"We can see that the Magic continued their previous good form, Ibaka scored on the opening dunk, wow, the Spurs actually played a fast break, but the ball missed the rebound and was confiscated by Vucevic!"

The Magic got off to a good start, and after Ibaka scored the first shot, Vucevic grabbed the board and threw it to Walker to organize the offense, and then Han Zhe hit a three-point shot to play a wave of 5:0 mini-climax.

However, the Spurs are a very solid team, and Parker immediately returned with color and hit a mid-range shot.

Magic kicks off, and after going to the front court, he is still looking for Han Zhe.

Han Zhe faced Parker, who was defending, didn't show off his work at all, and directly used his body strength to squeeze him and push him to the basket.

Duncan saw Han Zhe jumping, and immediately pounced to block it, but he obviously couldn't keep up with Han Zhe's speed, and Han Zhe threw it up with a dashing side and hit it easily.

Guo Allen was a little dazzled on the sidelines, and this kind of offensive and defensive rhythm was not the same pace as the CBA.

The next goal was scored by Duncan's single against Vucevic, and although Duncan was at the end of his career, he maintained his physical fitness very well, leaning on Vucevic and scoring a half-turn hook shot.

"You really don't look like an old guy who is about to retire!" Han Zhe complained with a smile.

Duncan shrugged his shoulders loosely: "Don't underestimate an old man like me, as long as I'm still standing on the court, I will make you suffer!"

After saying that, both of them ran towards the front court with a smile, and this time Han Zhe attracted two Spurs players to defend and went straight to Vucevic.

Vucevic turned and scored a cricket kick.

"Time is not forgiving!" Han Zhe sighed inwardly, his words just now were actually comforting.

It can be seen from this ball that although Duncan's strength is still there, his movement speed and reaction ability are still much worse than at his peak.

The Spurs counterattacked, Green was chased by Ibaka for a layup, but the rebound was picked up by Dio and hit a follow-up shot.

Han Zhe took the ball again, and when he reached the three-point line, while the opposite side had not yet formed a pinch, Han Zhe pulled out three points and prepared to eat Parker.

Parker also reacts extremely quickly, jumping off the cap.


The ball bounced high on the basket and the rebound was grabbed by Duncan.

The major commentators are saying that this ball is a pity, after all, Han Zhe is accurate in three points, and there are few shots under normal circumstances.

Han Zhe frowned, it was not that his crosshair was gone, but that he was rubbed by Parker's fingertips when he shot.

He didn't jump high enough just now!

It stands to reason that with his bounce power, it is not difficult to eat Walker, who is only 1.88 meters.

The game continued, and everyone found that both teams seemed to have slowed down, for the simple reason that the Spurs took out their best skills to play chain defense again, and if the Magic continued to play fast, the error rate was too fast, and they would accompany them to play steadily.


When Han Zhe was blown away by Parker with a mid-range shot, the audience was in an uproar, you must know that Han Zhe is usually like a loach, and the bounce is super good, and he is rarely seen in the game.

"Han! it didn't take long for it to become a soft shrimp!" Parker joked with a grin, he was very cool now, and it was a pleasant thing to be able to cover Han Zhe.

Han Zhe said disdainfully: "I see that you guys are playing too rigidly, the audience is about to fall asleep, this is to liven up the atmosphere!"

Parker laughed out loud, the ghost only believed it!

Han Zhe is also very helpless, now he knows what the problem is, this is the sequelae of yesterday's madness, he didn't feel anything at the beginning, and now he is a little weak...

The audience was surprised and continued to watch the game, not at all relieved about what had just happened, often walking by the river without getting their shoes wet, caps and being taken are normal.

When the Spurs attacked, Parker regretted it a little, his words just now seemed to provoke Han Zhe, as soon as he got the ball, Han Zhe wrapped around him like a maggot on the tarsal bone.

After going back and forth twice, Parker knew the fact that even if Han Zhe was now a soft-footed shrimp, he had no choice but to pass the ball!

However, Parker, who was stuck to death, was a little in a hurry, and Walker, who was inserted diagonally, successfully stealed.

Walker made a hanging pass, and Harkless rushed to catch it and hit the board into the basket with ease.

The Magic went to the next city, not only the atmosphere was hot, but the bench was also excited, and the most energetic people wielding towels were Leonard and Olapodi.

If the team can establish a lead, they should have a lot more opportunities and time to play.

The two of them are new to the city, so they naturally want to have more opportunities to perform, and they don't want to keep guarding the water cooler.

At the end of the first quarter, the Magic led by five points at 29-24 and were happy with the result.

"Han, are you feeling unwell today?" Vaughn looked at Han Zhe, who was already wiping his sweat, and couldn't help but ask.

Other players also looked at Han Zhe, because Han Zhe's performance today was indeed a bit abnormal, and he was fierce at the beginning, but in the second half of the quarter, in addition to scolding Parker, it was more like paddling, which was not Han Zhe's style at all!

Although Han Zhe is not a lone player, he never hesitates to shoot, but many times just now he gave up breaking through or shooting opportunities and chose to share the ball, which is not normal!

Han Zhe originally wanted to say, "It's not uncomfortable, it's because it was so comfortable last night!"

However, the words must not be said like this, and he said: "It's nothing, it's just not in a state, just adjust it." "

"It's all to blame on these vampires in the Alliance, let you participate in so many projects, you must be physically exhausted, if you are tired, go off and rest early. "

Vaughn obviously thinks that he has been cheated by the league, which is to blame for the All-Star They arranged too many events for Han Zhe, which made him physically overdrawn.

The other players also nodded in realization, indeed, Han Zhe has participated in too many projects, and it is normal for him to be physically exhausted.

Han Zhe nodded, yes, it was all caused by these alliance vampires, otherwise how could buddy be like this!

However, Han Zhe said that he could still ask and see, and if it really didn't work, he would take the initiative to say it.

Vaughn of course agreed, he would definitely not be willing to replace Han Zhe until he had to, Han Zhe was the magic needle, and now facing a strong team like the Spurs, he didn't have Han Zhe to suppress him!

After the start of the second quarter of the game, Han Zhe did not recklessly, signaling Walker to play a two-way guard, and he would break out on his own when he had the opportunity, without taking care of him.

And Han Zhe played a pure quarterback, anyway, he moved in a small area on the outside of the right wing.

Of course, although Han Zhe made fewer shots, the Spurs did not dare to relax their vigilance at all, and they still kept a tight eye on him.

This is the role of star players, even if they don't bite, it's scary, as long as Han Zheli is here, the other party has to waste manpower to take care of it!_

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