The game data came out quickly, and Walker performed very well today, getting a big double-double of 21+13, of course, the most eye-catching is Han Zhe.

Today, Han Zhe is in great shape, with a high shooting percentage, and he played the whole game, and everyone is curious about what anti-sky data Han Zhe will get.

Everyone didn't wait long, Han Zhe's data was also counted, listening to the exclamations one after another, many people still didn't know why, but after asking, they were dumbfounded, Han Zhe is also a big two-pair, but this is a bit outrageous.

Han Zhe got 63+12 data, 12 assists is not much awesome, many players can get it in a single game, but 63 points in a single game, this is awesome, this score is among the best in modern times, only Kobe Bryant's 81 points and 65 points, David Robinson's 71 points, Jordan's 69 points and 64 points.

Of course, if you count the early figures, it is Chamberlain who dominates the list, with 100 points, 78 points, 73 points, and so on, and there are a lot of exaggerated scores, but the rules and methods of basketball at that time are very different from now, and they are not suitable for modern basketball.

When his teammates pounced on Han Zhe for creating a personal scoring record, Han Zhe was still a little confused, although he knew that he had scored a lot today, but he didn't deliberately calculate, after all, few players still had the leisure to count how many points they scored and how many points they scored.

"You say I scored 63 points today?" Han Zhe asked.

"Yes, the data has been counted, don't believe it, you can see it yourself, it's too powerful, I can't even think of 63 points in a single game!" Walker looked envious, jealous and hateful.

Walker is also very hot now, but he is a player with strong comprehensive ability, and in terms of scoring, 60+ in a single game is almost an impossible task for him.

"Han, happy silly, now you can crush Maddie, Anthony, O'Neal, Malone, Iverson and Larry Bird and others!" Seeing that Han Zhe didn't speak, Vucevic put his arm around Han Zhe's neck and said excitedly, they all thought that Han Zhe was happy, after all, in terms of individual single-game scores, he had already pressed many basketball celebrities under him.

For example, Maddie and Anthony, the highest points in a single game is 62 points, O'Neal, the highest points in a single game is 61 points, Iverson and Larry Bird have a maximum of 60 points in a single game, and now Han Zhe has 63 points in a single game, and all his teammates are happy for him.

Everyone originally thought that Han Zhe was overly happy and hadn't had time to digest it, but Han Zhe suddenly sighed: "Hey, it's a pity, it would be nice if I cut another 19 points!"


Walker and the others almost choked to death with saliva, but then they all burst out laughing, thinking that Han Zhe was joking.

They also understood what Han Zhe meant, that is, if Han Zhe scored 19 more points, he would be able to break Kobe's record of 81 points and get the title of the first scorer in modern times, but the reason why everyone laughed was because they felt that Han Zhe was blowing a lot of money.

In modern times, he can cut 60+ in a single game, which is not a superstar, Han Zhe can score 63 points, and he can go down in history with this single game score alone, and then pretend to be forced to pass, you must know that the reason why Kobe Bryant is called a god-like man is because he is the first and only person who can get 80+ people under the current basketball rules!

How do they know that Han Zhe is really not pretending to be forced, but really in a pity, he has a systematic task in his body, if he can break the Kobe record, he will be able to win another chance immediately, although Han Zhe is already very strong, but who will dislike himself to be stronger!

However, Han Zhe just complained about it, today Jia only scored 63 points, and he can better understand how difficult Kobe's 81 points are, if you want to break this record, you really need the right time, place and people, today, even if he continues to work hard in the last quarter, it is estimated that he will get a few more points to the sky.

Because his physical strength is not unlimited, and his physical consumption is too large, and his shooting will be greatly reduced, which is why he switched to point guard in the last quarter, not because he doesn't want to score points, but because he can't!

"Don't pretend, Han, just steal the fun, I guess James is smashing the TV by now, haha!" Walker laughed as he spoke, and the rest of the Magic players couldn't help but laugh as well.

They all know that Han Zhe and James don't deal with each other, and now Han Zhe's 63 points in a single game just exceed James's 61 points, and James is estimated to cry and faint in the toilet!

James' single-game record of 61 points was obtained from Han Zhe's old club Bobcats this season, and many people are boasting that James has been officially crowned king.

It's more interesting to talk about this, that is, the Bobcats are simply a point boy, and this season Anthony also broke his own single-game individual scoring record on the Bobcats, and Anthony scored 62 points on the Bobcats!

Not only are the Magic players happy, but coach Vaughn also came over with a smile to congratulate Han Zhe, Han Zhe showed his face today, and he is also honored as a coach!

There are also people who are more excited than Han Zhe and other parties, that is, Magic fans and reporters, fans have not left the game for a long time, and have been celebrating the team's continued winning streak to break the record, when they saw Han Zhe's statistics, they were even more excited, it seems that Orlando must have no sleep tonight.

And the reporter finally broke through the layers of defense and rushed over, and Han Zhe, who was in a good mood, did not refuse the interview.

"Han, congratulations on your 11-game winning streak and breaking your own personal scoring record, is there anything you would like to say to everyone now?"

"Thank you! Of course we are very happy that the team can maintain the winning streak, and hopefully this record can continue to expand, as for the 63 points I was still quite surprised, my teammates shocked me when they told me, by the way, I don't know if James was scared when he broke the record!"


Listening to Han Zhe's words, everyone still felt a little bored, who knew that Han Zhe suddenly made a 180-degree turn, which made everyone thunder.

What is a slap in the face, this is a slap in the face!

They remember that when James scored 61 points, a reporter mentioned Han Zhe in the interview, and he also pretended to "encourage" Han Zhe in an old-timer tone, but he didn't expect Han Zhe to greet him so quickly, and it was in the case of breaking his record.

Many reporters said in their hearts that these two people are really enemies, or Han Zhe is James's nemesis, you must know that most of James's personal records have been broken by Han Zhe for him, and even Han Zhe, who just got the single-game scoring record this year, immediately scolded him, what hatred, what resentment!

"I don't know if James was intimidated by his own score, but he will definitely be intimidated by your score!"

A reporter made a remark, which caused the audience to laugh.

After all, today is a good day for magic, and the reporter didn't provoke too much, basically congratulated him, and then interviewed a few words casually.

Magic won a streak today, Han Zhe broke the record, even if Magic didn't say anything, they still had to write, no need to feel uncomfortable.

As for the rockets, the reporter fully carried forward the spirit of beating the water dogs, and the problems were quite tricky.

Why was it broken today, was it a tactical inappropriateness or was there something wrong internally?

Why did Harden leave the game early, does it mean that Harden's core position is not guaranteed?

Harden provoked Han Zhe before the game, and now Han Zhe has slashed 63 points from the Rockets, what does Harden think about this!

Howard's play is as stable as ever, have the Rockets considered using Howard as the core to arrange tactics in the future?

These questions are completely pitiful, Harden was the first to leave in a huff, and the other Rockets players also refused to be interviewed and left quickly, in stark contrast to the Magic who talked happily over there.

Success and defeat, this has been the case since ancient times!_

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