In the next preseason, Han Zhe and others acted as real-time commentators in the audience, not only did several teammates often discuss, but also occasionally interacted with the magic fans around them.

However, as the regular season approaches, Han Zhe and others and the coaching management can't laugh, only Vucevic and Bimais are currently suspended at the end of the team, and Han Zhe, Ibaka and Walker still have a few bans that have not been implemented.

If the second team is sent to play in the regular season, it is inevitable that the first black start will be made, and the absence of several main forces will definitely have a huge impact on the ball market, which must be treated carefully by the club.

Fortunately, the league did not impose a mandatory ban on how long they were suspended, and the final result was that several players who had not yet completed their ban in the regular season took turns to play, as long as they survived the first few games.

On November 1st, the Amway Arena was full, as the 2013-14 regular season officially kicked off today, and they were lucky enough to open at the Amway Arena today.

An hour before the game, the stadium was opened early for the audience to enter, and the team owner Devos appeared first, thanking the fans for their continued support for the team, and also showed a few long shots in the fan cheers, but unfortunately one did not enter, which caused the fans to burst into laughter.

After Devos's performance, it was the part that the fans loved, and the cheers of the Magic's sexy cheerleaders when they appeared on the stage were much better than that of Devos, and even some of the team's players licked their faces and squatted on the sidelines to spend their eyes.

When the cheerleaders passed by the players off the field, the captain Laura was caught off guard and hugged Han Zhe and took a sip of incense on his face, threw a wink at Han Zhe, and then smiled and waved at the audience before leaving, which immediately caused the audience to scream and whistle one after another.

"Grass... This little girl's skin is lawless! Han Zhe also scolded with a smile to deal with the jokes of his teammates, and sighed in his heart that these rice girls were really open.

"Han! It seems that this girl is interesting to you, hurry to the hotel after playing ball, and I'll help you get the rest! Walker said with a wink.

The other players next to him also joked and agreed, anyway, these bastards are energetic when they talk about women!

"Okay! I'll go and get her done at night, and you're responsible for pimping and controlling the wind!" Han Zhe also said with a smile, but everyone knows that Han Zhe is joking, after all, everyone knows the unspoken rules of the NBA, players can't mess around with cheerleaders, otherwise someone will inevitably leave as soon as they are discovered!

You must know that today is the opening live broadcast, I don't know how many cameras are staring at Han Zhe, the scene just now was naturally seen by countless people, there is nothing here in the United States, most of them know that Laura is joking and rubbing Han Zhe's popularity to become a nickname, but it will be fried in China.

"Damn... Let go of that girl and let me come! "

"Big breasts and big ass, it's exactly the type I like, don't grab any of you from me!"

"Envy, jealousy and hatred, Han Zheyan is very blessed, you may have to play small ball after playing the big ball at night, it's really hard for you!"

"I really want to go to the United States..."

Even CCTV's Su Qun ridiculed twice: "Han Zhe is really popular, and there are beautiful women kissing at the opening ceremony!"

Zhang Weiping also smiled, "Han Zhe is handsome, he plays the ball well, and it's normal to have beautiful women..."

Han's mother in front of the TV: "The current girl is really open, this can be said in front of so many people, anyway, she and our son should be on good terms, do you think it is appropriate for your son to find a foreign daughter-in-law?"

Han Wenzhong glanced at her and said: "I know my daughter-in-law every day, this is normal in the United States, do you know that this is called a face kiss, it's almost like shaking hands with us, how can you think so complicated!"

"You old guy knows a lot... Didn't you kiss someone outside..."

"What nonsense! Belch... Don't do it... There's something to say..."

This was followed by a performance by Magic Dragon, the mascot of Magic, which also received warm applause from fans.

"Han... What are you doing, the boss called you over! "

After the magic dragon performance, Han Zhe was looking left and right thinking about things, there were a lot of media reporters present today, Han Zhe couldn't help but think of Shen Xuefei, you must know that this girl was definitely on the front line in this situation before, I used to think that she was very annoying to ask questions, but now I am really a little unaccustomed to suddenly not seeing people.

Han Zhe also talked to her on the phone recently, asking her if she didn't remember this line, Shen Xuefei said that there was a bit of a delay, and she would definitely come back in the near future!

Hearing someone call him, Han Zhe came back to his senses, turned his head and saw that Devos was already standing in the middle of the field with a microphone, and beckoned to Han Zhe with a smile to go over.

Although Han Zhe didn't know why, when he saw the boss calling him, he still walked over, and when he saw Han Zhe on the stage, the audience immediately burst into warm applause and cheers, which made the Celestial Dynasty reporters present flush with excitement, Han Zhe is so popular, they are also honored.

And the Celestial Empire reporters who were stationed in Orlando faintly have a sense of gratitude to Han Zhe, you must know that in the NBA, Celestial Empire reporters can be said to have no status and are often excluded, but Orlando is a special case, Celestial Empire reporters have the priority to ask questions, and both the people in the team and the fans are very kind to them, of course they know the reason, just because they and Han Zhe are compatriots!

Han Zhe walked to the field and waved his hand around, and then looked at Devos suspiciously, this was not the show rehearsed before, so Han Zhe didn't know what trick Devos was going to play!


PS: Thanks to the boss of [wsnbb] for tipping 1000 points.

Thanks to the boss of [1824] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Sleeping Dreams] for rewarding 100 points.

Thanks to the [IAW] boss for the 100 points.

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