Han Zhe didn't play for a minute today, the key is that the national team still lost, and Han Zhe naturally became the key target of the media siege!

"May I ask Han Zhe, why didn't you play today, because you had a conflict with the head coach?"

"Some people say you're out injured, right?"

"The team's tactics were chaotic today, what went wrong, can you talk about it?"

"Yang Shuai ignored Director Hu Hu's overtures just now, is it really as rumored, Yang Shuai and the basketball team are at odds. "

"Is there anything you would like to say about today's loss?"

A large number of reporters pushed me and stretched the microphone in front of Han Zhe, hoping to ask for some inside information, after all, today's game is too weird, and everyone wants to know what happened.

The on-site security and team handymen were trying to come over to relieve Han Zhe, but Han Zhe stretched out his hand to stop them, and after coughing, he spoke into a bunch of microphones.

"I didn't play today because I was banned internally, it's not a physical problem, I can't say more about the reason, as for why the team lost, don't ask me about this, anyone with eyes can see it, isn't it right to lose if you are not as good as others!"

Han Zhe's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves at the age of one, and after a short silence, the reporter "boomed" and fried the pot.

"Han Zhe, why did you get banned internally, can you reveal it?"

"You say that the skills are inferior, do you mean that the strength of our team can't beat Kazakhstan in the first place?"

"Han Zhe, are you not afraid of being severely punished and affecting the relationship between teammates?"

After Han Zhe signaled everyone to be quiet, another bombshell was thrown out: " What is the strength of our team, in fact, we should see it very clearly in the first two games, it is very difficult to play Han country, and it is not easy to play Yi wolf, the so-called Asian hegemonic team is just the name of the past, and the poor strength is not terrible, after all, we only need to be three provinces themselves, and they may not be able to continue to be brilliant, but unfortunately some players feel that they are the first in the world, and the senior management does not care about the actual situation of the team, only needs temporary results, and also interferes in team affairs, which is simply adding fuel to the fire, and the future of basketball in my country is worrying. "

After Han Zhe said this, the needle drop on the scene can be heard, it can be said that the media were all calmed or frightened by Han Zhe's bold words, in fact, everyone is not an idiot, many people can also see the team's problems, but no one dares to talk nonsense, especially in the case of the great start of the Celestial Empire, no one dares to splash the team's cold water, and the saliva of the people can drown him.

Everyone has one idea in their hearts, is Han Zhe crazy, he dares to spray high-level executives in public to meddle in team affairs and spray teammates, does he still want to mix in the national team?

However, when Han Zhe's next sentence came out, everyone was completely confused, and Han Zhe said solemnly: "I announce that from now on, I will withdraw from the national team!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he squeezed through the crowd and left straight without much explanation, the scene was in an uproar, many reporters were excited and a little at a loss, Han Zhe's decision was too sudden and exaggerated, and it could definitely cause a big earthquake.

Regardless of what everyone thinks, they all start drafting news immediately, and send out this bombshell news first.

Such a major news, like a wing, immediately flew to all parts of the country, many people initially saw this instant push and scoffed, thinking that these media were writing hype again, Han Zhe is playing in the Asian Championships, how can he suddenly retire from the national team.

However, soon the people were not calm, if one or two wrote like this, they thought it was tabloid nonsense, but ten hundred companies, and some well-known media in the country said this, it would be terrifying.

Especially when the live video of Han Zhe said this was released, everyone was stunned, this thing was actually true, Han Zhe directly announced his retirement after bombarding his teammates and basketball pipes, which was simply shocking news.

Even if many people see the video, they are still unwilling to accept this fact, because it is really difficult for everyone to imagine what the Celestial Empire team would be without Han Zhe.

The Internet naturally exploded, and almost all the major forums and post bars are discussing this matter:

"Is it true that Han Zhe announced his retirement from the national team and left the national team?"

"So many media have reported it, and there are videos to corroborate it, it shouldn't be fake!"

"Grass, what happened to the national team, how could Han Zhe make such a decision?"

"The reason is very simple, Han Zhe feels that he is a big name!"

"Upstairs to die, and black me, didn't you see that he has already said the problem, the real big name is the other players, playing one by one, usually the boss of the shelf, and often goes in and out of the night to make lace news and conflicts with the coach!"

"I think it's still the basketball manager who provokes Han Zhe, haven't I seen him name and spray high-level executives to meddle in team affairs, and today Yannakis is not a bird Hu Jiashi is proof of it!"

"Anyway, I don't think Han Zhe should retire, this is simply treason!"

"Do you want to force your face upstairs, what will be on the line, and people will be unpatriotic if they quit the competition?"

"Pink turns black, it's always bad to quit halfway, what's the matter after this Asian Championships!"

"I support Han Zhe, if there is a problem, it should be put out, concealment will always be like this, the team does have a lot of problems, so it should be explained!"

"It's really time for the team to be rectified, and the management problem should also be improved, and it's better to say it now than to be dragged to death in a mess!"

"Traitors don't explain, Hei Han Zhe has a lifetime!"

The Internet soon developed into a scolding war, some supported Han Zhe, and some scolded Han Zhe for saying that he was a traitor.

Not to mention the earthquake on the Internet, the basketball management and the team are also messed up, Hu Jiashi is smashing the teacup in the office and scolding, Yanakis is also shocked, the players have different thoughts, some are waiting to see jokes, some are angry and scold Han Zhe for talking nonsense, and even clapping their hands and saying that they are happy that Han Zhe is dead!

Han Zhe's mobile phone was also blown up by relatives and friends, and they all asked him what happened, you must know that this is not a joke, it definitely has a huge impact.

Especially Luther, who had already rushed to the lounge and pulled Han Zhe aside to inquire anxiously, you must know that the negative impact of this kind of thing is very huge, and he is very worried about how the incident will develop!


PS: Thank you for the 11,000 points from the boss of the [corners of the mouth, slightly bitter] Thank you for your support!

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