Originally, Walker thought that Han Zhe had to have a process of regaining his form when he returned to the team, but it turned out that they thought too much, Han Zhe was in very good shape, and he almost didn't cry after a training match!

Vaughn is quite satisfied with this, as long as Han Zhe is in a stable state, the big ship of magic can move forward in the stability of the storm, which is the core role.

"Han, what do you think of the new guys?" During the break, Vucevic asked Han Zhe.

After Han Zhe glanced at Olapodi and a few people, he said slowly: "It's enough to play as a substitute."

Walker raised his eyebrows and said: "Why don't you think the boss is looking for a few reliable players to come in, you must know that our results last season were not bad!"

"A good player is not a cabbage, how can you say that you can find it, the key is that if you find it, others may not sell it!" Han Zhe shook his head and said.

Their main Magic team is relatively strong now, but the bench lineup is a big problem, and the gap between the strength of the first team and the second team is too big.

Ibaka also interjected: "The salary cap is also a big problem, the boss is really hard to add, and recruiting new people seems to be the easiest way to do it!"

Ibaka is right, most teams in the NBA do this, and if the team is poor, they will look for new players with more potential to cultivate, which is considered cheap.

After thinking about it, Han Zhe said, "I guess I still haven't found a suitable candidate."

The reason why Han Zhe said this is because he knows the team owner better, an authentic local tyrant, and the magic can be said to be a relatively unlucky team, after the establishment of the team, he has always been more willing to invest, and there are many star players, but he can't win the championship!

Now, whether it is the team executives, the players, the coaches, or the Orlando fans, they are very eager to add a championship trophy to the honor room.

At present, this group of players is performing very well under the leadership of Han Zhe, and it is a team that is easy to produce results, so the wealthy boss must not be stingy now, and good players will definitely be added.

Not only are the players discussing their line-ups and goals for the new season, but the team's top management is also meeting to discuss the topic.

Devos, who was sitting in the main seat, said: "The new season is about to start, the transfer market has also opened, let's talk about the direction of the team."

A market manager said: "Boss, I think the team will develop steadily, at present, the overall age of our players is not very old, many players are still in the rising period, and they will definitely be able to produce good results in two years."

Someone nodded and agreed: "I also think it's okay to keep the current trend, although we spent a lot last year, the ball market was very good, not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money, so there is no need to change anything this season."

"The players definitely still have to be added, and I think it's very good to buy a few potential newcomers to cultivate..."

Everyone discussed it with their own opinions, and few people noticed that the boss Devos's face was not very good.

Hannigan's ability to become the team's real manager at a young age naturally has his strengths, and he didn't speak out rashly just now, but always watched the boss's reaction.

Seeing that Devos's face was not good, Hannigan suddenly knew in his heart, and after coughing vigorously to interrupt everyone's discussion, he said in a deep voice: "I don't agree with your ideas, it's good that the team can develop steadily, but, may I ask you, we have been developing steadily for decades, what remarkable results have we achieved?"

Most people were choked silent, but someone immediately retorted: "What do you mean, Hannigan, do you want to spend a lot of money on reinforcements?" We have enough squad at the moment, there is no need to spend money in vain! "

"Hehe... Not necessary? I remember when we wanted to trade Korea, many of you said it was not necessary, but what happened? You can see Han's performance! "

After Hannigan said this, many people lowered their heads, Han Zhe was not famous at the beginning, but the price of the Bobcat was not low, it could be said that it was sky-high at the time, and many of them objected, and in the end, Hannigan insisted and Devos made a decision.

Now look at Han Zhe's performance, they really have nothing to say, if they gave up Han Zhe at the beginning, they would probably have to cry and faint in the toilet.

After a satisfied look at Hannigan, Devos flicked the ash of his cigar and said slowly: "Our magic has been silent for too long, and we have disappointed the fans too many times, I think the conditions are ripe, it's time to hit the championship, Hannigan, this matter is fully in charge of you, I will give you the money if you want it, you have only one task, the auxiliary team will give me a championship back, and the meeting will be dismissed!"

After walking out of the venue, everyone turned their heads and ears, some shook their heads and sighed, felt that the boss began to squander again, and some supported, who didn't want the team to win honors, and some felt that this goal was too big and a bit unrealistic, now the Heat and Thunder are all monstrous, the Knicks lineup is also a bunker, and the old Lakers are not easy to get, where is the championship so easy to get!

Hannigan then called the coaching staff directly to a meeting, didn't talk nonsense, just let Vaughn and them be in charge of finding candidates, and he was only responsible for reviewing and giving money.

In fact, Hannigan knows that the reason why Devos is so determined is that the team's performance last season or Han Zhe gave him the determination to bet heavily!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [Luwei] for tipping 100 points.

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