"Brother Zhe, they can't do this, right? After all, the other party is James!"

Guo Allen's eyelids jumped, now James is in full swing all over the world, and the title of little emperor is not for nothing, but Guo Allen never imagined that the first time he watched James play on the spot, he was bullied by his compatriots, and he was proud and a little cowardly, James's name is too famous!

Yao Ming next to him smiled and shook his head, "Don't underestimate your brother Zhe, although he is young and has not been in the NBA for a long time, he already has the ability to argue with James, and they are not very kind to the last All-Star James, which is a courtesy exchange." "

Of course, Yao Ming added in his heart, if he had been replaced, he would definitely not have been able to do this kind of thing, when O'Neill provoked him in public, he did not retaliate, he was more introverted.

Guo Allen was obviously taken aback when he heard Yao Ming say that Han Zhe had the ability to argue with James, although it is often reported in China that Han Zhe is about to dominate the NBA, but he still doesn't know what the domestic media is like, how dare he take it seriously, and he didn't believe it until Yao Ming said it himself.

After all, Yao Ming still knows a lot about the NBA, and he is not a big talker.

Guo Allen looked at the back of Han Zhe on the field and became more and more respectful, Han Zhe is almost the same age as him, but now people can actually clean up the god-like James on the All-Star, this is slapping him in the face in front of the whole world, it's too shocking!

Su Qun's commentary also made domestic fans collectively spray rice 270: "James seems to be in a bit of a bad state today, and he is not very active in running to get the ball, and there are no points yet, which is very rare in James's career." "

The fans laughed and complained:

"Poof! This pot James said he didn't carry it!"

"It's been a long time since I've seen an honest person like Su Qun!"

"Su Qun, don't you have a bad conscience when you say that?"

"I don't think James can get the ball even if he runs faster than Bolt!"

"No wonder I said why James couldn't score points, it turned out to be in poor form! hahaha..."

Finally, 10 minutes into the first quarter, James scored the first two points, which made the Zhan fans on the scene almost cry with excitement, Nima, it's not easy, finally scored.

However, James scored someone unhappy, that is Davis, there are many Western bigwigs today, he, a newcomer who replaced Kobe, did not have many opportunities, just now this ball was his second chance to score, but he didn't expect to be caught by James when he was ready to go to the basket and successfully counterattacked, too much deception!

"This can't be endured! James is too much, how can there be such a fun in an entertainment game!" Han Zhe smiled and posted it and began to stir up trouble.

Davis glared at Han Zhe, "Come less, neither of you two is a good thing!"

"Hey, hey, how do you speak, be careful that I sue you for slander, it's really good to be kind, alas!" Han Zhe muttered to Davis, who ran away.

In the last two minutes of the first quarter, Han Zhele was happy, it seems that his words still have an effect, Davis loves to stick James intentionally or unintentionally anyway, making James, who is already difficult to get the ball, have a slim chance.

"Han, you're too dark, we're not enough, and you're still looking for foreign aid!" Ibaka obviously heard Han Zhe and Davis talking, but his tone was obviously fortunate that they were on a rope with Han Zhe, so he naturally didn't have a good impression of James.

"At the end of the first quarter of the game, the East is currently 34-31 leading the West by three points, and the cooperation is obviously better than that of the West, and the best in the first quarter must have scored 17 Zhe, and he alone took half of the points in the East. "

And James only scored two points in the first quarter, and Davis in the West also scored two points, hoping that the two will continue to work hard in the next game. "

James was obviously about to explode when he got off the court, and directly threw away the towel from the past, and this shot was captured by countless cameras, which immediately caused a discussion.

Smith: "James doesn't seem to be in a good mood, and even his teammates are deflated. "

Barkley: "I'm not in a good mood if I only score two points in the first quarter of the All-Star Games, I can only say, Han did a great job!"

O'Neal: "You two be careful when you talk, James's fans are very scary, don't bother me when you go out and get beaten!"

Magic fans and neutral fans naturally laughed when they saw the three of them teasing James, as for Jammy, greeting the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the three people chose to change the live broadcast platform, otherwise they were afraid that they would be made to vomit blood by the three victims.

Han Zhe and the others were in a good mood, and after they got off the court, they gathered around Vaughn and chatted, as for James, (dabi) sat far away alone, this is out of sight and out of mind!

"Coach, awesome! I thought you were going to be replaced!" Walker gave Vaughn a thumbs up.

Vaughn glared at them angrily, "I'm under a lot of pressure for you to play like this, but who called you my players!"

After a pause, Vaughn continued: "But the All-Star Game is not our family, I will make personnel adjustments in a while, you have to be prepared." "

The players all nodded their heads to show that they understood that they could play a full quarter without moving because they were already in the coach's light, but there were so many big names sitting on the bench that it was impossible to keep them on the line.

Someone at the top of the league worried: "The East is too chaotic, what if James fans make a fuss?"

Xiao Hua was very calm: "It's okay if the ratings haven't dropped, and do you think Han is easy to bully?"

Someone still wanted to speak, but Xiao Hua interrupted: "Don't worry, as long as Vaughn is not an idiot, then the second quarter will definitely make changes." "

After hearing this, everyone had their own thoughts, Xiao Hua was obviously a little protective of the east or Han Zhe, but after thinking about it, it was also a little clear that the alliance has always been strong in the west and weak in the east, and the ornamentation of the family has been greatly reduced.

James alone obviously can't support the overall weaker east, Han Zhe's rapid rise is an opportunity, and it will be more interesting for one king to become two kings in the east, so Xiao Hua is willing to cultivate Han Zhe, not to mention that Han Zhe has a huge market effect behind him.

Moreover, how old is James, and how old is Han Zhe, this seems to be the point!

Many people are terrified when they think about it, and it is not difficult to see from Xiao Hua's attitude that Han Zhe is likely to be a trump card focused on by the NBA!

Some people want to say that Han Zhe is lucky, because now the NBA is in short supply, and Han Zhe appeared at the right time.

Of course, some people know that this is inevitable, and it is not only the commercial value that can be favored by Xiao Hua, but also the strength of NBA players, and Han Zhe has both.


At the beginning of the second quarter of the game, both sides made relatively large personnel adjustments, which is normal, and everyone who was elected as an All-Star has a chance to play, just a matter of time.

"Your good days are over!" James said to Han Zhe proudly after coming on the court, because except for Han Zhe and him, everyone else rotated off.

Coming off the bench were Wade, George and Irving.

Needless to say, Wade is his old partner, as for George of the Pacers, the Pacers and the Magic had a fight last season, and it is impossible to get in touch with Han Zhe, so this time it is James' turn.

Han Zhe snorted and said disdainfully: "Do you think that I can't play without anyone making balls like you?"

"You're going to have a hard mouth! we'll see!" James is now taller.

Han Zhe turned his head and glanced at Vaughn resentfully, he was indeed hard-mouthed, this lineup was really difficult to operate, but he was not completely bragging just now.

He has the assistance of the Emperor's Eye, whether it is rebounding, blocking or stealing, it is easy to win, even if he dies, it is impossible to die so ugly before James!

In other words, this is the rotation of feng shui!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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