PK is over,Tianwu's face is a little pale.,This game punishment was proposed by her.,How to play is naturally known.,And YY said it's not big.,What a big move is here.,Basically, I don't believe it.,If you want to say that the room didn't mix into the room, she doesn't believe it.。

Tianwu also felt that he was very wronged, didn't he just bully the third-tier anchor, how did he know that he blew up a god like Han Zhe.

In fact, Tianwu is still very confident, even if ordinary film and television stars come to YY, they may not be able to do her, after all, this is her home field, and she also has a very solid fan base.

But can Han Zhe be the same as ordinary stars, this is an existence that can make most of her fans defect instantly, for China, there are really few people who don't like Han Zhe!


"Is Han Zhe planning to enter the live broadcast industry?"

"My God, little eared eldest sister, you hide it from us so hard, why didn't you say that Han Zhe was your cousin earlier!"

"Han Zhe is big, his little ears are big, why bother, isn't this a pit for my family's heavenly dance!"

"Pit hammer, there is a saying that if you don't die, you can't die, you can't die and run to smash the field, who is to blame, hurry up and perform the show!"

The screen was noisy and lively, Han Zhe also smiled and thanked everyone for their support with gifts, as for Li Tingting next to her, she only smiled bitterly, although she didn't let Han Zhe help her brush gifts, she didn't expect this trick to brush her face!

At this point, Li Tingting didn't say anything, since Han Zhe showed up and handed it over to him to deal with, she was not a brainless person, she really didn't want to rely on Han Zhe to support the field before, but now that this situation is over, there is no need to think too much.

A small number of iron fans of Tianwu are still scolding, they are not scolding Han Zhe, unless the black fans do this, otherwise this is to invite disaster to their own anchors, they are scolding the little ears and treacherous, and they actually secretly put Han Zhe, the great god, in the room aside, isn't this a good trap waiting for Tianwu to dance, of course, they won't think and no one will force Tianwu to pretend to be forced, right!

There are also some people who are chatting and dancing in private, so she just runs away, after all, the show will be over as soon as it is performed.

After struggling in her heart for a while, Tianwu gritted her teeth and decided to execute the gambling contract, not because she was trustworthy, but for many reasons, first, if she didn't have credibility, she would lose her fans fiercely, second, Han Zhe didn't let go, she didn't dare to run, and third, her popularity and union strength are very strong, even if the ban is at most, it means at most, it is impossible to ban it for a long time.

Seeing that Tianwu began to get up to get mineral water, the whole room exploded, and some wolf clans had already begun to howl, after all, Tianwu had nothing to say about her appearance and figure, and it was still very powerful to see such a performance.

Li Tingting next to her wanted to speak and stopped, but she opened her mouth and still didn't speak, originally she began to want to be forgiving and forgiving, after all, she still had to mix on this platform, and she couldn't offend a popular boss like Tianwu, but when she turned her head and looked at Han Zhe, who was gloating, her heart was relieved, and she remembered that her cousin was the real big guy, with him, Tianwu is a ball, come on, what should be done, she is also a temperamental person!

Tianwu didn't have any ink, picked up the mineral water and began to pour it into his mouth, and spit it down his neck and body as he poured, and soon a large piece of wet chest was wet, and the light blue underwear inside was clearly visible!

"Brothers, steady, type with both hands to show innocence!"

"Tsk, Tianwu's capital is strong enough!"

"I just came to make soy sauce, I didn't expect to have such a good eye!"

"Sell paper towels, paper towels wholesale!"

"I can't hold it anymore, I've already stood up to show my respect!"

As soon as Tianwu performs the mountains and rivers, the room can be regarded as completely blown up, and there are countless otaku who mix YY every day, and now seeing such benefits has long been enthusiastic, and all kinds of jokes are endless, which is very joyful.

Only the iron fans of Tianwu are heartbroken, their family's big anchors are good, but now they are performing vulgar dramas that third-rate anchors are unwilling to perform, do you want the image!

"Cousin, you guys are so dirty, there is still this kind of show!" Han Zhe's eyes widened in surprise, this was the first time he had seen this kind of performance, it was indeed very tempting!

Li Tingting slapped his head aside, "It's not suitable for children, don't look at it!"

