haidong, you are fascinated by the fox spirit, and you still help her speak, persuading you to turn back to the shore!"

"How much did Brother Haidong spend on sleeping with her, I will also go to line up to sleep one!"

"Who do you think you are, if you don't make trouble, you won't make trouble?"

"Traitors get out of the way, don't bother to talk to traitors!"

Then Haidong was also sprayed by N people, he also has a little spare money, and he spends a lot every month, and he is usually a character, and he immediately exploded when he saw people scolding him, but the scolding words came to his mouth and swallowed it back, he was not short in the Tianwu room, knowing the specific strength over there, he really couldn't stop it!

Haidong then chatted privately with Little Ear and apologized to Little Ear, because he felt that he had brought the trouble.

Li Tingting is a person with clear grievances, how can Haidong be blamed for this kind of thing, is it still wrong for people to come to her to brush gifts?

So Li Tingting comforted him a few words, telling him not to care, just treat it as if he was bitten by a mad dog.

At this time, Tianwu spoke again, "Little Ear Sister, shall we have a PK play?"

As soon as Tianwu's voice fell, the screen began to scroll, all shouting for Lianmai PK.

In this case, Li Tingting has no other choice, either turn off the video and broadcast it, or connect the microphone, otherwise she will not be able to continue broadcasting.

Although Han Zhe doesn't know much about the anchor industry, of course, he also knows that Tianwu wants to humiliate Li Tingting with his popularity.

Seeing Li Tingting's hesitation, Han Zhe whispered beside him: "Lianbei, I also want to see what this awesome anchor looks like!"

Li Tingting sighed helplessly, so she gave Tianwu permission, the video was divided into two, half was Li Tingting, half was temporarily black, and after a while, an Internet celebrity face with a deep groove appeared in front of everyone.

After Han Zhe glanced at it, he also admitted that this guy is still very capital-rich, with a deep career line, he is also very beautiful, his makeup is also well painted, and he looks very sexy and enchanting, no wonder there are so many fans.

Lianmai PK is to brush each other's gifts within the specified time, whoever has less gifts will naturally lose, and if you lose, there will naturally be a punishment, after Tianwu said the punishment, Li Tingting's fans suddenly exploded, and they all began to scold, and Tianwu fans applauded loudly.

Tianwu said that whoever loses will play alpine flowing water, the name of this game sounds elegant, but YY old birds know that this show is not elegant, the so-called alpine flowing water is to lose is to slowly spit out the water in the mouth, and then follow the neck and chest all the way down, the anchor's clothes are very thin, so the water is first-class, what it looks like can be imagined.

Li Tingting frowned suddenly, she has never played this game before, because she has done something too low, and she will be banned when she encounters the platform housing management, because a lot of things will be exposed at that time, which is a violation!

It seems that Tianwu plans to be ruthless today and wants to seal Li Tingting's room, Tianwu has the confidence to win, after all, the number and quality of the two fans are not of the same grade!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [njt123] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [jyn] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [moses] for tipping 100 points.

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