
The Magic Club was surrounded by fans early in the morning, and they came to Devos for an explanation.

A lot of media from all walks of life also came, and they all wanted to inquire about first-hand news.

When Han Zhe's sports car appeared, everyone was blocked.

The fans shouted Han Zhe's name while holding up various banners to express their support, and the fans basically stood on Han Zhe's side and didn't want him to leave.

The media asked Han Zhe if he had completely fallen out with Magic, and some even asked him who his next family was.

Han Zhe seems to be in a good mood today, and after opening the car window, he greeted the fans with a smile on his face, as for the reporter's questions, Han Zhe always said "no comment"!

Seeing Han Zhe leaving, the fans were anxious, they didn't get a reply from Han Zhe, and their hearts suddenly became unsteady, and they didn't know what happened to Han Zhe and the club.

Just as the fans were about to continue the crusade against Devos, someone suddenly shouted: "The official website has been updated!"

Countless people immediately took out their mobile phones to check it.

The content of this magic update is very simple, mainly to appease the fans, saying that ESPN's report on 18 is untrue, Han Zhe and the senior management have no contradictions, they get along very happily, and say that Han Zhe's injury is almost better, so let everyone not worry, let alone believe the rumors.

Fans immediately discussed, but most of them expressed disbelief, after all, ESPN is not a third-rate tabloid, their news is still very responsible, and they should not talk nonsense without evidence.

The most surprised was the on-site media, they didn't expect Magic to express their stance so quickly, of course, as for their denial of having a contradiction with Han Zhe, the media scoffed, is it really that everyone is a fool, it's almost like a liar.

The ESPN on-site reporter even scolded the magic shamelessly, which is completely nonsense with open eyes!

Many people are waiting to see the excitement, because after the announcement of the Magic news, it is equivalent to forcing themselves to a dead end, if they can't deal with Han Zhe's affairs immediately, they will be discredited, and the Magic fans will not let them go, and then the fun will be great.

As soon as Han Zhe arrived at the arena, Vaughn sent a message to him to go to Devos's office, Han Zhe didn't seem surprised at all, nodded and went straight over.

I don't know what they talked about, anyway, Han Zhe seemed to be in a good mood after he came out to join the training, but the head coach Vaughn was not in much shape, and all the training tasks were handed over to the assistant coach.

"How's the conversation going?" Break.Baka and the others gathered around curiously, they all knew that the interview between Devos and Han Zhe was very crucial, so these teammates were also very fruitful.

"Didn't you find anything by looking at me?" Han Zhe smiled.

Ibaka excitedly said, "Lifted?"

When they saw Han Zhe nodding in confirmation, they couldn't help but scream, this news was very exciting.

Walker even threw away his crutches, saying that his back was no longer sore and that he could join the training immediately.

The assistant coach has a black line, Walker has been lazy and cool in the past two days, and he is hanging around with a cane when he has nothing to do, and he thinks this thing is crippled if he doesn't know!

"Han, you are awesome, you actually ate the boss to death!"

Everyone in Han Zhe and Devos's Cold Combat Team knew that since Han Zhe had lifted the ban without admitting it, it went without saying that Devos was deflated.

Although Han Zhe laughed on the surface after hearing this, he sighed inwardly, Devos was obviously forced to compromise because of the form, it does not mean that they are reconciled as before, the gap between the two has been buried, and the relationship cannot be the same as before.

It is impossible to solve the problem at this point, so this matter is actually a lose-lose situation!

In the afternoon, the Magic hosted the Warriors, and everyone was most concerned about whether Han Zhe could play.

Su Qun said: "The contradiction between Han Zhe and the high-level of magic has intensified after ESPN Dao, and many people think that Han Zhe has offended the high-level and was banned, but this morning the official website of magic refuted the rumors, saying that the relationship with Han Zhe is close and there is no problem, and now things have become confusing." "

Zhang Weiping said with a smile: "This kind of thing is difficult for others to know the inside story except for the parties and magic players, I don't know if you have noticed a detail, Olapodi seems to have begun to enter the injury suspension, which is very interesting!"

Zhang Li didn't mention that not many people really paid attention to this point, and after someone went to the Magic official website to take a closer look, they finally found out that there was a small section announcing that Olapodi had a ligament strain during training, and it is estimated that he will be injured for a long time...

"Olapodi is also injured, why hasn't there been any news before?"

"Is the Magic player addicted to injury, first I was injured, then Walker himself was injured in the street, and now Xiao Ao is also off?"

"It is estimated that Xiao Ao was also injured, don't forget where the news ESPN information came from yesterday!"

"Damn, the news is that Olapodi blew up to ESPN? No wonder this thing was injured, it deserved it!"

"Han Zhe and the high-level Ken 950 must have a problem, Olapodi is now an inner ghost, which will definitely make the magic high-level angry, he must have been found out, it seems that his injury is estimated to take a long time to heal!"

"Do you think Han Zhe will be on today?"

"It's hard to say, but it's very critical that Han Zhe can't get on today, if he does, it proves that their problem is solved, if he doesn't, things are big, Han Zhe may really want to leave magic!"

It wasn't until a moment before the start of the game that Su Qun and they got the list of players, and after reading it, Su Qun was obviously relieved and said: "Let me tell you a good news, Han Zhe will play as a starter today, well... It's a comeback from injury!"

The fans of Magic and Han Zhe were suddenly excited, Han Zhe didn't play so many games, and everyone panicked.

The most important thing is that Han Zhe can play and prove that he and the magic are all right, which is what the fans are most happy about, of course the magic fans don't want Han Zhe and the magic to fall out, and Han Zhe's personal fans don't want Han Zhe and the magic to have problems.

Although Han Zhe is very easy to find a home, this way of leaving is inevitably not perfect, and after entering the new team, Han Zhe has to slowly run in with the players, and it is very difficult to achieve results in a short time.

Now this result is undoubtedly the best. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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