After the game, Han Zhe naturally became the center of the fishing wheel, Han Zhe's performance was actually not bad, he scored 22 points and 8 assists, which is not bad anywhere.

However, he is afraid of comparison in everything, he can only blame him for his good performance in the past, and today's state of Han Zhe is that everyone can see that there is a problem, and there is a loss to the Magic, and some people naturally want to find a top pot, Han Zhe is of course the first choice of the media.

"Han, what do you think is the main reason for your loss?"

"What's the reason, it's normal to win and lose games, and our loss today only proves that Spurs are playing better than us. "

"But we can all see that you are not in a good state, and it is rumored that you and your friends from the Celestial Empire often go to nightclubs these days, is that true?"

"Which newspaper are you from? Believe it or not, I'll sue you for slander! It's okay for you to slander me, but you can't slander my friend, get out!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he pushed the reporter away and walked away, he was in a bad mood when he lost, and he was annoyed to hear these reporters croaking again.

"Uh... How do you push people... Stop!"

"Brother, I advise you to shut up, you're new here, right? Han is not good-tempered, beware of being beaten for a while!"


When Han Zhe was about to ask Guo Allen to flash together, he found that he was not easy, and a group of Celestial Empire reporters blocked him.

Although Guo Allen is not well-known in the United States, he is still extremely popular in the Celestial Empire, and he can be said to be one of the representatives of the new generation of basketball in the Celestial Empire, and interviewing him is still very marketable.

The Celestial Empire reporter will not find fault with him, but ask some gossip, such as asking Guo Allen how long he will stay here, whether he will try out in advance of magic as rumored, whether he and Han Zhe are iron buddies, and how Han Zhe's mansion is inside, whether it is very luxurious.

Of course, some people asked what the relationship between Yoo Yeon and Han Zhe was, and what they had done these days.

Regarding Han Zhe's private life, Guo Allen always said that he had no comment, and he spoke freely about his own affairs.

"I'll stay here for a few days, mainly to learn from Brother Zhe's experience, the trial is not a good thing, but Brother Zhe asked me to train with the Magic for a few days, and experience the NBA method and rhythm first, I believe it will help me in the future draft. "

It's no secret that Allen Guo will participate in the NBA show, so naturally he won't hide it, the key is that the country has already given the green light, so he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Many reporters congratulated, because Guo Allen's opportunity is not common, I think when Han Zhe came to the NBA, he stumbled all the way, and it was difficult for the team to accommodate him if he wanted to try, compared with Guo Allen, he already had a great advantage.

A reporter also asked Guo Allen if he had been booked by magic, but Guo Allen flatly denied it, although Han Zhe promised this, but now he didn't have a word, he didn't want to have a big mouth.

And Guo Allen still has a certain sense of crisis, as far as he knows, there are several newcomers in China who have found Han Zhe in the hope of helping them operate in the NBA show.

After all, there is no basketball player who does not aspire to the NBA.

Allen Guo doesn't want to talk nonsense by himself.

After returning home, Han Zhe couldn't help but smile when he saw Guo Allen's cowardly expression: "If you don't succeed, you're afraid that I will lose and be angry with you?"

Guo Allen nodded solemnly, so angry that Han Zhe hung up and beat him violently.

Is buddy such a person?

After dinner, Han Zhe took the initiative to pull Guo Allen to the indoor court to play.

Guo Allen is estimated to be the only person who knows why Han Zhe has weak legs today, and he originally wanted to tell him to take a good rest, but he didn't know how to speak.

In fact, Guo Allen hasn't seriously singled out with Han Zhe for a long time, and his hands are a little itchy.

After coming to the stadium, Guo Allen put on a posture, Han Zhe looked at him speechlessly and said, "What are you doing?"

"Bullfighting!" Guo Ai said of course.

"Are you still bullfighting?" Han Zhe said as he walked to his side, showing off his work so well that Guo Allen couldn't find the north at all.

Guo Allen tried to defend just now, but he couldn't touch the ball at all, and said a little frustratedly: "Brother Zhe, don't tell me that NBA guards are so good!"

"I don't know if I'm a cow or not, anyway, there are people who can blow up a rookie like you, you can shoot a few balls first and I'll take a look." "

Han Zhe threw the ball to him after speaking, shooting is a basic skill, especially for guard players, if the shooting is not accurate, there is no future.

When it comes to shooting, Allen Guo is still confident, and he keeps showing off with three points and two points with the ball.

After throwing, Guo Allen was a little smug and said: "How about it, Brother Zhe, my hit rate is okay!"

He just hit about 50 percent, which is already good.

Han Zhe didn't answer him, but pushed a cart of basketballs over, stood outside the three-point line and threw it out like a cannon, all hit!

Guo Allen was stunned for a while before muttering: "You are the NBA point king, it's normal that I can't vote for you." "

Han Zhe glanced at him, "I didn't ask you to compare three points with me, but your three-point and mid-range shooting are indeed a little worse, you must know that you are now in an empty position and no one is defending, and the top shooters in the NBA can hit about 50% even in the game, are you embarrassed?"

"No, Brother Zhe, don't bluff me, you said that you can play 50%+ shooting rate in the game, I believe it, because your data is here, but other players can't, I have also studied the NBA scorer data, and it is generally good to maintain 40%. "

Han Zhe said: "The average data of the season is useful, everyone has ups and downs in form, so the average is not accurate, some players may be able to reach 70% shooting rate in a game, sometimes only 30%, take Curry as an example, his three-point average shooting rate is not very high, but why can he be so popular, it is that when people are in good shape, the shooting rate is terrifying!"

Then Han Zhe signaled Guo Allen to attack him to defend.

"Try to show off as little as possible, your redundant actions are a waste of time, not to mention, and it is easy to be broken, you should use the most concise way at present!"

"Don't think you're very good at home, but the defensive strength and motivation of CBA players are not the same thing as the NBA. "

"Damn... Are you paper-dressed, you will fall down when you touch it, don't you ask you to strengthen your strength training, your strength is too poor, you are like an NBA multi-guard player who can eat you hard with his body. "

"You have to change the habit of controlling the ball too high, you have to control the height and frequency of the ball, otherwise it is easy to get picked up. "

After playing for more than 10 minutes, Han Zhe was fine, but Guo Allen was paralyzed, mainly because the psychological blow was too great.

I thought that even if I was worse than Han Zhe, the distance should not be too big, how did I know that I would be playing with doubts about life for such a while.

"Brother Zhe, you're too much, I doubt if I'm fit to play!"

"It's a bit out of breath, no, I haven't moved it yet!Okay, I'm tired, you can practice by yourself, bye!" Han Zhe threw the ball on the ground and walked away.

As soon as he went out, Han Zhe exhaled, patted his trembling legs and smiled bitterly: "Damn, this kid has made great progress, let me play with my life in order to abuse him!"

Of course, the main thing is that Han Zhe was already very tired today!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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