"Welcome to Wild Monday Night, where we played today at Amway Arena in Orlando, and I have to say that Orlando is one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been to, and there's a really great team here, which fascinates me!"

As soon as the interim host Jerry "The King" Lawrehua arrived, there was a huge cheer in the audience, which was not only WWE fans, but also many local Magic fans in attendance.

The arena has been temporarily renovated and a ring has been erected in the center of the stadium, which is where the game is played today.

Lawler added, "We're going to have a couple of heavyweight bouts today, starting with Bullock Lesnar!"

As soon as Lawler's voice fell, a burst of applause broke out at the scene, and as the BGM sounded, a muscular man with a board inch appeared with arrogant steps.

The domestic audience also paid great attention to this round of the game, and the reason was needless to say, when they saw that the first one to appear was Dabu, they immediately discussed it.

"Dabu actually appeared at the opening, awesome!"

"Who's Dabu?"

"As soon as I looked upstairs, I knew that I hadn't seen WWE, Dabu is currently the top superstar in the WWE rankings, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person!"

"I'm curious about who his opponent is, ordinary people can't stand him!"

"Isn't it Han Zhe? Doesn't it mean that Han Zhe has another cage match besides Senna?"

"Dare to go up to Han Zhe, I blew up their headquarters, the difference in size is too big, isn't it abusive!"

Lawler didn't let everyone wait too long, and quickly said: "Lesnar is a humanoid beast, and it seems that the one who can fight the beast must at least be a big man..."

Before Lawler could finish speaking, Dabu snatched the microphone and lifted Lawler under the ring.

Lawler seemed to be unconvinced and wanted to rush forward, but after making eye contact with Dabu for a few seconds, he resolutely admitted and retreated.

Lawler's move was naturally booed by the audience.

Dabu proudly showed off his muscles, and then took the microphone and said: "I don't know who today's opponent is, because they kept it secret from me, but it doesn't matter, no matter who it is, as long as you dare to go to the ring, I will tear him to pieces, roar~!"

After Dabu finished speaking, the muscles of his whole body jumped, like an angry monster, causing countless fans to scream again and again.

Before the big cloth was finished, the background music sounded, and then the lights of the audience dimmed, and with the appearance of a pillar of light, a figure began to emerge, and when everyone saw who it was, the audience suddenly boiled.

I saw a super big man with a big belly, and he began to slowly run towards the ring.

CCTV was also broadcasting live, and when I saw this Su Qun, I couldn't help but exclaim: "Today is really a surprise night, I didn't expect Brother Da Xiu to make a comeback, this game has to be watched."

Zhang Weiping also smiled: "These two are both WWE heavyweight superstars, and the battle is indeed interesting!"

That's right, the one who is now playing is Big.Show., which is returning from injury.

This is simply a giant player, 213cm right, weighing up to 200kg, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Roshan, which makes the 193cm tall and 120kg weight Dazen look small.

Han Zhe's parents in front of the TV looked at each other, Han Zhe's participation in WWE was overwhelmingly reported, it was difficult for them to think about it or not, after hearing that this game was very dangerous, they called Han Zhe for the first time to ask.

Han Zhe replied that it was not dangerous at all, saying that WWE players are all weak chickens, but now just looking at this size, Han Zhe's parents have the urge to vomit blood.

Weak chickens?

Even if someone has this body size and lets you beat you, a fart is estimated to be able to break you down!

"Won't they let you fight a player like Da Xiu in a while?" Colo, who was backstage with Han Zhe, widened his eyes in surprise.

Han Zhe spread his hands and said: "These guys said to keep it mysterious, but they didn't say it, I only knew that they would fight with Senna in one game, and I don't know how to fight in the other one!"

Chloe was speechless at his nerves, saying he deserved to be killed.

Han Zhe was not worried, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm very strong, and these competitions are very performative, no one will really fight, otherwise with their strength, who can stand up with two punches." "

Kolo curled her mouth and didn't want to pay attention to him, she also watched WWE and knew what was going on, although it was a performance, it could also be called a fake fight and a real fall, the danger was as high as ever, and anyone on both sides who made a mistake was easily injured, such as Brother Da Xiu, who just broke his neck because of an accident, and then he came back from injury!

WWE players are all natural actors, and after seeing the big show on stage, Dabu showed a stunned expression, unconsciously took two steps back, and the microphone in his hand also slipped off the stage, and his look of shock and fear was perfectly interpreted by him.

After Daxiu climbed into the ring, Dabu's expression returned to fierceness, and both of them glared at each other viciously.

Daxiu bent down to pick up the microphone, smiled contemptuously, and said disdainfully: "Just now I heard that someone was going to tear his opponent to pieces, and now that I came, I only saw a fool who was on the surface!"


The scene burst into laughter.

Dabu looked enraged, his body squatted slightly, and his chest rose and fell violently, as if he was ready to pounce on him desperately.

Daxiu didn't look at him, and continued to turn his head to the audience: "I'm very disappointed in the alliance, I thought they would arrange a tough guy for me to welcome my return battle, and at worst, I have to arrange a man, but as a result, they chose a girl for me, I think this is a humiliation to me!"

The audience burst into laughter again, but they didn't expect the show to start humiliating Dabu, but this is exactly the plot that everyone likes to watch.

Dabu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and without waiting for Daxiu to continue talking nonsense, he flicked his back against the side rope (no, is it good), and rushed quickly behind Daxiu, seemingly ready to sneak attack.

The audience exclaimed, thinking that Daxiu would definitely suffer a big loss, but Daxiu seemed to have eyes behind him, threw the microphone, turned around and slammed his left arm hard, just hitting the rushing Dabu chest.

Dabu took a strong adamantine arm, and fell to the ring with a "bang", and Daxiu turned over and pounced on him and pressed him down.

The referee quickly climbed into the ring and began to slap the ground to read the seconds.

Many domestic viewers who watched WWE for the first time were confused, and said that this is the official start of the game?

If the big cloth can't get up, isn't the game over, it's too fast!

Many of them don't care how long these two fight, but they are all here to see Han Zhe, if Han Zhe comes to power and is knocked out like this, they look at the wool, isn't this looking forward to it for several days!_

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