After a day of brewing, the popularity of the finals has increased instead of decreasing, coupled with the promotion of major media, you can see information about the ball game everywhere you go.

[Magic won at home, Han alone scored 69 points!]

[The finals entered the white heat, and the Spurs temporarily led 2:1. 】

[Barkley's words: Han's time has come!]

[Famous commentator Joseph said he is still bullish on Spurs.] 】

[Han's stage alone, the highest score record in a single game in the finals was born!]

Han Zhe was tired yesterday, and after playing ball, he went home and slept beautifully, and as soon as he turned on the phone in the morning, he missed calls and messages had been swiped.

first replied to Liu Yan's phone, and when she said that she was going to ask for leave to come over to help him, Han Zhe decisively persuaded her, now that Liu Yan's career is thriving, there is no need to toss around.

There is also the fact that Koloe is a guest at his house, and the two girls have not been dealing with each other, and they don't know what to do when they come, so it's better not to meet.

Then Han Zhe called back to Luther.

As soon as he connected to Luther, he smiled and said: "Li Ning can't sit still, I want to meet you again to talk about contract renewal, it is estimated that you can't sit still because of the fire now, and scoring 69 points in a single game is not something anyone can do, you must know that your gold content is no worse than Kobe's 81 points, the opponent is the Spurs, and this is the finals." "

That's right, after Han Zhe's game yesterday, his fame and prestige reached a peak, and it is conceivable how much of a sensation a player who can score 69 points in a single game in the finals can cause.

Han Zhe was not interested in this, and sneered: "Thick-skinned enough, I was embarrassed to come last time I refused directly, or the same sentence, there is no need to talk about Li Ning's endorsement in the future, they just ask you to refuse directly." "

Luthor said: "I know what you mean, just by the way, I called mainly about Adi and Nike, the two seem to have made an appointment, and they have found me here, of course, there are also some sub-brands who come to the door, I know you are not interested, so I directly refused." "

Han Zhe thought for a while and said: "I definitely don't have time to talk about these things during the finals now, and I don't understand when I go, so you have full authority to talk to them on my behalf, and if you finalize your intention, you will be notified." "

Luther said, "Do you have any tendencies or specific requests?"

Han Zhe said: "As long as the grade is enough, the quality is guaranteed." "

After Luthor hung up the phone, he knew in his heart, with Han Zhe's current reputation and status, the grade that can be found will not be bad, and if it is bad, he is embarrassed to find it, it is his own shame.

As for the quality, don't worry about this, whether it is the quality or the reputation of the top in the industry, it is not bad, now he only needs to consider the price, in business, the highest price wins.

In fact, Han Zhe and Li Ning had a falling out, and Lu Thore was secretly happy in his heart, he was afraid that Han Zhe would renew Li Ning's contract at a low price if he had a famous plot, which was not Han Zhe's personal loss, but also a great loss to their entire team, and it would also have some adverse effects on Han Zhe.

Now it's okay, the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide, and if you sign a contract with Han Zhe, you have to pass the level of his Luthor father, and he has Han Zhe as a great god in his hand, and the bamboo bar is not for him to knock!

Han Zhe didn't care much about this, he still had a point in his heart about his heat, he was not afraid that no one would sign a contract with him, and he was still very confident in Luther's ability to do things, so he didn't need to worry about it at all.

After breakfast, Han Wenzhong took a set of fishing gear and prepared to go out, Han Zhe was curious: "Are you going to go fishing?

Han Wenzhong pointed to Kolo, who was playing with his mobile phone on the side, and said, "The head is much more well-behaved than you, he took us out for a walk yesterday, we couldn't understand English when we bought things, or she helped negotiate and buy it, and the money was also given by her, and I still refused to ask for the money I gave her, so I took it." "

Han Zhe smiled, during this period of time, he competed every day, and he really didn't have much time to walk around with his parents, and he was a little ashamed.

Speaking of Kolo, his mother's eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth to say something to Han Zhe, but Han Zhe hurriedly interrupted and asked his father if he still had more fishing rods, saying that he also wanted to fish!

Han Zhe is not a fool, he doesn't know where his mother's careful thinking is, as long as he is a woman, he wants to pull him as a partner, not to mention a well-behaved and beautiful foreign girl like Kolo!


The fishing spot was not a few steps away, it was the small dock by the lake of his house, not only Han Zhe came, but Kolo was also bait with a fishing rod.

"Do you know how to fish?" Han Zhe asked curiously.

Kolo glanced at Han Zhe with disdain, "Isn't it strange that I know how to fish? It's not that difficult, my uncle taught me when I bought it yesterday!"

"Feelings won't!" Han Zhe pursed his lips disdainfully, thinking that he would be called a meeting after fishing once?

Although Han Zhe is not an old angler, he was taken by his father to fish in the small river ditch in his hometown before, at least he is better than her.

Kolo snorted coldly and said that Han Zhe should not look down on people, and vowed to compete with him to catch more fish.

Of course, Han Zhe did not hesitate to fight, and he could not compare to this rookie as a self-proclaimed fishing master.

The two were fishing while arguing, and as long as the novice Kolo moved a little, he yelled and screamed so much that he almost didn't catch Han Zhe next to him several times!

Han Wenzhong walked away from them with his small bench in less than two minutes, not to mention that these two second-class goods were noisy and scared the fish away, and they might be accidentally injured by Kolo's hook, this is not a place to stay for a long time, and the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall!

"yes, caught, caught, go get me the net, hahaha, don't accept it!" Chloe was the first to open, dragging the rod and shouting excitedly.

"Shit luck!" Although Han Zhe was complaining, he still used a fishing net to help her catch it.

"This girl is a genius, you can't accept it, look at how fierce you blow, you think it's so powerful, but you can't catch a fish for half a day!"

Although Han Zhe was depressed, he had no right to speak at the moment, so he could only honestly help him get the hook.

"Haha, this doesn't count, you are a blind cat and a dead mouse, you see, hooked on the back of the fish, you say that people are not wronged, and you will be in trouble when you cross the road. Han Zhe almost laughed.

Chloe looked a little silly (good) when he got closer, but wasn't he, the hook was indeed on his back.

"Why doesn't it count, no matter where the hook is, I caught it anyway, remember, it's one!" After Kolo reacted, it didn't matter if he hooked his mouth or his back, he would forget if he caught it anyway.

Han Zhe didn't say much, anyway, he was confident that he wouldn't lose to this layman.

After fishing for nearly two hours, the family retracted the rod and returned home, and the whole road was filled with Colo's teasing and ridicule, while Han Zhe was like a defeated rooster, hanging his head and not saying a word.

His father also gave him a critical blow, "Out of breath! I can't catch a fish for half a day, it's not as good as a new-learning girl, people have caught two, you haven't caught a single shrimp, you can only play basketball!"

Han Zhe: "..."

Han Zhe wanted to say a few words, but he really couldn't open his mouth, Kolo fished two, his father caught five or six, and he hung the whiteboard alone, losing himself.

Han Zhe knew that this was definitely not due to technical reasons, it was his piece of feng shui that was not good!_

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