In the first quarter, the two teams could be regarded as a dragon and tiger, with many wonderful goals on both sides, and the score was also deadlocked, and the technical and tactical characteristics also had their own merits.

But after the start of the second quarter, the Knicks gradually had a weak posture, and the originally dominant interior line was now slowly regained by the Magic, and the Magic's two consecutive successful interior defense made the Knicks Alexander!

Vaughn is also not a fuel-efficient lamp, and after discovering the Knicks' condition, he came to the sidelines as soon as he found out and whispered a few words to Vucevic and Ibaka.

The two nodded in understanding and ran back to the court, Vaughn's strategy was simple, that is, to let Ibaka and Vucevic actively seek physical contact, both Xiao Si and Banyani are now moving much slower, and when attacking, they have begun to end the fight in the most simple and direct way.

This can only prove one problem, that is, these old guys have begun to save physical energy or have been physically insufficient, Vaughn, the old fox, is to let Vucevic speed up the other party's physical consumption and let them take a break!

During the Magic's round of attack, Harkless went around in a big circle on the inside, and ran with two old guys before giving it to Ibaka, the strong Ibaka received the ball and leaned on Xiao Si's back to play, although he didn't move Xiao Si very much, but the strategic purpose was achieved, that is, to wrestle with the opponent, and when the offensive time was almost up, Ibaka distributed the ball to the receiving Aflaro, who scored on the basketball under the cover of Vucevic.

When the Knicks attacked, Han Zhe also began to seek physical contact with Anthony, although his body was at a disadvantage to Anthony, but his purpose was the same as Ibaka and them, and it was also to consume Anthony's physical energy as much as possible, you must know that Anthony is also in his 30s, and his physical fitness naturally cannot be compared with the young guy.

In fact, the problem of aging is getting more and more serious in the NBA, not only for the Knicks, but also for many other teams, most of their main players are composed of the former golden generation, who are basically in their early thirties, and there are very few teams like the Magic that are mostly composed of young players.

Under the physical pressure of the Magic, the Knicks are playing more and more unsmoothly, and the offensive efficiency is greatly reduced, the Magic naturally takes advantage of your illness to kill you, and Han Zhe, who has been trying his best to play point guard, began to exert his power and frequently shot.

Especially after Han Zhe began to shoot three points, it made the Knicks even more tired, they had to increase their defense on the outside, and the Magic interior line was not weak, so they couldn't take care of both ends, which was a headache.

Before the second quarter was over, the Knicks replaced the soon-to-be-played Smalls and Felton to rest, and their main offensive force was still on Anthony.

However, Anthony struggled very hard in the face of Han Zhe's defense, and the success rate of singles would not exceed 30%, so he could only rely on the support of his teammates, whether it was blocking or running, he needed to run actively, which made the Knicks even worse!

At the end of the second quarter, although the Magic players were also tired, they were happy when they saw the Knicks' panting like dogs, and they not only consumed a lot of physical energy of the opponent in the second quarter, but also laid a big score advantage, and now have a 7-point lead at 49-42.

"Although the Knicks are older overall, they are doing well in this game, and the Warriors who played with momentum in the last round are also overwhelming, why do you feel completely suppressed by the Magic today!"

There are also people who can see clearly, "The young lineup must have certain advantages, but the young does not explain everything, the old also have the advantage of the old, that is, they have a lot of experience, and the handling of many balls is more reasonable and practical, I think the biggest problem is that the Knicks' offensive point is too single, mainly relying on Anthony's impact to score, and Han's defense does not need me to say more, Anthony was stared at by Han today, so the Knicks naturally can't score!"


"The Magic has started a new wave of young players in the NBA, and no one has been optimistic about this young team before, but the Magic have proved themselves with excellent performances for two consecutive seasons!"

"That's right, maybe the rise of the magic is enough to attract the attention of various teams, whether we should blindly believe that the team has to be pressed by old players, I think we should actually give young players more opportunities, after all, this is the need of the development of the times!"

The fans were immediately happy:

"It's hard to blow, of course you can play casually with Han Zhe in the magic formation, and other teams let young players try it out, and they don't know how to die!"

"Zhang Reasonable is also floating, young players should indeed be promoted, but the role of old players is currently irreplaceable in many teams in the NBA, and they have the role of anchoring the sea!"

"Indeed, the Spurs are trump cards as long as Duncan can still run, and the Lakers Kobe Bryant is irreplaceable!"


The game was relatively easy for the Magic, so the high-spirited Olapoti got a chance to play in the third quarter, and Han Zhe and Afflaro both went off the court and were replaced by Walker and Olapodi.

The Knicks did not rush to let Xiao Si and others play, but replaced Anthony, who was already exhausted, to rest for a while.

In the past, the Magic's bench lineup was a big problem, but this season it has improved significantly, and now the lineup on the court is no worse than the Knicks, or even stronger.

Olapodi, who was a bit of a nervous knife, hit a three-pointer on the court, which was a good start, and the Magic inside, who was under great pressure, also stepped up and began to attack, and the inside duo of Ibaka and Vucevic made the lone Banjani miserable.

Now the Magic has the advantage both inside and outside, and only played half a quarter, and the Knicks, who saw that the score gap was larger, had no choice but to replace the pillars again.

Vaughn is not in a hurry, because even the Magic's current lineup is on par with the Knicks, especially Walker and Olapodi are players who can shoot suddenly, making it difficult for them to defend.

The biggest difference between Han Zhe and his absence is that Anthony, who played again, was liberated and his scoring began to increase, but the Magic scoring ability was not bad, so he didn't suffer anything.

At the end of the third quarter, many people sighed again and again, the Magic is really strong now, and when Han Zhe rested, he was able to suppress the Knicks' main lineup, and the score expanded again.

Now the score is 73-61, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Knicks are basically out of play, you must know that the Knicks had a great advantage in playing the Magic last season, but I didn't expect that after only one season, the situation reversed, I don't know if the Knicks are old, or the Magic is improving too fast!

Vaughn was not careless, in the fourth quarter, Han Zhe put on the battle again, and replaced Olapodi, who had been playing for a while, many people smiled bitterly, and now Han Zhe is partnering with Walker, which is a rhythm that does not give the Knicks a chance at all.

In the end, the result was not unexpected, and the Magic beat the Knicks 92-81 on the road. _

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