Devos also sat in the VIP room to watch the game, and couldn't help frowning when he saw the team being fully suppressed by the Cavaliers.

Hannigan took this opportunity to speak: "BOSS, it's not a way for the team to continue like this, let's revoke the punishment against Han, continuing to suspend Han is not only a huge loss for the team, but also a great pressure on us." "

Devos is noncommittal, there is no wave on the surface, but his heart is not as calm as it seems, and he knows the impact of Han Zhe's absence on the team.

Things are now a little out of control, and he originally thought that Han Zhe would bow his head after the team put pressure on him, and then everything would be solved.

It's just that I didn't expect Han Zhe to be so tough, and he would rather sit on the bench than admit his mistake, so both sides are in an embarrassing situation.

Devos also knows that Hannigan is not talking nonsense, they are really under a lot of pressure right now, the fans give way to the explanation, and the media chase and block the news every day.

There is also one thing, that is, the other clubs have a very keen sense of smell, and now, like a cat that smells blood, they are all starting to dig into the wall, and several team owners have asked to talk to him about the deal.

Hannigan said a few more words, and when he saw that the boss still didn't say anything, he sighed inwardly, knowing that Devos must have known that the situation was serious, but he still couldn't let go of the boss's shelf!

The game ended quickly in the different minds of several bigwigs, followed by the boos of the home fans, not booing their players, but booing Devos and his party who were leaving the field~.

The continuous loss has made the fans' dissatisfaction more and more serious, the key is to lose aggrieved, the team configuration is obviously very strong, but now the core is inexplicably absent, - what the hell!

As soon as Han Zhe was about to leave, he received a call from Hannigan asking him to go to the office, and Han Zhe had a good impression of Hannigan, so he went without hesitation.

"Sit down. "

After motioning for Han Zhe to sit down, Hannigan said: "Han, I know that you have a stubborn temper and are very dissatisfied in your heart, but I hope you can think about the overall situation, you have also seen the current appearance of the team, and it is not a way to go on like this." "

Hannigan also has no choice, he has no way to take the boss, so he can only start with Han Zhe.

Han Zhe was also in a bad mood in the past two days, and he became a little angry when he heard it, "The overall situation? Did you hold a press conference to consider the overall situation without ventilating with me? Now you are hiding me for the sake of the overall situation? Or is it still the same sentence, I haven't done anything wrong, it is impossible to apologize, and I haven't said anything to the media now that I am already thinking about the overall situation." "

Han Zhe is very stubborn, but this is not completely unreasonable, speaking of which is still a contradiction caused by poor consideration at the beginning, if you communicate carefully before the press conference, maybe it will not be the current situation.

Hannigan also had a headache, seeing that Han Zhe didn't eat this, he could only persuade him with good words, "Han, the team's results this season are very good, I believe you don't want to see the second half of the collapse, I promise, there is no need to make it public, as long as you admit your mistakes internally, I can let you return to the field, you must know that if this stalemate continues, it will not only have a great impact on the team, but also not a good thing for you personally." "

Hannigan is not fooling Han Zhe, he has already seen it, Devos probably regrets his impulsiveness a little, and now as long as Han Zhe apologizes internally, give one, Devos will definitely borrow the donkey to let him return to the arena.

Han Zhe nodded and said: "You're right, not being able to play is very big for me, if I am suspended for a long time, my spokesperson will also trouble me, maybe I will have to face a huge amount of compensation." "

Hannigan just looked happy and thought that Han Zhe had compromised, but Han Zhe continued to speak: "However, apologizing internally or externally is the same for me, I won't agree, and you're right, I can't spend it with you, and I don't have the capital to continue to spend it with you, if the magic can't let me have enough playing time, I will consider leaving the magic." "Han Zhe has a showdown, for Hannigan, it is suspected that the worst case scenario!

"Han, don't be impulsive, things can always be solved, and don't forget that you still have more than two years of contract left to expire!" Hannigan frowned.

Han Zhe said in a deep voice: "Hannigan, don't scare me with the contract, if I insist on leaving, do you think there is no one to pay for me?" In fact, I really don't want to come to this point, after all, I had a good time in Magic before, and I thank Magic in my heart for giving me a good platform to play, otherwise why do you think I will be silent to the outside world during this time?"

Don't take my tolerance for weakness, if the Magic continue to ban me, I'll fight back immediately, three, three, and if I can't play normally within three games, then don't blame me for not being ruthless. "

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he got up and left, he really didn't want to continue to consume, even if the magic could afford it, he couldn't afford it, not only would he face an endorsement lawsuit, but his youth was also limited, and he couldn't waste it on the bench.

Hannigan froze, this was a threat.

But what about the threat?

0········ Asking for flowers...

If the average player dares to threaten the club, it is simply looking for death, and other teams are rarely willing to take on such a player, because this will undoubtedly offend the Magic.

However, will no one want a player like Han Zhe?

Even if you offend Magic, you don't have to think about which is important, Magic friendship or Han Zhe, if Han Zhe wants to leave, many clubs may break their heads to grab it.

"Damn Sam, damn Devos!" Hannigan cursed, these things could have been avoided, did it have to be done like this?

And the relationship between the two sides has obviously cracked, even if this matter is finally resolved, Han Zhe continues to stay in the team, and the rift will be difficult to repair.


After Han Zhe went home a little bored, he turned on the TV and watched it for a while, and as soon as he turned to ESPN Road, he was stunned because the host and guests were discussing him.


The host said excitedly: "Wow! We just received another news about Han, which is heavy news. "

The guest cooperated with the question and supported humanity: "I believe that the most discussed thing during this time is whether Han is injured, or whether there is a conflict with the magic senior management and is hidden, you don't have to guess, we have confirmed that Han is not injured!"

The guests at the scene were obviously stunned for a moment, although the host's expression was very exaggerated when he received the news just now, he didn't care too much, because they also needed some performance ingredients, but this didn't seem to be a performance...

"Is the news reliable?" asked the guest, widening his eyes, if the thing is true, and now that they have been exposed, it is conceivable that the NBA will be an earthquake.

The host nodded affirmatively, "The news was dug up by our reporter from the mouth of the Magic player, and it is 100% reliable!"

Many viewers in front of the TV were stunned when they heard the news, Han Zhe was not injured, so there were too many problems exposed, and there was too much room for imagination!

Han Zhe looked at the TV and stayed for a while before he couldn't help but curse "Fake"!

It's a big deal, although many people said that Han Zhe was not injured before, but it was limited to speculation, and now ESPN is exposed, the nature is different, ESPN is one of the authorities in the sports world, they shouldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, so their words are extremely feasible!

The ratings of ESPN's guest interview program began to climb steadily, and the news of Han Zhe's injury blew all over the world!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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