Although the competition has ended, the heat has not diminished, not only Han Zhe and others were pursued by the media, but even Han Zhe's temporary teacher HHH is the focus of the media.

HHH Han Zhe spoke highly of him, saying that he was born to be a wrestler, and half-jokingly said that WWE was the best stage for Han Zhe.

Another person who was besieged by the media was the mourner, who was not in a good mood, and was annoyed by this group of reporters, so he simply quit the scene.

As for President McMahon, after dealing with the reporters, he went to talk to Devos.

When he heard McMahon constantly praising Han Zhe and always saying that he was still interested in the game, Devos said with a strange expression: "You don't want to make another cameo or directly poach from the league, do you? You know it's impossible, even if I promise Han, it is impossible to run to wrestle, and with all due respect, you can't afford to pay Han's salary at all." "

Devos's words are well-founded, and the annual salary of WWE's top stars is only a few million dollars, which is also the level of an NBA-colored player.

It's a joke to want the NBA Red Fried Chicken to jump ship.

Han Zhe's current annual salary is more than 10 million, and everyone knows that as long as the contract period expires, Han Zhe will inevitably have a top salary.

WWE and the NBA are indeed not at the same level in terms of revenue, don't look at WWE's request for Han Zhe to bid generously this time, but this is not a loss-making deal.

The high ticket prices and broadcast shares will make them a lot of money, not to mention that Han Zhe is equivalent to helping them promote it for free once, these businessmen will not do anything to lose money and make money.

McMahon laughed, "Devos, my friend, I didn't think about poaching because I would risk being killed by you." "

Devos also laughed, "I don't dare to kill you, but the magic fans and the big boss Xiao Hua may kill you, and Han is now not only our magic signboard, but also the league's signboard." "

Of course, this is a joke, and after laughing, McMahon said with a straight face: "Speaking of Mr. Xiao Hua, we have met a few times, but we don't have deep friendships, or you can pull the strings, and everyone will find a chance to sit." "

Devos was stunned for a moment, and didn't answer immediately, he was thinking about what this guy's purpose was, if he wanted to poach Han Zhe, everyone knew it was nonsense, this was impossible, Voss was not worried at all, even if there was no contract, Han Zhe couldn't go to WWE to fool around.

Seeing that Devos was silent, McMahon finally began to put his thoughts on one by one

Devos smiled and frowned, and the conversation between the two went smoothly, and at last there was a bit of a happy conversation.

Han Zhe and Senna got a lot closer after a relationship, and after the game, Senna took the initiative to invite Han Zhe to dinner, but Han Zhe shook his head.

Senna was a little disappointed, but Han Zhe said: "Although I am playing a wrestling match today, this is my territory, so I should treat you to this meal, if you want to find a chick, I will take you there, but you have to pay for it!"

This made Senna laugh.

Before the two could talk a few words, Luthor was not angry to interrupt, this was to let them take a shower and change clothes.

Han Zhe and the two looked at each other and smiled, both of them were bloodstained now, a little crazy, it was time to wash.


As expected, both the press and television were covered by yesterday's WWE.

The videos of the two games that Han Zhe participated in were also hot searches, especially the cage match, and the number of clicks instantly soared to the first place in Youtu.

The big multimedia is to praise the wonderful game and praise Han Zhe's dedication, after all, I thought that Han Zhe was going to the catwalk to make money, how do you know that the performance of these two goods is unexpected, this is really dry!

In fact, everyone knows that even if Han Zhe wants to lie down and pretend to be dead twice, WWE will not say anything, most viewers understand, after all, it is great for a layman to dare to stand in a ring with these muscle monsters.

Who knew that Han Zhe, the big dark horse, not only fought two games seriously, but also won them all, which is simply wonderful!

This is also the reason why the media loves to talk to Han Zhe, because you don't know what this guy will do next.

Of course, there will always be a group that is not unusual.

Some people condemned Han Zhe for not just thinking about making money, and risking his career to make a cameo appearance as an invincible fighter.

It is said that Han Zhe and WWE have partnered to hype, after all, Senna is a WWE old bird, you Han Zhe is a layman to win a battle maniac like Senna? This is obviously a plot arrangement!

Some people condemned McMahon for putting on too much of a show, and in order to build momentum, he even gave away the gold belt, yes, McMahon carried this pot.

Han Zhe looked at all kinds of news and laughed it off, he was already immune, because if you were serious with the media, Fei would make you half angry.

The so-called freedom of speech can also be seen as not having to bear the consequences for one's nonsense.

However, in general, this competition is beneficial to Han Zhe, not only earned a huge sum of 20 million, but his popularity has increased again, and many WWE viewers also like Han Zhe, the iron-blooded man. _

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