The Magic players celebrated excitedly after a short break, and the Magic fans jumped and jumped for a long time and refused to leave, which was a key victory for the Magic, and a great victory.

Reporters flocked to the room, all wanting to get first-hand interview information, but the magic didn't accept interviews, and after saluting the fans, they returned to the lounge, and then staggered around and found a random place to paralyze, and everyone was tired today.

After everyone rested for a while, Vaughn told them the news, and Han Zhe stood up with an incredulous face after hearing this.

The other players also looked stunned.

Han Zhe couldn't help but say, "Is Thunder sleepwalking?"

That's right, Vaughn just told them the Western Conference report, the Thunder and Spurs played first, and the game was over a long time ago, but Vaughn didn't want the players to think about other irrelevant things when they played, so he didn't say it for the time being.

The reason for everyone's shock was that the Thunder were beaten badly by the Spurs, which can be said to be miserable, they lost with an exaggerated score of 77-112, and the overall score was 1:3.

Walker also exaggerated: "Coach, you're not kidding, why did the Thunder become so good at 28?"

Vaughn's expression was very serious, and he said in a deep voice: "We are playing very well at the moment, and it can be said that one foot has stepped into the door of the Finals, for which I am proud and proud of you, but you can't underestimate the other teams in the league, especially the Spurs this season, which are very strong, a little terrifying."

It is said that this game is not that the Thunder played badly, but that the Spurs played too well, and their chain defense limited the Thunder to death, Durant and Westbrook only scored a total of 30 points, and the Thunder only had three players who scored double-doubles!"

The Magic players were silent after hearing this, they knew that the Thunder had a double lack of strength, the two only scored a total of 30 points, and the Thunder scored only three players, which shows how perverted the Spurs' defense is.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little weird, Han Zhe broke the silence and said with a smile: "We are not the Thunder, we have more scoring points and offensive ability than them, we can beat him to the blood when we meet the Spurs, and now the Spurs are not what we should worry about, our first priority is the Heat, and strive to send the Heat back to their hometown in the next game." "

Vaughn also nodded and said: "Han is right, our goal now is to prepare for the Heat, we have already got the match point, as long as we win one more game, we will enter the finals." "

As soon as it came to the heat, everyone's minds relaxed again and began to giggle and chat.

"Did you see the gorilla's expression just now, you feel like you're about to cry? "

"James thought he was invincible in the Zone, but we have Han, and he has no use in the Zone. "

"That's right, it's still the boss who is more powerful, and the first person in the league should have been replaced a long time ago. "

Han Zhe's old face was already relatively thick, and he still blushed a little, waved his hand and said: "Low-key, low-key, how can there be one who boasts that he is the first in the alliance, and others will laugh when they hear it."

"We're telling the truth, the playoff stats speak for themselves, it's much better than James, and the direct confrontation data is better than him, for example, today, James only scored 51 points, and you have three more points!"


This topic is not only for the Magic players... This topic is also being discussed in a lot of sports programs that are night away.

"Many people say that Han has surpassed James in an all-round way, big looks?"

"I think it's true, both the regular season stats and the playoff stats are the first in the league, and now the Heat directly against the Magic also has an absolute advantage, doesn't that tell?"

"I don't agree, Han's performance is indeed superstar, but I think there is still a gap between him and James, at least Han can't enter the Zone!"

"Hehe, does this have anything to do with Zone? Han's performance is not worse than James in Zone, or even stronger, where is the gap?"

"I think you have mythical Han, the magic results are not the credit of Han alone, there are many super rookies in the magic, and the magic can now suppress the Heat, and they are indispensable. "

"You are a strong argument, not to mention anything else, just compare the data of Han and James to find out who is strong and who is weak. "

"The numbers don't tell the whole story, you know, some role players can score forty or fifty points a game. "

"Do you mean Han brushing data? Are you responsible for this, I don't know about the other players, but those who know Han know that he disdains to brush data, you are slandering!"


Arguments are everywhere, there are those who support Han Zhe and those who support James, and no one can convince anyone, but no matter what, Han Zhe's prestige has risen to a new level.

Of course, there is one place that basically supports Han Zhe, and that is the Celestial Empire.

But after this game was played, celebrities from all walks of life expressed congratulations on Weibo and Han Zhe, and even the basketball official also sent a congratulatory message, congratulating the magic on winning the match point and encouraging Han Zhe to make persistent efforts and continue to win glory for the country!

When they returned to Orlando, the Magic were treated like heroes, and there were thousands of fans who came to the airport to pick them up, and they didn't make it to the finals yet, so it can only be said that the Orlando fans were very enthusiastic and loved the team.

"Han, you're the best!"

"Walker 027, well done!"

"Ibaka, we love you!"

Fans held various banners in support of their favorite players.

After returning to the arena, Devos also put on a good performance for the players, and promised that after killing the Heat, their first bonus will be paid out, which makes the players cheer, after all, this is the most real!

After returning home, Han Zhe was a little unhappy because his parents told him that he would go back after watching him play the playoffs.

Li Xuelan and Han Wenzhong always felt that they were not used to being here, the language barrier, the cultural environment, made them a little out of place, and there was no family or friend here, and they didn't know where to go if they wanted to move around.

Han Zhe thought about it for a while and didn't persuade again, after all, his parents also have their own lives, since they are not used to it here, they are not happy to stay, so there is no need.

It's Li Tingting, this Nizi is very hilarious every day, and she has the meaning of not thinking about it, if it weren't for her father calling her twice in three days to urge, Han Zhe estimated that she would be able to settle down here.

After a day at home with their parents, the next day, the Magic began to gather and prepare for the game tomorrow when they will have their fifth game at home against the Heat, which is likely to be the last game of the season between the Magic and the Heat, at least as Magic fans think. _

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