Senna climbed into the ring, grabbed the folding stool and smashed it on Han Zhe's back.

Han Zhe suddenly fell to the ground, feeling a hot tingling sensation in his back, and through the close-up shot, he could see that Han Zhe's back was already red.

In fact, of course, Han Zhe can dodge this blow, but he can hide everything, what else is there to watch in this game?

The avid wrestling spectators came to see the fighters get beaten up in style.

The victory or defeat of this game is not to see who is strong in fighting, but to see who has good physical fitness, strong willpower, and who is more resistant to beating!

Han Zhe just bowed down and was about to get up, but was smashed to the ground by Senna again.

And this time, Han Zhe's back seemed to be rubbed by a stool, and blood flowed out all of a sudden.

When Senna was about to make up for it again, Han Zhe finally counterattacked and kicked Senna in the leg, and Senna suddenly fell to one knee.

Han Zhe took the opportunity to get up and sweep his legs to concentrate on Senna's chest, Senna suddenly fell to the ground, and the folding stool also fell.

Seeing Han Zhe pick up the folding stool, the audience immediately shouted wildly, and the commentary also shouted: "Han began to fight back, he picked up the folding stool, oh, Senna was hit in the head by the stool as soon as he got up, and fell to the ground again, we can see that Senna has broken his head and is bleeding, Han is really ruthless." "

Senna looked like his head was covered in blood, which was very scary, but Han Zhe knew that this was the same as his back, just a little bit of skin, and he was very measured just now, but he didn't dare to really smash the other party's head.

Senna looked as if he had lost his combat capability, lying on the ground and not moving.

Han Zhe did not continue to use the folding stool to mend the knife, but threw the folding stool under the stage.

The audience let out a sigh of disappointment, the so-called watching the excitement is not afraid of big things, they all hope that Han Zhe can continue to attack Senna with "weapons".

However, when Han Zhe walked out of the ring and dragged out a folding long table from below and spread it out in the ring, the audience climaxed again.

As expected, after Han Zhe set up the table, he grabbed Senna on the ground and put it on his shoulder.

Just as Han Zhe was about to smash Senna on the table, Senna seemed to suddenly wake up and gave Han Zhe a punch while struggling.

Han Zhe's center of gravity suddenly became unstable and began to shake, and then he couldn't bear it and let Senna successfully break free and land.

As soon as Senna landed, he immediately reflexively picked up Han Zhe and smashed it on the table, and the table shattered in response to the sound and broke into two.

Kolo, who was on the sidelines, couldn't help but cover his eyes, this fight was too violent!

The Internet also blew up:

"Where is this wrestling, hooligan fights don't have this momentum, I'm really worried that Han Zhe will be beaten to death. "

"It's not so serious, it's all used, otherwise the table would be so easy to break. "

"Even professional props ordinary people can't stand it, how dare ordinary people Han Zhe play like this. "

"I don't dare to look at it, the blood of the two is too terrible. "

"It's enjoyable, it's too enjoyable, this is the real tough guy, Han Zhe is really good. "

"I'm curious if there's a treasure chest under this ring, how can there be everything!"


Han Zhe rolled around the ring twice with his waist covered, and as soon as he got up, he heard many audience screams in horror.

Han Zhe didn't know what he was turning to, but the audience could see clearly that Senna once again took out a weapon from under the ring and went on stage, and this time the weapon was too terrifying, it was a hammer used to beat stones on the construction site.

McMahon and HHH and others on the sidelines were nervous, and the folding stool and table just now were actually harmless, at most they suffered some skin trauma.

But this thing is different, who can stand this iron lump if you accidentally beat it?

Fortunately, Senna didn't go up, and stomped heavily on the ground before attacking before hitting Han Zhe with a hammer.

Han Zhe knew that this was a secret signal, and having this kind of hint meant that the following attacks had to be dodged.

In the eyes of the audience, Han Zhe was like having eyes behind him, and when Senna rushed over, he turned sideways, just past Senna's hammer.

As soon as Senna rushed over, Han Zhe immediately chased a flying collision, and Senna flew under the ring with a hammer.

Fortunately, Senna reacted quickly and avoided the falling hammer with a roll, otherwise things would have been a big deal.

In fact, these are the dangers of WWE, if you don't pay attention, you can get hurt.

The audience kept screaming and never stopped, in their opinion, Han Zhe had just dodged the fatal blow, and Senna had another scene of horror, this game was too exciting.

To be honest, Han Zhe was also startled just now, it was supposed that the hammer flew out of the ring before Senna, but there was an accident, and the hammer handle tripped on the side rope, so Bisena fell to the ground, causing a lot of danger.

Since it's okay, of course the game has to go on.

Han Zhe ran out of the ring, lifted Senna up and stuffed him back into the ring, and then continued to throw and hit hard.

After this series of attacks, Han Zhe himself was out of breath, you must know that it is much harder to hold a big living person of more than 200 pounds and fall around than to hold a basketball.

Han Zhe originally thought that Senna was almost there, but when he stepped forward to suppress Senna, he broke free again.

Senna broke free, Han looked annoyed, and punched the ground twice, but Senna's never-say-die spirit was very commendable, and of course, Han's performance completely exceeded everyone's expectations, and he was a WWE superstar today. "

Then the two of them, who were both physically exhausted, began to attack back and forth like drunken punches.

It's not a show now, the two of them are indeed a little unable to keep up with their physical fitness, and they are struggling to persevere, and they don't want to admit defeat.

Han Zhe didn't want to give away his first championship ring, and Senna didn't want to bring the championship gold belt to Han Zhe, so the two are really competing now.

When Senna plucked up a bully to prepare for victory, Han Zhe, who looked exhausted, actually broke free.

Senna didn't want to continue to lift Han Zhe again, but his legs trembled due to physical exhaustion, and Han Zhe fell off as soon as he struggled.

After Han Zhe landed, he tried his best to rebound with the side rope, and kicked Senna directly off the ring with a flying kick.

Han Zhe stumbled down the ring to suppress it.

When the referee counted to three Sena and didn't break free, Ready-made suddenly erupted in earth-shattering cheers.

The major commentaries are also incredible, who would have thought that the layman Han Zhe actually defeated Senna in the iron cage match, the key is that everyone can see that this Senna should not have released water!_

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