The Mavericks got the ball, and when Collison brought the ball to the front court and handed it to Mayo, Han Zhe naturally followed.

The Tiger Pounce Qilin commentary was happy when he saw it, "I can't help but want to laugh when I see these two players standing together!"

Many netizens who watched the last game against the Mavericks also laughed back and forth.

"Qilin Juyi said that I couldn't help it, last time these two two goods were too funny, I didn't expect the two to match again so quickly!"

"Two spicy-eyed guys shouldn't mess around again today!"

"We don't understand the world of comics!"

"I watched Han Zhe's competition for the first time today, what are you talking about, I'm so curious!"

"Just go find the last game and watch it yourself, Han Zhe and Mayo can laugh at you to death!"

After Han Zhe followed, the Mei Olympics ball stopped when it reached the outside line, Han Zhe opened his hands, squatted slightly, and said with a smile: "If you have a kind, come and play with me!"


As soon as Han Zhe's voice fell, Mayo passed the ball in an instant 813, and Crowder received the ball and scored a layup.

Only then did Mayo turn his head and say to the stunned Han Zhe: "The coach asked me to stay away from you!"

Han Zhe: "..."

Switching offense and defense, Gordon dribbled the ball across the front court and handed it to Han Zhe, who just reached the top of the arc and Mayo posted it.

Han Zhe raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't your coach tell you to stay away from me, what are you doing here, get out of the way!"

Mayo: "..."

"Single, Single!" The audience began to coax Han Zhe to play Mayo alone, Han Zhe's style of play is beautiful, and his singles ability is strong, and the audience hopes that Han Zhe will show one.

The corners of Han Zhe's mouth raised, and after the two crotch dribbles, he started to rush forward, Mayo just moved to intercept, Han Zhe changed direction with his backhand dribble, and Mayo forcibly reflexively intercepted again, at this time, Han Zhe dribbled under his crotch and changed direction again, and easily passed by the side of Mayo (Aiae), who had been completely stunned, causing the fans to scream.

Han Zhe's singles are really sassy enough, Mayo Jane!

"Han Zhe used a very good butterfly step to start the left protrusion,,This is a feint,Han Zhe's backhand dribble becomes a right protrusion,Wow!Han Zhe dribbled down his crotch again,Mayo's center of gravity has been fixed by the continuous rapid change of direction,Can't move at all,Seeing Han Zhe leave,This ball Han Zhe's personal strength is undoubtedly revealed!" Tencent's Duan Xu explained emotionally.

The domestic audience also watched it very highly, and the people who came to see Han Zhe play for the first time were stunned when they heard their friends' introductions, but they didn't expect Han Zhe to play so much, this is the NBA, why play, isn't there a little pressure?

However, Han Zhe's style of play does attract fans, and players with this kind of road are always the favorite of fans.

Han Zhe cut inside and rushed to the basket to avoid White's interception hook and scored a basketball, and both teams scored one goal each.

Han Zhe single-handedly scored a goal, which met the requirements of the audience, and naturally there was applause, which made Gordon roll his eyes and complain about Han Zhe's sassy bag, Han Zhe knew that this guy was envious, jealous and hateful.

Sure enough, when the Mavericks scored another goal and switched to the Bobcat attack, Gordon also singled Collison, but when the audience cheered, the scene suddenly fell silent, and only Han Zhe covered his stomach and laughed very discordantly.

Because when Gordon made a layup after breaking through, he was blown away by Brand from behind the side, which was pretending to fail and being fucked, Han Zhe couldn't help but laugh when he saw his embarrassed face.

But as the game progressed, Han Zhe couldn't laugh anymore, I don't know if he was unlucky by the hat flying on the first ball, Gordon became Ge Tie again today, the shooting rate plummeted, and he missed several balls, making the Bobcats score 4 behind.

Since Gordon is not in good shape today, Han Zhe has given a lot of opportunities for Michael and Mullens to shoot, who knows that Mullens is still relatively stable, and Michael also feels a little immobile, and he chose to shoot a lot of balls that should be very stable on his back, and the hit rate is not high.

Han Zhe frowned, and when he thought about it, he knew that it must have been the back-to-back matches between yesterday and today that made them weak, and their physical strength had not fully recovered.

In fact, this can't be blamed on his teammates, Han Zhe himself also feels that he is not in a very good state, not to mention that he only played one game yesterday, and he rushed back after a tiring journey, plus in the previous games, several of their main forces played against each other, and it is normal for them to be weak.

If you find an NBA team to come out, there will be no embarrassing situation like they have no one to replace, such as Michael and Bimax, the average time of the first few appearances is more than 30 minutes, and they are not iron men, where can they bear it.

It's still the fault that the bench is not deeply troubled, Han Zhe is also a little worried, there are 82 regular season games in a season, and if you let a few main players play like this every day, sooner or later it will completely collapse.

At the end of the first quarter, the fans at the scene couldn't get up, the home team's score was 6 points behind, and the overall state of the players was in a downturn that everyone was worried about, and it could be seen from the spirit that there was a clear difference from the previous games.

In the first quarter, only Han Zhe played relatively stable, shooting three of the four, including a three-pointer, scoring 7 points, which is currently the highest score in the team.

Michael scored 2 points, Bimax scored 0 and Gordon only 4, but Mullens scored two baskets and two free throws, scoring five points on one of two free throws.

The Bobcats combined for just 18 points in the first quarter, while the Mavericks scored 24.

Dunlap and others also raised their eyebrows, but they also knew that they couldn't blame the players for this situation, so they could only cheer them on, hoping that the state could pick up in the second quarter. _

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