
The reporter who was squatting again found that something was wrong, even if Han Zhe couldn't be blocked, but Han Zhe's parents would come out to buy vegetables every day, but they didn't see anyone.

After waiting for a while, finally someone couldn't help but run upstairs, stuck to the door and didn't hear any movement, knocked on the door and didn't respond, many reporters were "groaning" in their hearts, Han Zhe seemed to have slipped away!

Because in the past, if they dared to knock on the door, they would definitely be driven away by the god-like Paul and a few people, and today even those big men are gone!

There are still many reporters waiting here without giving up, and they estimate that Han Zhe will definitely come back, and they plan to continue to wait for the rabbit!

However, these media are destined to work in vain, Han Zhe has moved to another community more than ten kilometers away, and he will definitely not return here for a short time.

After resting for a day at his new home, Han Zhe got busy again, because the second phase of the advertisement of Li Ning and Mercedes-Benz had to be filmed.

Nearly a week later, Han Zhecai, accompanied by Luther, completed the advertising task, and then rented a basketball court to hold a fan meeting.

They rented a regular CBA arena with a capacity of about 7,000 people, which was thought to be enough, but the fans who arrived almost didn't squeeze the stadium, but fortunately they had security measures in advance, so that there was no chaos and the meeting was held as scheduled.

During this period, Han Zhe first performed basketball skills at close range, and then drew lots on the spot for a group of fans to interact with each other, and then some guests invited by Han Zhe began to appear.

Of course, live broadcasts from various media are indispensable, because in addition to Han Zhe's appearance today, Han Zhe also invited some celebrities to help, including his former national youth teammates, as well as stars in the entertainment industry, and the biggest names are, of course, Wrinkle Jay Lun and Liu Yan.

Of course, there is a reason for Jay Lun to come back, after all, when he went to the United States to watch the game, Han Zhe gave him enough face, and the two often contacted each other later, and the relationship was very good.

As for Liu Yan, as long as Han Zhe speaks his mouth, of course he will not refuse, and coming over today is not to help Han Zhe support the field, it is considered to be stained, and their fan meeting is not as hot as Han Zhe!

Among them, the biggest beneficiary is Li Tingting, who was called by Han Zhe to broadcast live, her treatment is unique, other media can only shoot on the periphery, but Li Tingting has no restrictions, where she wants to go, who she wants to interview, who she wants to interview, and the on-site security guards treat her as a transparent person, the reason is naturally that Han Zhe has said hello.

Li Tingting now has millions of fans in YY, it can be said that she is completely popular, who calls someone Han Zhe's cousin, and her own conditions are still leveraged, there is no reason not to be popular.

Today, Li Tingting's fans were excited, because the scene felt that Li Tingting was the biggest name, and if she wanted to interview Han Zhe, she ran over to speak, and as soon as Jay Wrinkled finished singing, she immediately ran to chatter, which made the fans who watched her live broadcast scream with excitement, and the gifts naturally flew like snowflakes.

"Xiao Zhe, my fans strongly ask you to have a few super dunks to increase your eyes!" As soon as Han Zhe was empty, Li Tingting came running.

"I said, are you trying to exhaust me!" Han Zhe walked to the basket with a basketball despite his contempt and roll his eyes at her.

Li Tingting's fans were excited:

"666! My ear sister is really amazing, and she can also watch on-demand content!"

"I've long wanted to see Han Zhe's dunk performance, hurry up!"

"I have to come on a cruise to show my respects!"

Not only the audience in YY, but also the audience at the scene were excited when they saw Han Zhe preparing to perform a slam dunk stunt again, you must know that Han Zhe is the NBA's dunk king, and the dunk technique can be said to be impeccable, and the dunk of Li Ning's advertisement has been talked about so far, and has been praised as a dunk that can never be surpassed!

Han Zhe didn't have any ink, and on the first ball, he performed a dunk with a change of hands under the crotch jumping from the free throw line, which caused the audience to scream again and again.

Then he performed an aerial spin + a hand-changing dunk, a backhand burst dunk, a one-handed split dunk, etc., which made many viewers dumb.

Li Tingting, who was standing by the basket, was actually the most shocked in her heart, although she often watched Han Zhe's NBA games, she had never felt Han Zhe's dunk so closely, the exaggerated bounce and powerful dunk strength were simply shocking, and every time Han Zhe's dunk burst made her feel like the basket was about to collapse.

When Han Zhe was resting, Liu Yan, as a guest, danced a sexy dance to warm up, and then Jay Fu and Han Zhe's former teammates also changed into uniforms and played a three-V and three-bull fight on the court, which naturally received countless applause!

This unique meeting lasted for three hours before it ended, but when the fans left, they still had a feeling of unfinished!

However, on the whole, the fans who came here are satisfied, and today can be said to be too addictive, whether it is Han Zhe's ball skills or the singing and playing treasure of Jay Lun and others, they are all very good-looking.

What's more, at the end, Han Zhe also gave a lot of on-site autographs and a lot of small gifts, which was worth the trip!

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