Han Zhe's return had an immediate effect on the Magic, not only stopping the losing streak, but also starting a winning streak, with the current Magic record of 38 wins and 19 losses, temporarily ranking third in the East.

The Pacers had a more miserable start like the Magic, but what they didn't expect was that they played more and more smoothly, and they had already jumped to the first place in the East, and the second-place Heat was also suppressed.

The Magic and Pacers are arguably two of the most surprising teams in the league this season, both of them got off to a bad start, but they came on hard in the middle of the game, and they have a very good record in the second half of the season.

The Western Conference team has played in the middle of the game, and the Spurs have been consistent this season and have been in the lead.

The Thunder Shuangshao is also as fierce as ever, leading the Thunder to second place.

The competition for the third place in the West is very fierce, the Clippers and the Rockets are chasing each other, and the Rockets are currently in third place, but only one more win than the Clippers.

If there are any teams that have been the most disappointing right now, it is undoubtedly the Knicks and Nets, both teams that have spent a lot of money to build, but this season's results are seriously inconsistent with their rosters.

The Knicks are now ranked ninth in the East and the Nets are tenth, and they haven't even qualified for the playoffs, and with more than 20 rounds left in the regular season, they have to sprint hard, and if they really can't make the playoffs, it's big news!

After the end of this round, the Magic began to actively prepare for the game, and their next game must be a hard battle, not only to go to the away road in a row, but the opponent is still the Heat.

Some people may think that the Magic are stable in the playoffs this season, and teams like the Heat can save their strength and not be tough.

Even Vaughn suggested that Han Zhe and Ibaka could play as substitutes, and if the team played well, they could play early, and if the team was not in good shape, they would just show it at the end.

However, Han Zhe and Ibaka both vetoed, they have no problem with physical fitness, they don't want to play soy sauce, and playing against a league powerhouse like the Heat is not only a league task for them, but also a self-challenge.

What is the meaning of playing fish belly, as an excellent player, you have to be strong to have a sense of achievement.

Han Zhe: A big reason why they play is for their salary, but don't forget that they also love basketball.

Han Zhe said to Vaughn in a high-sounding manner, saying that the fans didn't come to see him sitting on the bench, and he and the Magic turmoil hadn't completely passed, and now he was sitting on the cold bench, what would the fans and the media think?

Han Zhe almost asked Vaughn if he wanted to make trouble!


When the team trained, Olapodi was still nowhere to be seen, no need, this guy definitely didn't get forgiveness from the boss last time, or the boss didn't want to forgive him for the time being, it seems that Olapodi's hard time can't end.

"Hey, man, shoot, oh! shit

Han Zhe gave the ball to Leonard, and after helping him pull out the gap, he signaled that he could shoot, who knew that the basketball was like a hot hand, Leonard immediately distributed it to Afflalo, Han Zhe burst into foul language.

In the next training game, Han Zhe kept encouraging Leonard to participate in the offense and let him shoot himself when he had the chance, but this guy played a little shy and wasted a lot of good opportunities.

"What's the matter with you guy, Han has given you so many balls, why don't you dare to shoot!" During the break, Walker, who was a training opponent, couldn't help but complain about Leonard.

Leonard glanced at Vaughn in the distance and smiled awkwardly: "The coach told me to pay more attention to defense, and I don't think I can shoot well, I think I'm still in charge of defensive tasks and help you make the ball!"

Han Zhe couldn't help but slap him on the head after hearing this, he could see clearly whether Leonard had offensive talent, this single and mid-range shooting ability was very strong, but he was used to defending blue-collar play, and he always felt that he couldn't attack.

As for coach Vaughn, it can't be said that he is wrong, after all, Leonard is really good at defense, and it is safe to let him focus on defense.

The Magic configuration is good, Ibaka is very good on the inside, but Ibaka also needs to be rotated, only Leonard can take his place in the team, if Leonard's offensive ability can't be played, then their interior strength will be reduced a lot.

Han Zhe is more dissatisfied with Vaughn's conservative approach, Vaughn estimates that the team's results are already good, as long as the current lineup is stable, the task will be completed.

But Han Zhe doesn't want to be out of the playoffs in one or two rounds, he still wants to get a championship ring to play.

If you want to win the championship, you naturally have to develop the potential of all the players in the team and show the maximum combat effectiveness!

However, Han Zhe also doesn't want to completely tear up his face with Vaughn, if he goes to Vaughn to ask for a change in Leonard's playing style, Vaughn will definitely be extremely unhappy, because this is greatly overstepping his authority, and it is not personal for you to direct the coach to do it as a player.

Although Han Zhe has this strength and qualifications, he doesn't want to do things too absolutely.

Han Zhe sighed in his heart, it seems that he can only be subtle, usually give Leonard more balls in training, as long as he trains his shooting habits and desires, it will not be so easy to suppress it. (Wang Zhao)

In the next training, Han Zhe sprayed Leonard if he had nothing to do.

"Idiot, why don't you make a move with such a good opportunity?"

"Have you been forced to surrender by Harkless?"

"Idiot! Don't vote for empty seats, are you a spy they sent!"

"By the way, fuck it, I'm fucking... What are your hands shaking?"

The players who don't know the inside story don't dare to breathe, they don't understand where Leonard offended Han Zhe, they see Han Zhe going crazy the whole game, they are afraid of being affected by the pond fish.

Walker and the others generally knew Han Zhe's thoughts, and when they saw that Leonard was scolded in a cold sweat, they all held back their laughter.

As for Vaughn, he can only turn a blind eye to this, Han Zhe, as the captain of the Magic, is it wrong to educate the players?_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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