The two teams then attacked and defended each other, and Han Zhe also played a defensive organization in the past few rounds, mainly to make balls for his teammates, and everyone could see that he took great care of Wang Zhelin and fed several good balls.

Wang Zhelin also gradually played with confidence, and after a few minutes in the fourth quarter, he also had two rebounds and four points.

Originally, the Celestial Empire team had a good momentum now and had maintained the lead, but Kim Min-gyu began to convulse again, and after two consecutive three-point hits, the difference between the two teams was narrowed again, and the Celestial Empire team only had a two-point lead.

When Kim Jong-hyun chased Wang Shipeng for a basket under the basket and quickly counterattacked to let Han Kook equalize, the two teams were back on the same running line again.

At this time, Giannakis couldn't help but call a timeout, and it didn't seem good to continue playing like this!

Giannakis was about to open his mouth with the tactical board, and Sun Yue next to him finally seized the opportunity to speak, "I usually show off my might, I think it's so powerful, it's not wilted when I get to the arena!"

Although he didn't name him, everyone knew that he was talking about Han Zhe.

Before Han Zhe could speak, Wang Zhelin was stunned, "Brother Zhe has already scored nearly twenty points for a while, and there are seven or eight assists, what about you, don't you have any data, are you embarrassed to speak?"

"You are a rookie who dares to talk to Lao Tzu like this, believe it or not..."

Sun Yue just pointed at Wang Zhelin's face and was about to go crazy, you must know that Wang Zhelin didn't dare to put his mouth up before, but now he dares to scold him, isn't it heaven-turning? But before he finished speaking, his hand was opened by Han Zhe's "snap".

"Don't be so special as to compare in front of Lao Tzu, and then force Lao Tzu to really whip you!" Han Zhe took two steps forward with his eyes glared after speaking, Sun Yue, who had suffered a loss, couldn't help but take two steps back, and everyone knew at a glance that Sun Yue was just screaming fiercely, and he still didn't dare to face Han Zhegang head-on.

"What are you doing, you're still playing!" Giannakis frowned and yelled, it would be nice if the players were playing here.

The rest of the players are used to it, and it's a common occurrence in the team anyway.

Sun Yue was then taken to the bench by the assistant coach to sit down, and Giannakis began to make some tactical adjustments.

"After a while, Yi Jianlian and Wang Zhelin will impact the basket more, play by yourself when you have the opportunity, and block and cover your teammates if you have a bad chance to shoot or go to the basket. "

"Dazhi and Wang Shipeng, you can pull a little harder on the outside, if they dare to let you go, they will give me three points, if you don't put three points, you will help Han Zhe pull space and create opportunities. "

In the end, Giannakis turned his head to Han Zhe, "There are no minutes left in the last quarter, you don't play, go and score more points, and you can adjust your position on the court freely!"

The other players were stunned when they heard this, stop playing?

Feelings Han Zhe has been playing?

The heart said that Yannakis should not be old and dizzy, he took Han Zhe too seriously, although Han Zhe's performance today is not against the sky, he has always been more active in rushing left and right, whether he scores or helps his teammates make balls, he is still very in place!

And with Han Zhe's current performance, he has already surpassed them by a grade, if he is still playing, how much more level does he surpass them?

Although they admit that Han Zhe is strong, they still don't want to admit that Han Zhe is so much stronger than them, so they can only complain in their hearts that Yannakis also thinks too highly of Han Zhe!

"OK!" Han Zhe nodded with a light smile.

The timeout ended and both teams continued to play.

Su Qun said: "This game can be described as a twist and turn, first the Celestial Empire team had a bad start, and was pressed by Han Guo, and then the Celestial Empire rose up and overtook and occupied the advantage on the field, but now Han Guo obviously began to exert his strength again, and the score was tied again in an instant, it is really hard to say who wins and who loses in this ball!"

Zhang Weiping said: "Yang Shuai called a timeout, I don't know what new tactical arrangements there are, the game has begun, let's see how this ball will be played!"

Netizens also saw that they were full of slots:

"It's so tiring to play a Han national team!"

"Hehe... Han is not a weak team in Asia, the key is that we are not a strong team ourselves!"

"We have Han Zhe and aren't we a strong team?"

"It's just that Han Zhe is playing Qihu quite now, and anyone who knows penalty kicks knows that if there was no Han Zhe in this game, our team would have been blown up a long time ago!"

"Indeed, in the first half, when Han Zhe didn't play, Han Guo kept pressing us to beat, and Han Zhe made a significant difference when he played!"

"Don't say it, watch the game, I hope it doesn't open the door dark!"

The Celestial Dynasty team kicked off, and just after half of this game, Han Zhe gave the ball to Wang Shipeng, and then began to run around with Kim Sun-hyung.

After Wang Shipeng reached the top of the arc, he gave the ball to Wang Zhizhi, but Wang Zhizhi's chance was not good, and when he was about to hang the inside line a few steps horizontally, Han Zhe suddenly flashed to the side and reached out to ask for the ball!

The two got along well, Wang Zhizhi didn't find fault, and when he saw Han Zhe asking for the ball, he immediately passed it, and immediately cut inside and helped Han Zhe pull away a defensive player.

Han Zhe used the butterfly step for the first time after receiving the ball, and the continuous left and right strides and dazzling crotch dribbling have made the marking Kim Sun-hyung a little blind, when Han Zhe made a fake mutation backwards, Kim Sun-hyung's feet slipped, and finally "gloriously fell to the ground" in the exclamation of the audience, shaking down!

After Han Zhe shook down Kim Sun-hyung, he didn't continue to cut inside, and he made a three-point shot with a step back before the opponent's defender was in place, and hit it accurately!

"Damn!" Coach Han Guo was so angry that he threw his suit jacket on the ground, but he ordered the players to be sure to prevent Han Zhe from killing three points, but he didn't expect to be scored by Han Zhe so easily.

The fans of the Celestial Empire immediately climaxed, Han Zhe not only scored three points, but also had a wonderful shaking performance, which was so enjoyable!

"That's pretty much it!" Yannakis muttered in a low voice, he had studied Han Zhe very thoroughly, and knew that his strength was more than that, and he should have fought like this a long time ago!

Next, Han Guo attacked, and Han Zhe made another sneak attack to complete a big hat, which made the atmosphere of the scene hot all of a sudden.

In the next round of the Celestial Empire's attack, Han Zhe was caught just outside the three-point line when he got the ball, which was obviously to kill him by three points, but Han Zhe didn't just shoot three points.

A few shakes came out of the middle of the two and rushed straight to the basket, and when the opposing player was about to make up the defense and intercept, Han Zhe threw his hand in the run.

Everyone's first feeling was that the ball was too hasty to score, but when they saw that the ball was accurately put into the basket, they were all confused, and their hearts said that this is okay?

For Han Zhe, this kind of ball is of course fine, and the amorphous shooting is so powerful!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Nightfall] for rewarding 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Da Lei] for rewarding 100 points.

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