When Han Zhezheng twisted his face and said that he wanted to severely condemn this bad atmosphere, the water had just fallen, and the ordinary Tianwu suddenly went black!

Han Zhe hasn't reacted to anything yet, but just look at the subtitles:

"Haha... The pop-up window is sealed!"

"Vulgar, too vulgar, but I like it, hehe..."

"You have a kind of house, see if I don't kill you, I can pour a bottle of water and seal it again!"

"That's it! Lao Tzu's pants are just halfway off, and you will go black!"

"It's been a long time since a big anchor has been blocked, and it's so lively!"

Han Zhe tilted his head and said innocently: "This is the closure of the house?"

Li Tingting rolled her eyes and said, "Otherwise!"

Although the video is dark, Tianwu can still speak, but it is estimated that she also feels faceless, and she will be broadcast directly without saying a word, after all, she will be embarrassed and lose her hair today, she will definitely become a hot topic of YY, it is a good thing to be hotly discussed, but it's not good to talk about mountains and rivers or something, and she has to give an explanation to the guild and fans when the house is closed, and there are many troubles!

Although Tianwu is gone, the number of people in the room is not small at all, after all, Han Zhe is still staying here, and many people who see Little Ear for the first time also feel very amazing, and they are also fans, of course, there are also many people who watch Han Zhe's face circle fans!

The most excited is, of course, the old fans of Little Ear, who originally thought that Little Ear would be bullied to death today, but how do they know that the peak turns around and bullies Tianwu so that they don't want it, what makes them the most excited is, of course, because Han Zhe is actually Little Ear's cousin, which is unexpected!

What's even funnier is that many big guilds that came to hear the news began to chat with Han Zhe privately, asking him if he wanted to come to YY to develop, and they all offered all kinds of preferential terms that were so good that they wanted to attract Han Zhe to join the union.

But Han Zhe is just to help Little Ear support the field today, where is there a plan to stay in YY, he doesn't have the leisure time to toss around.

Seeing that things were settled, Han Zhe said hello to everyone, and after asking everyone to take more care of the little ears, he flashed, and he was considered to have retired.

Han Zhe flashed, but Li Tingting couldn't get out, first of all, the number of fans skyrocketed, there was no reason to flash, and secondly, after everyone knew that she was Han Zhe's cousin, they naturally began to ask about Han Zhe, and the boss of her guild also came over, this is to increase the share of the little ear, and to discuss giving her more recommendations.

Li Tingting also intuitively understood the popularity of her cousin for the first time in her heart, just showing up made him benefit a lot, not to mention anything else, today's gift money alone greatly exceeded the sum of all her previous live broadcasts.

When the party met again in the evening, Li Tingting called Han Zhe aside and said that she would give him the money at the end of the month, because she knew that most of today's gifts were for Han Zhe, and she was estimated to have three or four hundred thousand yuan in today's share alone, which was an astronomical amount for Li Tingting, and it was good that she could get seven or eight thousand a month in the past, and sometimes it was only three or four thousand income.

How could Han Zhe ask for this money, and he was not bad at this, so he decisively refused, Li Tingting could only give up helplessly when she saw this!

The family didn't know what happened to the two in the afternoon, but early the next morning, many relatives and friends were so surprised that they couldn't keep their mouths shut, because the report of Han Zhe's appearance in YY came out, and the specific events were naturally introduced.

Relatives and friends are concerned that Li Tingting made millions a day by relying on Han Zhe, of course, this is because the newspaper did not write a specific share, but only wrote a total number for eyeballs.

And Li Tingting was forced hard, and was immediately called by her father to spray, if it weren't for his relatives, he probably would have to beat someone, he didn't care about money, but about their gambling shows, the newspaper wrote the vulgar content of "Mountains and Flowing Water" to the fullest, which made Uncle Han Zhe angry, if Li Tingting lost, wouldn't he have to perform, would he still have an old face?

His uncle didn't care whether Han Zhe was a big star or not, he also sprayed him together, saying that he and his cousin collaborated to commit crimes, which was simply lawless!

Fortunately, there are many relatives and friends at home, so he persuaded his uncle to talk about it...


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Depressed to Death] for rewarding 100 points.

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