Through the replay on the big screen, everyone knew why Han Zhe was able to win this key rebound by beating the crowd.

Players who are generally responsible for grabbing rebounds are used to grabbing closer to the basket and jumping on the spot.

But this ball is different, as soon as Afflaro made a shot, Han Zhe found that the ball could not be scored with the eye of the Emperor, and roughly judged that the ball would bounce back to near the free throw line, so he immediately sprinted over and prepared to grab the board.

It's no surprise that he has a better and more accurate starting position, and he is a run-up jumper, so he naturally overrides other players with ease.

Of course, this is all a side story, and the Magic won the game, and that's the point.

After Han Zhe and his teammates next to him hugged and celebrated, they found that the lore hero Afraro was still in a daze, and immediately ran over to give him a big hug!

"Well done man, I knew you could!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Zhe realized that something was not right, because Afraro was trembling violently, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong with you, is there something uncomfortable?"

Afraro seemed to have come back to his senses at this time, and said in a trembling voice: "Han, help me, my legs are weak!"

Han Zhe thought that he was physically exhausted, so he and the players who came with him planned to help him to the sidelines to rest for a while.

Who knew that Afflalo's next sentence would make everyone laugh.

Afflaro cried and said: "Han, you really killed me, I really didn't expect you to let me shoot the killer ball, especially when I threw it on the first throw, you don't know, I wanted to die at the time, fortunately, the second time I threw it, but my heart is still beating hard, and my legs can't be strong!"

Now everyone finally knows the reason, he is not overdrawn, but over-nervous!

However, when everyone laughed, they expressed their understanding, although Affolaro is an old player with excellent psychological quality, but when he encounters such an important game, he is also responsible for a key shot, and his goal may affect the final championship, no matter how good the psychological quality is, it is inevitable to be nervous!

Walker punched Afraro in the ribs and teased: "You guy don't get cheap and sell well, I don't want Han to give me such an opportunity, you see, you are now our magic hero!"

Afraro looked sideways, indeed, he is now a big hero, and the magic fans all held up his avatar and shouted his name frantically, and the momentum even overwhelmed Han Zhe, which made his eyes red with excitement.

The affirmation of the fans is the best compliment for the players.

Of course, Walker is just to regulate his jealousy, he really doesn't dare to come out of this limelight, he knows how terrifying the pressure of this ball is, and he is naturally a hero if he enters, but if he doesn't get into the Magic, he is out

What's more, Walker knows that his three-point stability and mental quality are really inferior to Arrow!

After the players ran away to celebrate, Han Zhe helped Afflaro to the sidelines and sat down, and said with a serious face: "I'm sorry, it's my fault that put you under so much pressure." "

Han Zhe did apologize in his heart, this pressure should have been borne by him, but Han Zhe couldn't help it, he knew that the Spurs would desperately defend him in the last ball, and it would be difficult for him to get a chance to shoot, and Afflaro was undoubtedly the best candidate.

After hearing this, Aflaro shook his head and said: "No, Han, I should thank you, you gave me this opportunity to perform, and I messed up the first goal, I really didn't expect you to pass it to me, so I really thank you!"

Afflaro also told the truth, Han Zhe's rebound could have been allocated to Vucevic or Ibaka under the basket, and it was actually more stable for them to shoot, but Han Zhe still chose to believe him and gave him a second chance.

Bair also walked over with a red face at this time, and said to the two of them: "I really don't know whether to call you smart or stupid, but now I have to say, well done, boys!"

Han Zhe and both laughed, they knew what the coach meant, if it was Bayer's arrangement, he would definitely choose to play a more stable two-point tactic and try to drag the Spurs into overtime, rather than betting on three points so aggressively!

"Congratulations to Han Zhe, congratulations to the Magic, their performance today is simply impeccable, with a perfect kill to bring the Spurs into the classic tie-break, Magic's counterattack made many people fall through the glasses, who would have thought that they would be able to tie seven in a 1:3 backward situation?"

"To be honest, I was also surprised by the last shot of the Magic, I, like the Spurs, thought that Han Zhe would make a shot, but I didn't expect the Magic to hand over the task of killing Afralo, although the first shot was wrong, but Afraro still withstood the pressure and seized the second chance, and he completed the task of killing. "


TNT is also nagging:

"The Spurs probably didn't expect the game to play like this, right?"

"Yes, I definitely didn't expect it, after 1:3, I thought that the Magic would be out of play this season, who knew that it would hit a tie-break, if this championship was lost, Popovich didn't know if he would beat all the Spurs players!"

"It's really possible, these two games can see that Popovich's anger is getting bigger and bigger, but it is understandable that a casual win is the championship, but now it is a tie-break, and I can't stand it!"

Spurs fans in front of the TV feel the same way, they all have the feeling of being powerless to complain, they were ready to celebrate the championship, but they became more and more angry, I don't know whether to scold the magic for being tenacious or the Spurs for not being angry!

On the contrary, Magic fans are happily beginning to look forward to the first championship, the previous support is just simply to support the team, in fact, there is no hope for the championship, I didn't expect the team to be so powerful, although it has been walking in the death line, but it just can't die!

Devos was no longer reserved, and couldn't help but rush to the field to interact with the fans with the players, and it can be seen that this old man is more excited today than he has earned 100 million!

The media at the scene also exclaimed that it was a magical moment, and to the Magic players, Afflaro became one of the spotlights today, and his stunner was worth a thousand dollars.

Of course, it is still difficult for Han Zhe to grab the limelight Aflaro, and there will always be the most reporters in front of him.

As for the Spurs, Popovich casually dealt with two reporters and left, seeing the coach's black face, the Spurs players dared to talk to reporters, and they slipped away perfunctory.

Throughout the ages, only the winner has the right to speak, and today it is the Magic who wins, and the Spurs don't want to continue to be embarrassed!_

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